Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Dark Lord »

Raven_Crowking wrote: I've paid more for much less, with just as much errata, and with no hope of that errata getting addressed in the next printing. But I agree with you about the editing. That was....unfortunate, to say the least.

Rather than just feeling unhappy about it, though, what would you propose that Goodman Games now does? What do you think would be fair?

For me, I am not just feeling unhappy about it. I am happy with the book, I am really happy with the book.

What has slightly ruffled my feathers is the speed with which the 2nd printing, and errata has been fixed. I don't begrudge them for fixing errata and adding an index in the 2nd printing. That's a good company that does that.
I just think it would be nice to give a nod to the folks who bought an inferior product early, so the 2nd printing could be fixed up, shiny and new. That's all.

I don't think a PDF version is too much to ask. Those are in unlimited supply, and if the book is off to the printer they already exist.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Guys...the total rules errata document fits on a single page. In a 480 page book, I had to make minor touches to about 15-20 pages in order to fix all the issues noted in this thread (including spelling issues, etc. as well as rules).
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by TheNobleDrake »

A note that is likely relevant to ease Dark Lord's (in my opinion entirely unfounded) agitation: If you pre-ordered, you got the PDF for free - downloaded from a site that, in my experience, always allows re-downloading of your files at no additional cost every time they are updated by the publisher.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by finarvyn »

Dark Lord wrote:For me, I am not just feeling unhappy about it. I am happy with the book, I am really happy with the book.
As am I. In many ways, it's a lot cooler than I ever imagined it would be. The artwork is impressive, the rules mechanic simple.
Dark Lord wrote:What has slightly ruffled my feathers is the speed with which the 2nd printing, and errata has been fixed.
An odd statement. If the game hadn't been so popular, it would have taken a lot longer to sell out and thus would have taken a lot longer for a 2nd printing. And since there aren't many typos to fix, it makes sense to tweak the manuscript ASAP. A whole new book isn't needed, only the page or so of tweaks. I'm sure this will be posted here soon.
Dark Lord wrote:I just think it would be nice to give a nod to the folks who bought an inferior product early...
I wish folks would be more cautious with words like "inferior" in cases like this. Most books have some typos somewhere and it's unrealistic to think that this one wouldn't.

The first ever RPG, OD&D from 1974, had an errata sheet that came with it shortly after it was released and it was equivalent to a 56-page book and only around 1/8 the size of the DCC RPG. I'm not sure if they ever fixed all of the typos from one printing to the next.

I have the same objection to folks who claim that an rpg is "broken." I hear that about AD&D all the time. Really? So nobody could play it, yet people do all of the time. How does that work?

I'm just saying that sometimes innocent comments can get blown out of proportion and give folks a totally wrong impression of a product. Some folks are already freaked about the dice and how hard they think it is to play, let's not make them think the rulebook is inferior, too.
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Stainless »

I also hate typos in books. That's why I 'gladly' wait for corrected versions to be printed (I've waited for the 2.2 version of OSRIC (just released), I'll wait until next year for the second printing of Adventurer, Conqueror, King, and I'll gladly buy the second printing of DCC). Correcting mistakes in a second printing is professional and should always be done. Sadly, it often isn't and that's just plain sloppy and lax. But as Finarvyn has pointed out, the only reason DCC is being reprinted so fast is that it's been so popular and therefore sold out quickly. In fact, I prefer it this way; compare to ACKS, which won't be reprinted until next year so I will have to make do with the pdf until then. Also, the errata for DCC is comparatively small (as pointed out by Joseph). In fact, I think it's a credit to them considering how quickly the book was written (granted it was delayed, but there's a lot of content that was written in a relatively small time while Joseph also maintains a substantial day job and had a baby on the way/pop out just near the end).

