Free RPG Day

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Re: Free RPG Day

Post by Doomwarden »

Looks like someone at RPG.Net was impressed... :D
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Re: Free RPG Day

Post by goodmangames »

Thanks for the play reports everyone! Great to hear the Adventure Starter is being well received.

I ran two games on Friday at Dicehead Games in Cleveland, TN. Great games! In the second session we used The Portal Under the Stars, the 0-level module you've all read by now. (We were playing one day before Free RPG Day so no one had read it yet.) I had 11 players and a total of 33 PCs. Up until this session, the biggest DCC RPG game I'd ever run was 28 PCs.

The game was hilarious, and lots of fun. The players went through the same "learning curve" as was described above - learning to realize their heroes were indeed quite vulnerable. After several PCs died at the very first door (blasted in the heat wave from the crystals), everybody got a LOT more cautious.

In fact, one player role-played his characters getting terrified by the mass death, then had them flee the dungeon before he got up and left the game! It was pretty funny. The other 10 players persevered and a total of 13 out of 33 PCs survived to the final room. Dicehead Games is a great store if you're ever near Knoxville.
Joseph Goodman
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Re: Free RPG Day

Post by mythfish »

goodmangames wrote:In fact, one player role-played his characters getting terrified by the mass death, then had them flee the dungeon before he got up and left the game! It was pretty funny. The other 10 players persevered and a total of 13 out of 33 PCs survived to the final room. Dicehead Games is a great store if you're ever near Knoxville.
I actually got to be a player in a session on Free RPG Day. We had 20 characters going through Portal, and were down to about 10 when we reached the final room. After seeing what was in the final room, and losing a couple more characters, the rest turned around and ran, deciding to give up the adventuring life forever.
Dieter Zimmerman
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Re: Free RPG Day

Post by smathis »

I ran "Portal Under the Stars" at the LGS Saturday evening. Only had 3 players but I still think they had a good time. I'm posting a Play Report tomorrow night. I got some good feedback from the players.

(Spoiler. Highlight below.)

The group got all the way to the Clay Army with only ONE fatality. :shock:

The last group that played the game had 3 before they'd even gotten into the first room. :shock:

I was seriously questioning my skills as a DM until that Clay Army room. That room killed about half the PCs all by itself before they started trying out different stuff and killed the warlord with a crit.

I don't know what it is but I NEVER roll well with Sssssisssssraug. The party killed him outright and he never rolled higher than a 7. WTF?!
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