Our Valentine’s Day Card Special is Still Going!

This is a reminder that we bring you out of love. True love. The kind of love that can only be shared between a gaming company and their most loyal fans. 

Yeah, that kind of love.

Through February 14, 2019, any online purchase made of any physical product from Goodman Games will come complete with a custom DCC Valentine’s Day card—including an envelope! The card features some romantic dungeon artwork by the lovable Doug Kovacs, and has the simple message “Happy Valentine’s Day” on the inside. It’s the perfect way to show your feelings for the Judge or Judgess closest to you. (Emotionally, not physically. Unless those happen to be the same.) 

This promotion is only good for an order of a physical item. Sorry, no PDFs will do this time. And it is also only good while supplies last.

Looking for something to buy for that special someone? Here’s a few loving suggestions….

DCC 2018 Halloween Module: The Corpse That Love Built

It has love right in the title!

MCC #9: Evil of the Ancients

It’s an evil kind of love!

DCC 2018 Gen Con Program Guide 

It’s The Black Heart of Thakulon the Undying. It’s a heart! That is SO Valentine’s!

D.A.M.N. Magazine Spring/Summer 2108

Everyone loves cat people! They’re right there on the cover!

Don’t you just love those choices? And there are plenty of other great books to love, too! Head on over to our online store and check out what’s in stock! …with love.


Author: pandabrett

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