Updated Books? Yes! Have Some!


Greetings all! We have updated the PDF downloads for nine of our Dungeon Crawl Classics modules to the latest printings!

As you may know, many of our adventures are ‘modern classics’ that are continuously reprinted. With each new printing we make updates and occasionally add new material. We have updated the PDFs for several DCC modules to match the latest printings – whether 2nd, 3rd, or in some cases the 4th printing. We are always striving to not just produce quality new products, but to make sure that even products we’ve already released are the best they can be!

Getting access to the new files is easy. If you purchased through the Goodman Games online store, you can log into your account to download the latest version. If you purchased through RPG Now, Warehouse 23, or Paizo, we have provided updated PDFs to those vendors so they are able to update as well.

Curious as to what the latest printings are? Well, Space Wizard has the answer! Check out his latest intelligence report for details in the Space Wizard’s Guide to DCC Reprints!

Author: pandabrett

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