DCC Core Book Goes to 7th Printing


This isn’t our first time. It’s not even our second…or sixth. It’s lucky number seven.

The Dungeon Crawl Classics core rulebook has sold out…again! We have a handful of hardcover editions available for online sales, and a few set aside for Gen Con, but other than that, the warehouse is empty of hardcovers. Does that mean that there is no way for you to get ahold of your favorite role-playing game? Of course not! We still have plenty of DCC softcover volumes ready and available right now, but the hardcover is going to become scarce for a bit.

Since we did our last printing of the hardcover version about a year ago, we’ve had two printings of the softcover edition. And now it’s time for the hardcover to get another run of ink. The new printing of the hardcover will go to press shortly after Gen Con, and will mark the 7th printing of the DCC RPG core book.

Again, we still have a good supply of the softcover edition. There are even a few hardcovers as we type this, but not many, so grab those while they’re still in stock.

Look for details on the 7th printing of the Dungeon Crawl Classics hardcover after Gen Con!


Author: pandabrett

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