Drinking and Dragons Recap

Drinking and Dragons Recap

We had a fantastic time at Drinking and Dragons at the Seehund in New London, Connecticut! More than 50 gamers came out for the event and enjoyed great German food, RPGs, and board games. Judges Brendan LaSalle and Tim Deschene both ran DCC events for full tables. This was the kind of event that ride share apps were made for!

The 2017 World Tour is already underway, and agents of the Dark Master are everywhere! If you’d like us to come to your convention or store to run games, let us know and we’ll try to work it out.

Enjoy these pictures of Drinking and Dragons!

Drinking and DragonsDrinking and Dragons
Drinking and DragonsDrinking and Dragons
Drinking and DragonsDrinking and Dragons
Drinking and DragonsDrinking and Dragons
Drinking and DragonsDrinking and Dragons

Author: Dieter Zimmerman

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