Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

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When did you first role-play?

in the 70s, at Gary's house
AD&D in the very early 80s, aka REAL old-timers
in 1982 (Erol Otus Red Box, D&D 9th printing)
when AD&D 2nd edition came out
when D&D 3rd edition came out
in the 21st century
I've never actually "role-played" yet, but I will!
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by headspice »

Voted '82 but realized I actually started in '80 w/ my brother and a friend in my Grandmother's garage w/ AD&D. That made my friend and me 18 and my brother 14.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by bill4935 »

My friend Norman got the Mentzer red box for Xmas '84. So I guess we first played in 1985.

Four years later we were playing nothing but Paranoia. Wow, I miss that crowd. I took so much friendly-fire in those days... :)
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Primus »

For me,it was the early 80's too... the Moldvay boxset with the 3 main AD&D books (dmg,mm,phb) all at once.I could never stop looking at the boxset cover art....still wondering what could be lurking beyond the stone archway in the background.As per the game, i was hooked when the first secret door was found!
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by ghostisluminous »

A friend Got the 1981 Revision box from his parents. We Didn't really understand the idea, but we were obsessed with it. We'd sit around and try to make sense of this weird game. Out of the blue, there was a class at the local community center on "How to play Dungeons and Dragons". After that, it was ON.

I was completely obsessed with D&D for a couple of years, then started branching out into other games as well ( initially Boot Hill and Gamma World!)
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Bilgewriggler »

I started off with Steve Jackson's Melee and Wizards pocket games in middle school, late 1970s. Then my best friend's brother showed us his AD&D character sheet, and I would not rest until my folks got me the three books. I've played every edition of D&D since, with 4e being the only one that wasn't a blast. I was working up a retro campaign to run 1e again with the reprints coming out when DCC showed up and became my new obsession.
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Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

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Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by AJClark »

1980 using a friends Holmes Basic Set then quickly moved to AD&D. I did end up getting my own Moldvay box set which I still have.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Ancalagon »

I began with Moldvay Basic in Spring of '82. Later that year I moved to AD&D and spent time playing both versions before going with AD&D full time.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by IronWolf »

Good to see all the folks starting with the Moldvay set!
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Aegoceros »

I started with Big Eyes, Small Mouth and Mage in high school, around 1998 to '99. These were brief things, a character gen followed by one or two sessions.

In college I picked up Call of Cthulhu, and ran weekly and sometimes twice weekly sessions for four years.

I first played D&D a year ago, when I discovered Swords & Wizardry and realized that the mutant behemoth that was Third Edition was not the be all and end all of Dungeons and/or Dragons. Using the WhiteBox I got hooked, which hooked in seven new players (four new to D&D and three new to roleplaying period).

Last night I ran the first session of DCC, and I am sold.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Pesky »

Summer of '78, the blue box. I had finished 4th grade. After about a half year I was moving on to AD&D.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by tovokas »

Welcome Aegoceros!
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Troll_Mage »

1979, actually started first with the AD&D DMG, with the demon w/sword on the cover. Had to go back and get the PH. Still enough to get me started with a friend and couple of siblings. Bought the MM as soon as it came out. In the early 80s I found the Compleat Strategist store in Falls Church, VA and bought the basic and expert sets, dragon magazines, etc.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Questor »

It was late '75. A friend had the LBB. I rolled up a character with high Dex so played a Thief. What fun!
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by DCCfan »

I started trying to play with older kids in the early 80's. Cousins, neighborhood kids, the sitter's son or pretty much anyone that would let me sit at the table. D&D was such a big deal back then. It seemed like everyone was playing it back then. It didn't happen very often and I never lived long. I think they just wanted to shut me up. I got the red box with the Elmore cover for Xmas in 83 I think and threw it in the closet until 85. I had given up trying to play by then and had other interests like Star Wars, G.I. Joe, and Transformers. Then a friend found it on a sleepover while looking for a board game to play in the back of my closet. We decided to try it and I have been playing ever since then. I was 12 years old.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by SavageRobby »

I didn't know the specific details of which at the time, but I do now.

We started with the Holmes box set in 79 or 80, then quickly moved to AD&D, but also played Moldvay B/E. We didn't actually know the differences between them all. :) As other games came out - Traveller, Star Frontiers, Boot Hill, Top Secret, CoC - we played those, but AD&D was always my first love.

