There is something growing in Ohio. A feeling that hasn’t been felt there before. Something…tournament-y. The Origins 2019 Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament will soon begin!
Now, it is up to you to prepare. If you are playing in The Origins 2019 Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament you need to download and read the Player Packet. This is very important! If you have not read the packet, the odds of your demise is much, much greater! This is a competitive tournament, and as such your challengers will have done their best to succeed. Can you do no less? No! So, you need to download and read the Player Packet!
If you haven’t picked it up, we REALLY think you should download and read the Player Packet if you’re a part of The Origins 2019 Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament. Seriously. This is important.
The Origins 2019 Dungeon Crawl Classics Team Tournament begins Thursday, June 13th a 9:00am. Be prepared.
The feeling is real. The danger is growing. And the fun is about to begin! We will see you in Columbus, OH at Origins very soon!