But there are typos and there are typos. So I was gob-smacked to read rabindranath72's praising of Mongoose Publishing. The typos produced by Mongoose in ALL of their publications, kick you in the eye, usually within the first page. They even proudly provide preview copies of their books which contain glaring typos. It is good that they often try to fix the issues with free reprints (I don't know how they keep afloat with so many errors being made and then having to recover from them out of their own pocket), but really that's just trying to cover up for gross ineptitude in the first place. Perhaps, now that Charlotte Law has left the company, the editing proofing will improve (she was the editor on all the really poorly produced publications and where there's smoke, there's fire). I helped edit/proof the Zhodani supplement, and I know how much of a job it is, but I think you'll find it's one of the best edited/proofed Mongoose publication, so it can be done.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Dark Lord »

Yes, I see now how horrible asking for a PDF of the Index was.
Sorry to have offended you all.

I see now, the Forums of the product was not the proper place to say anything even remotely critical, no matter how watered down with praise.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by bitflipr »

I don't think anyone is offended. However, you can't expect everyone to agree with you.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Dark Lord »

finarvyn wrote:
Dark Lord wrote:What has slightly ruffled my feathers is the speed with which the 2nd printing, and errata has been fixed.
An odd statement. If the game hadn't been so popular, it would have taken a lot longer to sell out and thus would have taken a lot longer for a 2nd printing. And since there aren't many typos to fix, it makes sense to tweak the manuscript ASAP. A whole new book isn't needed, only the page or so of tweaks. I'm sure this will be posted here soon.
And you ignored or didn't read the part where I clarified my odd statement? Not sure, but let me elaborate again for you.
It is a sign of a good company to do that. And the speed with which it happened is also a sign of the popularity. It was a tiny bit annoying to ME...italics the first time for emphasis...that I was one of the reasons it was so popular and warranted a 2nd printing, along with the fact that I bought the $75, and I am the one without an index for a 470 page book.

Hardly odd, if you think about it that context.
finarvyn wrote:
Dark Lord wrote:I just think it would be nice to give a nod to the folks who bought an inferior product early...
I wish folks would be more cautious with words like "inferior" in cases like this. Most books have some typos somewhere and it's unrealistic to think that this one wouldn't.

The first ever RPG, OD&D from 1974, had an errata sheet that came with it shortly after it was released and it was equivalent to a 56-page book and only around 1/8 the size of the DCC RPG. I'm not sure if they ever fixed all of the typos from one printing to the next.

I have the same objection to folks who claim that an rpg is "broken." I hear that about AD&D all the time. Really? So nobody could play it, yet people do all of the time. How does that work?

I'm just saying that sometimes innocent comments can get blown out of proportion and give folks a totally wrong impression of a product. Some folks are already freaked about the dice and how hard they think it is to play, let's not make them think the rulebook is inferior, too.
I wish it wasn't so difficult to be MILDLY critical on an internet forum without a dogpile from a bunch of sycophants.

I LOVE THIS GAME! I am super excited about it, and I am directly responsible for selling two other people on it. I posted about it on my RPG groups web site repeatedly before I ever even owned it. Once I did own, it didn't disappoint. I love the "bad on purpose art" and I love the "good on purpose art." Goodman Games, successfully captured that old school feeling extremely well; not only on the table table top, but in subtle other ways in the book.

However, they missed out on a index...that's a legit criticism in any community I have ever been in.

Kudos to them for fixing it so quickly. Now, it shouldn't be hard to understand that somebody who bought the book in the first printing would want to have an index for himself.
It's also nowhere NEAR out of line to ask for a PDF of the 2nd printing (since it's an unlimited supply), let alone just the PDF.

So chill out. Nobody is knocking the product, or tearing anything down. I sang the praises of the book in that very post. Stop focusing on the negative and stop being so defensive.

Or don't. I seriously doubt I'll post here again anyway. I'm not a fan of places where even minor criticisms get shouted down and picked at. Yeesh.

Goodman Games, thank you for an excellent product. I am thoroughly enjoying, despite the way these folks have twisted my words to make it seem.

