Road Crew News! Swag Updates and More!

Road Crew Update!
Name Tags, Penny Trays, Blacklight Posters, and Quick Start Rules!

Our Road Crew is the backbone of our team. The Road Crew is the front line, showing off their love of Dungeon Crawl Classics and Goodman Games at stores and events around the world. We recently sent a survey to our Road Crew members about what we as a company can do to help out, and they had some great suggestions. As we mentioned at the What’s New With Goodman Games seminar at Gen Con, we’re going to implement as many as we can right away! Here are four updates that Road Crew members can take advantage of immediately.

Game 13 – Custom Judge Pin

If you’ve seen us at Gen Con or any other show, you’ve noticed that we wear custom name tags. Well, here’s your chance to get a Goodman Games retro name tag with your name on it! This option was previously not working for all users but should now be fixed in the online store page.

Game 14 – DCC Take-A-Penny Tray

After our exciting Free RPG Day promotion of DCC Penny Trays, we had some left over, and the Road Crew gets to benefit! We’re now giving away TWO DCC Penny Trays for everyone who runs a 14th game. (One tray for you, one for your store!)

Free DCC Quick Start Rules

One of the goals of the Road Crew is to introduce the game to new players, so it would help to have rules for them, right? You spoke, and we listened. Any Road Crew judge running a DCC game at any level (whether your 1st or 14th) can request a batch of DCC Quick Start Rules for FREE! We encourage you to give these to your players as souvenirs of their game. We’ll ship out 6 DCC Quick Start Rules with each order.


Free Blacklight DCC RPG Poster

You want retro? We’ve got retro! Now available to any Road Crew who has run 5+ games, we’ve got our Blacklight DCC RPG Poster. This is our faux velvet DCC RPG poster that really does glow under black light! Plus, it looks great next a lava lamp. This is the same as the one we normally sell for $29.99, but now FREE for members of our Road Crew!

We’re happy to provide TWO for free to anyone who runs 5+ games. One for you and one for your local game store!

There you have it! Some great new additions to the Road Crew! We are always striving to do the best we can for our ambassadors, so a big thanks to everyone who responded to the survey.

Head on over to the Road Crew page to pick up your new swag!


Author: pandabrett

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