DCC and Aereth.

There are over 50 DCC Adventures in print, including the main line (DCC #66.5 and up), the Holiday adventures, the Free RPG Day adventures, the new Horror line, and more! Suss them all out here!

Moderators: DJ LaBoss, finarvyn, michaelcurtis, Harley Stroh

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DCC and Aereth.

Post by Gizrond »

Has anyone determined where the Shudder Mountains would be on a map of Aereth? I realize they can essentially be anywhere there are mountains, but I'm wondering if they've already been marked on that map by another.

On a related note, is there list or a site anywhere that marks where the DCC published adventures would be on that map?
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Re: DCC and Aereth.

Post by herecomethejudge »

I don't think there's any such reference, but the good news is: it's up to your imagination.

What I've been doing is, roughly keeping track of any reference to how long a party has to travel in order to get from a town to a dungeon in the modules they've been working through and sketching out a map that way (how many miles is based on average party speed per the Core Rules). Now that we've done several, I've got sort of the start of a world mapped out with blank spots where I'll be putting other adventures they haven't done yet. Started as a sketch and now moving to Hexographer:

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Re: DCC and Aereth.

Post by Ozerulz »

I’ve kinda gotten the impression Goodman doesn’t want its own version of FR. I think DCC enjoys the random elements wherever they lead.
Your Aereth may not be the same as someone else’s Aereth and I think that’s the way he wants it.
It’s really pretty cool a creator can take that angle on something he created.
Mat Mobile
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Re: DCC and Aereth.

Post by Mat Mobile »

I agree with Ozerulz and herecomethejudge.

What I hate about FR is that there's sooo much history, that I'm scared to change/add or delete anything in case it interferes with a future adventure. The odd thing is, I also feel the need to always add the location of an adventure on the map. It's just common sense to know the location but it's more time consuming than you would expect (Analysis Paralysis).

I prefer running these 2-3 session adventures and stringing them together as well as possible without fussing about details. And I will be adopting that Hexographer tip herecomethejudge.
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Re: DCC and Aereth.

Post by herecomethejudge »

Mat Mobile wrote:What I hate about FR is that there's sooo much history, that I'm scared to change/add or delete anything in case it interferes with a future adventure. The odd thing is, I also feel the need to always add the location of an adventure on the map. It's just common sense to know the location but it's more time consuming than you would expect (Analysis Paralysis).
Couldn't agree more. I came into AD&D in the 90s, so 2nd edition. I tried to familiarize myself with the existing frameworks but quickly got overwhelmed with all the sourcebooks, like "How the hell am I supposed to remember all this?" and "How does anyone actually play all this?" I personally think the AD&D 1e rules are still way too complicated vs B/X, but at least at 1e, they didn't overburden players/DMs with all the background. Some can be fun, but it quickly becomes stifling IME. That kind of really detailed worldbuilding as pregen features are way better suited to computer RPGs, where there's no room for invention by the nature of the medium.
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