2017 Convention Schedule
Space Wizard has visited a thousand planets and now returns to Aereth with secret knowledge: where Goodman Games can be found on the convention circuit in 2017! On each of these dates at each of these places, cosmic syzygy will cause a portal to open from far lands and at least one Judge from Goodman Games will step through to provide fantastic adventures to those lucky enough!
Even Space Wizard does not have perfect knowledge of the mercurial Goodman Games beings, though. The stars might be right for other appearances as well! If you are an event organizer and you want Goodman Games Judges at your event, send Space Wizard a mystic missive at info@goodman-games.com to discover what the omens are.
Winter Con | Feb 11 | Rochester, MI |
DunDraCon | Feb 17-20 | San Ramon, CA |
Coast Con | Mar 3-5 | Biloxi, MS |
Gama Trade Show | Mar 13-17 | Las Vegas, NV |
Gary Con | Mar 23-26 | Lake Geneva, WI |
Who's Yer Con | Mar 31-Apr 2 | Indianapolis, IN |
Game King | Apr 15 | Fall River, MA |
Odyssey Con | Apr 28-30 | Madison, WI |
Momocon | May 25-28 | Atlanta, GA |
Kublacon | May 26-29 | Burlingame, CA |
North Texas RPG Con | Jun 1-4 | Dallas, TX |
Origins | Jun 14-18 | Columbus, OH |
Gen Con (HQ page) | Aug 17-20 | Indianapolis, IN |
Pacificon | Sep 1-4 | Santa Clara, CA |
Grand Con | Sep 15-17 | Grand Rapids, MI |
RinCon | Sep 29-Oct 1 | Tucson, AZ |
Fan Nexus | Oct 6-8 | Spokane, WA |
Big Bad Con | Oct 13-15 | Walnut Creek, CA |
Gamehole Con | Nov 2-5 | Madison, WI |
Mepacon Fall | Nov 10-12 | Scranton, PA |
U-Con | Nov 17-19 | Ann Arbor, MI |
Pax Unplugged | Nov 17-19 | Philadelphia, PA |