The rest of the new releases and exclusives from Gen Con are now on sale in our online store! Some of these items are available in limited quantities, so make sure you order soon to be certain you get them. The items now on sale include: DCC #91: Journey to the Center of Aereth color cover and sketch cover, DCC #91.1: The Lost City of Barako, DCC hats (in navy, green, or brown), Metamorphosis Alpha crew hats with gold braiding, Metamorphosis Alpha 40th anniversary reprint, DCC lunch boxes (demon skull or module covers), Rat-Snake Lankhmar dice game, Grimtooth’s Tomb of the Warhammer, Judges Guild Book of Treasure Maps, Drain Chamber: Doug Kovacs Sketchbook, Devil’s Chapbook: Harley Stroh Designer Notebook, Scrivener of Strange Wor(l)ds: Michael Curtis Designer Notebook, and all the Gen Con t-shirts.