The Dark Master is Summoned by Spellburn!

Spellburn-Goodman-InterviewWe here at Goodman Games appreciate our Overlord. I MEAN DARK MASTER!! I mean…I mean…Joseph Goodman is like unto a god to us! That is….

Oh well, don’t smite me too hard, Dark Overlord. And not only that, but the folks over at Spellburn have take some time to interview the Headman himself, and help him to celebrate the fifth birthday for Dungeon Crawl Classics! It was five years ago on Free RPG Day that DCC was first unleashed upon the world, and nothing has been the same since. Joseph takes time to explain the origins of our beloved RPG, why they are the way they are, and even give a glimpse into the future! Well, as much as his dark powers allow, anyway….

Congratulations, Joseph! We couldn’t be happier to be a part of this. Go over and give him a listen at Spellburn right now!


Author: pandabrett

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