If you want to give me a PDF of the Index, I would be over the moon and would sing your praises on the internet once again. If not, I am still enjoying it and will look forward to buying future releases.

Sadly, this is the last time I'll post here tho. Good day. :mrgreen:
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Yes, the index will be available in PDF form along with the errata.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by finarvyn »

Dark Lord wrote:I wish it wasn't so difficult to be MILDLY critical on an internet forum without a dogpile from a bunch of sycophants.

So chill out. Nobody is knocking the product, or tearing anything down. I sang the praises of the book in that very post. Stop focusing on the negative and stop being so defensive.

Or don't. I seriously doubt I'll post here again anyway. I'm not a fan of places where even minor criticisms get shouted down and picked at. Yeesh.

Sadly, this is the last time I'll post here tho. Good day.
I'm deeply sorry if you felt picked on by myself or any other posters. I'm moderator on several boards and all of them are known as kind places to post without fear of getting blasted for it. This board is no exception. I implore you to stay and share your enthusiasm for the game.

My main objection was the use of the term "inferior" to describe the rules set. I know that you praised the game in other parts of the same post. I just felt that it was good to be cautious in the use of a word that might be picked up by those who don't like the game. "See, even the folks who play DCC think it's inferior."

Apologies if my comment was at all offensive. :oops:
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by rabindranath72 »

Stainless wrote: But there are typos and there are typos. So I was gob-smacked to read rabindranath72's praising of Mongoose Publishing. The typos produced by Mongoose in ALL of their publications, kick you in the eye, usually within the first page. They even proudly provide preview copies of their books which contain glaring typos. It is good that they often try to fix the issues with free reprints (I don't know how they keep afloat with so many errors being made and then having to recover from them out of their own pocket), but really that's just trying to cover up for gross ineptitude in the first place. Perhaps, now that Charlotte Law has left the company, the editing proofing will improve (she was the editor on all the really poorly produced publications and where there's smoke, there's fire). I helped edit/proof the Zhodani supplement, and I know how much of a job it is, but I think you'll find it's one of the best edited/proofed Mongoose publication, so it can be done.
Perhaps it wasn't clear that I was speaking about the Conan d20 game. The first printing had missing text, and some wrong rules. The errata did not exceed one or two pages. Yet Mongoose felt the need to address the problem by issuing a 2nd print and giving it at a huge discount to those who made it possible to arrive at the 2nd print in the first place in so short time, and who picked out the errors. Not much different from what is happening here. In the DCC case it's not just typos, it's missing text and wrong rules (and lack of an index.) The latter is a sore point: with today's software, it's simply sloppy practice to not have an index, the lack of which is particularly felt in so large a book. At least I managed to sell the book, though at a loss.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Colin »

Errata and Index pdf, as used in the 2nd printing, now available for download HERE!
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by finarvyn »

Colin wrote:Errata and Index pdf, as used in the 2nd printing, now available for download HERE!
Good news. I'll make sure it's in the first post of the thread as well so folks will find it! 8)
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by TheNobleDrake »

Three cheers for the Errata & Index!

Amusingly, one "jeer" as well - the errata on Mounted Combat needs errata itself: says "...a character rolls 1d10 if trained, or 1d20 if not trained..."

I make those little right words in the wrong order slip ups, verbally, about once a session on average so I got a kick out of seeing one in type.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

D'oh! Fixed.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by DCCfan »

Colin wrote:Errata and Index pdf, as used in the 2nd printing, now available for download HERE!
Thank You.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Juggalo78 »

Did any kind of clarification about demi humans and languages show up anywhere?

As far as needing a high enough INT to know it for free, but getting a free language regardless at 1st, but with your native tongue not being rollable on that chart?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Juggalo78 wrote:Did any kind of clarification about demi humans and languages show up anywhere?

As far as needing a high enough INT to know it for free, but getting a free language regardless at 1st, but with your native tongue not being rollable on that chart?
Here's the intent behind the rules. Let me know if I am misinterpreting your question:

0-level demi-humans: know Common + their racial language (if Int 8+) + additional languages (randomly determined) if Int 13+.

