Game With Michael Curtis at ShireCon this Weekend!

It’s not really the mountains, but it does appear to be frightening…a frighteningly good time, that is!

The man behind The Shudder Mountains—aka, The Chained Coffin campaign setting—Michael Curtis, will be at ShireCon 2019 in the quaint town of Falls Village, CT. This one-day event takes place among the lovely Berkshires at The Falls Village Children’s Theater on Saturday, September 21st.

Michael will be running a special Shudder Mountains adventure designed for the con. You can experience his own version of fantasy-horror once in the morning and once in the evening at the show.

So if you are in the area of The Berkshires, take a day and drive into the countryside for some Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing fun!

WHAT: ShireCon
WHEN: Saturday, September 21
WHERE: Falls Village, CT

Author: pandabrett

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