Cover Art For Doom On The Warden!

Metamorphosis Alpha is the grand-daddy of all sci-fi role-playing games. Created by James M. Ward, it set the standard for non-fantasy games and has endured the test of time to remain a favorite among fans worldwide.

We’ve published classic Metamorphosis Alpha for years, putting out both softcover and hardcover versions of the core game and several expansions for it, including Epsilon City, the massively detailed location on the starship Warden. But we aren’t done visiting the stars.

Our next release for Metamorphosis Alpha is Doom on the Warden, by James M. Ward! You’ll find out more about it when it hits Kickstarter in the near future. For now, here is a preview of the cover art (which we already teased to our backers of the Epsilon City Kickstarter—a great reason to keep up with those updates!). This is “Tomb of Horrors in space”—the ultimate blend of horror and science fiction!

Look for more information soon. Now, let’s look at that cover!

Author: jmcdevitt

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