DCC RPG 7th Printing To Be Print + PDF

Electronics are the way of the future! Even for things as seated in the roots of Appendix N as Dungeon Crawl Classics.

As we announced at Gen Con last year, we will offering electronic editions of our books whenever a print version is purchased, as long as the licensing arrangements allow it. And since there is no licensing arrangement to worry about, we’ve decided to let this one happen. 

Or, in other words, we’re excited to announce that the 7th printing of the DCC RPG core rulebook will be print + PDF. That’s right, if you pick up the newest printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics, you will receive a digital code to get a free copy of the rulebook. And that code means it doesn’t matter where you purchase your copy. We are partnering with DriveThruRPG to ensure that the free PDF edition is available wherever the book is purchased—whether purchased through a retailer or any other venue. You will be able to find the digital download code on the endsheet of the DCC 7th printing hardcover.

The new printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics is currently shipping from the printer and will be in stores soon! Look for it when the book is available!

Please note: as mentioned in the original announcement we unfortunately cannot apply this offer retroactively to previously released titles and backstock. It is only for current and new titles containing the coupon code.


Author: pandabrett

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