Level 1+ demi-humans: Learn one additional randomly determined language.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Juggalo78 »

Well I understand that but the problem with the way it's printed seems to be that if you have an INT of 7 or lower then you don't get your racial language. Then when you roll your 1st level free language it's impossible to roll it on the chart.(There is no number range that will offer elven to an elf for example) So a character with low int shows the ability to learn a new language at 1st level but NEVER is able to learn his native tongue.

Yet a dwarf(for example) with low int COULD roll elven for his free 1st level language. So it is easier for a dumb dwarf to learn elven than it is for a dumb elf to learn elven.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by GnomeBoy »

RULES QUOTE (from pg 440)

...Finally, some characters may also learn more languages when they advance to level 1 in a class, as noted below: level 1, demi-humans learn one additional language beyond Common, their racial language, and the languages earned by Int modifiers.
...The wording of which reinforces the idea that your demi-human characters get their racial languages automatically. They certainly do at first level (as per the listing in each race). The funnel is funny, because based on pg 20 it sounds like they might not know their own language if their INT is low. But it still sounds definitive that they have their own racial language under their belt at first level (which makes sense that they can't roll it on page 441).
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by goodmangames »

Yes, this is one of those places where the game design can go the route of "nice and logical" or "plays well." At some point I had "dumb demi-humans" getting their racial language instead of Common at 0-level...but then you end up with parties of 0-level characters that can't communicate with each other (i.e., the humans have Common and the demi-humans have racial languages and nobody can talk). A "nice and logical" approach of giving demi-humans both Common and their racial language makes sense until somebody rolls up a dumb dwarf...and then the question arises, "Why does this dwarf with Int 5 speak two languages?" (That happened in a game...)

The rules are correct as written. A dumb demi-human speaks Common so that he can talk to his 0-level buddies. And he ends up never learning his racial language. I suppose you could adjust the languages table to give him a chance to roll his native language...but then it's just a chance and the moment he doesn't roll his racial language, you end up with the same complaint ("Why does my dumb demi-human speak Common and Lizardman?" -- or whatever).

Call it the Dumb Demi-Human Dilemma. Hardly ever comes up in play and I don't think it's worth a clarification since it is so rare. If it does come in your game, house rule as you deem fit! Hopefully this makes the explanation more clear.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by GnomeBoy »

*shrugs shoulders* Just give 'em their racial language, too. It's still the case that they can't understand the big words...
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Stainless »

You could always view this rule in the same vein as Wales in the UK. Wales is a bilingual country. The road signs are given in both English and Welsh. However, many people (possibly the majority) who were born and bred in Wales, can not speak Welsh. Thus, one could envisage a similar elven culture that results in elves that can't speak elvish.
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by beshawn »

goodmangames wrote:Thanks to everyone for posting the errata identified in this thread. The second printing has been sent to the printer, and it addresses everything identified here (including an index). When I get a chance I will type out answers to the various open questions in this thread, as corrected in the second printing.

The first printing will likely sell out (from our warehouse) in the next 7-14 days. Get it while you can!

And Doug is working on a kickass new cover for the second alternate cover edition...
Was the second printing sent to the printer before the updates in PDF posted above? (Referring to the errata on the errata; will that be correct in next printing)? I'm still buying the 2nd printing, just curious 8)

How soon until the 2nd printing goes up for sale? (After 1st printing sells out, or will it be a few months?) ...and finally, will the new alternate cover come at the same time as regular second printing, or is that further into the future?
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Re: Stomp the typo / Errata & FAQ

Post by Colin »

beshawn wrote: ...and finally, will the new alternate cover come at the same time as regular second printing, or is that further into the future?
Couldn't answer the other questions, but can answer this one: Joseph posted in another thread that the first of the alt. cover 2nd printings will be out in October. The earlier 2nd printings will feature the same cover as the normal unlimited edition currently available.
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