Hello... and questions.

There are over 50 DCC Adventures in print, including the main line (DCC #66.5 and up), the Holiday adventures, the Free RPG Day adventures, the new Horror line, and more! Suss them all out here!

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Hello... and questions.

Post by WHW4 »

I recently bought the core book and have been devouring it like a madman. Firstly, I want to say this is probably the first time I've read an RPG rulebook and immediately tried to set a game up to play. So kudos on that.

I recently ran the funnel adventure in the back of the book (Portal under the Stars) for my father-in-law and my wife. I also ran some characters in the adventure to learn the ropes, but had them take a backseat so as not to ruin any of the mystery of the game.

My question is really this... I'll be traveling to visit some family and won't have the opportunity to grab any adventures (they live waaaaaaay out in the boonies). I want to run the funnel again for my brothers and sisters,;but supposing they want more, what would be a good next step barring grabbing the actual modules for this fine rpg? Are there any really old modules that might be available that capture the same feel that I could use as a 1st thru 2nd level adventure? I have the material from Free RPG day, so there's something for 3rd level. Once they get some sessions under their belt, I'll feel more confident just winging it and letting them do whatever (that's usually how I run games, this is actually the first time I've used a module)

I plan on using the awesome campaign map/setting of Aereth that I found here on the site if that helps.

Hm. Reading over this post, I guess my request seems a little vague. Ah well, any help is appreciated. Once again, very awesome game you guys have here!
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Re: Hello... and questions.

Post by finarvyn »

WHW4 wrote:I'll be traveling to visit some family and won't have the opportunity to grab any adventures (they live waaaaaaay out in the boonies). I want to run the funnel again for my brothers and sisters,;but supposing they want more, what would be a good next step barring grabbing the actual modules for this fine rpg? Are there any really old modules that might be available that capture the same feel that I could use as a 1st thru 2nd level adventure?
As far as older adventures go, I did some playtest with some of the old TSR AD&D modules and things went well. I've also tried the older DCC RPG modules (for 3E) and they are decent as well.

The tricky thing is to capture the feel of DCC RPG, which many modules don't do so well.

If you can find any old AD&D Lankhmar modules, those should work pretty well. The old TSR module Castle Amber has been recommended as being pretty good.

You could probably find an old Call of Cthulhu module (or Age of Cthulhu if you shop Goodman Games) and convert it into a fantasy game. It would be a bit of a pain to convert, but it would have some of the right atmosphere.

There are a couple of modules out there you can buy in PDF format, if you're in a hurry. If you shop through DriveThruRPG or RPGNow you can pick those modules up inexpensively. Check the 3PP forum, but the ones that are out at this moment include (I think):
1. Attack of the Frawgs (Thick Skull)
2. Bone Hoard of the Dancing Horror (Purple Duck)
3. Sunken City adventures (Purple Sorcerer)
That help some?
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Hello... and questions.

Post by TheNobleDrake »

If you have the means (such as a laptop to take along, or a flash drive and a computer at your end destination) to utilize a PDF of an adventure, you can actually get the adventures released by Goodman Games thus far in PDF format for reasonable prices at drivthrurpg.com/rpgnow.com.

If that isn't the case, you've got monsters in the book and a prior willingness to "wing-it" so why not just wing-it?

If the rules are a little daunting to you, just drop the ones that don't strike you as necessary and go with the flow - you really can't mess up the game, especially not if you have ever run any RPG successfully (read: you ran and had fun, and the players had fun too).

It looks like a big, scary, rule-monster of a game... but it is really actually quite simple, straightforward, and streamlined - it's just thick paper and stuffed full of spells written out with ease of reference as a higher priority than word-count.
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