I stopped gaming for almost a decade in the 90s. 3E brought me back into gaming, but I got out of 3E after the 3.5E money grab, and moved to Savage Worlds, which got me more into indie games ... which brought me back to OSR games, which brought me to DCC.

Love it here. :)
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by KnightErrantJR »

I started with the Erol Otus Red Box, but that was after my sister got it for Christmas and abandoned it when she found out the price of being "edgy" was actually reading the rulebooks . . . :lol:
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by finarvyn »

KnightErrantJR wrote:I started with the Erol Otus Red Box, but that was after my sister got it for Christmas and abandoned it when she found out the price of being "edgy" was actually reading the rulebooks . . . :lol:
Welcome to the boards. My sister thought that playing RPGs was kind of dumb back "in the day." Ironically she's part of my gaming group now, and has been for 15 years. (And when we go to gaming stores together, she often buys me stuff she wants me to run for the group.)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by KnightErrantJR »

I tried getting her into the hobby later. I ran a solo adventure for her, and kept throwing things in her favor to help her, but in the end, a lowly skeleton killed her character and she hung up her dice. To this day, even though she never became a gamer, she'll tell that story whenever RPGs get brought into a conversation. :wink:
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by storm_bringer »

Started in 1983. My friend's older brothers and one of their friends ran a weekly D&D game. Every Friday night from 5pm-7am Saturday. 14 hours that seemed like 4.

Later played some GURPS, but couldn't find a group.

Later still played Rolemaster with my future brother-in-laws and some of their friends.

MUCH later got re-intrested in D&D when my son briefly played 4th ED. I bought a few of the books and started reading. The only 4th ED I played was at a Con though. Again... couldn't find a group.

Recently just started playing DCC RPG. Lo-and-behold... I have a group now! Exciting times. I even hopped on the Reaper Kickstarter (can't wait for March)! I bought a few of the Bones minis and started painting them up for practice.

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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by blindelf »

Christmas 1978 I was 12 and a good friend and I both asked for and got the Holmes blue box
D&D set. Weekends at the dining room table became the center of our lives. So many adventures.
A few years later I had the 1st Ed hardcovers and I literally had those books
memorized from endlessly fiending over every page.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by finarvyn »

Aegoceros wrote:I discovered Swords & Wizardry and realized that the mutant behemoth that was Third Edition was not the be all and end all of Dungeons and/or Dragons. Using the WhiteBox I got hooked, which hooked in seven new players (four new to D&D and three new to roleplaying period).
I just noticed this. WhiteBox was my baby and I'm glad that you enjoyed it. 8)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by cjoepar »

I started in '77 or '78. I went to a game con with my uncle and we tried it out and I got the boxed set a few weeks later for my birthday. We had some great times with it, but one of my all time fondest memories was a 3 day stretch when school was closed due to a huge snow storm during my senior year of high school when we literally played non-stop for 3 days. I was making up dungeons as we went along.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by catseye yellow »

AD&D 2e with couple of friends in 1989. first we got hooked on SSI gold box pool of the radiance and then a friend of mine went to the states and got back with the rules. we played through ruins of adventure :)


stopped for a while and got back in 1995. Actually i never quit. I read dragons i could get and that sort of thing but i did not have anyone to game with me. it changed in 1995 when i found about local gaming club being founded. went there and never looked back. from then on: planescape, warhammer, shadowrun, unknown armies, cyberpunk 2020, rolemaster... anything. last four years OSR enthusiast.
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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by dark cauliflower »

I tink it was both basic and adnd at the same time. Its all a blur to me now. Smoke filled rooms, books randomly tossed on the floor. I got MERP later on, thought the random charts were cool. WH40K, after that.... now that was a book! Spent the 90's-00's buying sum 3rd and 4th edition dnd stuff, mainly for nostalgia purposes. Kinda felt sad about 4th... seemed real real different, couldn't connect with it. Started looking around at the OSR crowd stuff after not feeling to excited about the development of 5th. Took awhile but realised that DCC was probably the REAL deal for me.

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Re: Curious about the DCC RPG crowd...

Post by Griffith »

81 or thereabouts with Moldvay/Cook basic and expert box sets :mrgreen:
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