You can’t wait any longer! If you want to be a part of the Goodman Games presence at Gen Con 2020, you have to act now!
Time is getting short! And we want YOU to run events as a part of the show! And the deadline for submitting events is coming up soon! You MUST have them to us by Saturday, February 8! That is the final date that we can accept submissions to get them in the first wave of event registration, which is your best chance for getting them accepted and scheduled. Events posted after that date may not get accepted!
We’re looking for folks to run Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeon Crawl Classics Lankhmar, and Mutant Crawl Classics events at the show. This year we are especially looking for family-oriented events, low-level games, and events for new players. We want to see tables filled with all kinds of players rolling dice and having fun. If we can bring in new fans to the world of Dungeon Crawl Classics, so much the better!
Now, let’s remind you what’s in it for you:
If you run games for us at Gen Con, we’ll help you make it to the con! Specifically, if you run 4 sessions of DCC RPG, DCC Lankhmar or MCC RPG over the course of the con, you’ll get reimbursed for your badge—and we’ll also give you a $100 credit for housing. That’s right, we’re willing to pay for your badge and help with the housing cost. You just have to run 4 events at the show.
Interested? Email Taco Jon and submit your events. Tell us the adventure you’re running and the times you want.
You have until Saturday, February 8! Get those submissions into us now! We want to have the biggest and best show ever, and we need your help to make it happen. Join us at Gen Con 2020!
Con Dates: Thursday, July 30 to Sunday, August 2, 2020
Click here to submit your Goodman Games Gen Con 2020 events by February 8th!