Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

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Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

Okay, let's jump into a FUNNEL!

Depending on how many players join in, we'll do 4 Zeroes per player -- if we get more than five players, we'll do 3 Zeroes. Hopefully, everyone can post every day or nearly so.

No need to post your Zeroes' stats (unless you want to for reference) beyond a short intro for folks to get an idea of who's in this mob ("Zigzag the gong-farmer is blond, lisps and carries an axe and a large sack," etc.). Spend your starting money on extra equipment as you like. It's all honor-system.

Once we have three or four folks on board, we'll dive in deeper...
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by StoneShield33 »

I would love to play. Have always wanted to play by post.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

You know I'm in, but I'd gladly concede my spot to one of the many who've been waiting for a new game

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »


But if we get "too many players" we just have everyone run three Zeroes instead...
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

Okay, we've got two...

And if you haven't already, subscribe to this thread so you know when there are new posts.

I'll see if I can scare up a another player or three.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by dsmith14469 »

I'll give it a go.
Rurik, dwarven rat-catcher AC11, HP4, STR 9, AG 13 (+1), STA 11, PER 8 (-1), INT 9, LUCK 12 (current 11), Club +0(1d4)
Carmac, cobbler AC10, HP3, STR 14 (+1), AG 9, STA 9, PER 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), LUCK 9, Awl +1(1d4+1) MARKED
Wilbure, turnip farmer AC11, HP3, STR 13 (+1), AG 14 (+1), STA 15 (+1), PER 11, INT 5 (-2), LUCK 6 (-1), Pitchfork +1(1d8+1)
Okar, grave digger AC10, HP1, STR 10, AG 10, STA 6 (-1), PER 9, INT 9, LUCK 11 (current 9), Shovel +0(1d4)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Ducaster »

I'll give it a Go :) Been an age since i did Play by Mail (or forum as the case may be)
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

Alright, everyone -- we have four, so let's get going!

If you haven't yet, knock together your four Zeroes in the method of your choice (rolling real dice, using Purple Sorcerer, grabbing a sheet from a pre-printed stack you've already got going, etc.).

If another player joins in, they should go ahead and make four Zeroes, too.

If more than one player joins before we start, everyone can randomly pick one Zero to "leave behind" (though if we have player attrition later, we may retcon that they did come along after all...).

As per typical for Funnels, your characters are all members of a small community, a small township in the wilderness, with assorted folks who live nearby outside of the town proper. The type of wilderness may be determined by the Occupations we wind up with -- lots of mariners and navigators or something? Must be a coastal town, etc. Trade passes through town with fair regularity.

Any questions, just fire away!

As soon as I know you've all got Zeroes prepped, we'll dig in.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Ducaster »

One set of Zero's ... -46-18.pdf

How much fleshing out do I need to do :)

Bundy and his cousin "Chip" have come to town to trade with someone from the squires household. "Chip" is trying to keep an eye on his cousin as repeated exposure to the mushrooms it has been said has turned the young dwarfs head on sideways.
They met Lupin on a previous visit and as he seemed to know a little bit of the dwarven tongue they bought him a drink. The smell of which was enough to make the poor weak human faint. Still when he awoke he knew they meant it as a kindness and agreed to introduce the dwaven traders to the youngest of the squires family the rather shy master Rodney du Stutterinslay.

So thats how my lot know each other. Whats others excuses :)
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Mack Littles (n) halfling glovemaker
Str12(0) Agi11(0) Sta9(0) Per9(0) Int8(-1) Luc11(0) AC10 HP1 Awl+0(1d4) Spd20 Init0 R0 F0 W0 Chain10'(30 gp), Glovesx4 , 38cp Common, Halfling, Infravision
Mr. Hammon (l) gongfarmer
Str14(+1) Agi13(+1) Sta16(+2) Per11(0) Int13(+1) Luc15(+1) AC11 HP6 Trowel+1(1d4+1) Spd30 Init1 R1 F2 W1 Flask(3 cp), Sack of night soil, 41cp (W+1) Common, Alignment
Brother Mordecai (l) beadle
Str14(+1) Agi8(-1) Sta8(-1) Per15(+1) Int8(-1) Luc13(+1) AC9 HP3 Staff+1(1d4+1) Spd30 Init-1 R-1 F-1 W1 Flask(3 cp), Holy Symbol, 38 cp (Turn unholy+1) Common
Smilin' Lyle (c) barber
Str8(-1) Agil10(0) Sta8(-1) Per10(0) Int7(-1) Luc13(+1) AC10 HP1 Razor-1(1d4-1) Spd30 Init0 R0 F-1 W0 Thieves' tools(25 gp), Scissors, 22 cp (Find secret doors+1) Common

Mr. Hammon cleans the cesspits at the local church, where he was converted by Brother Mordecai. Both share an affinity for the local lawful faith, spreading light to the heathens, and strong drink."Smilin'" Lyle is the shady barber with a checkered past. Let's just say he's been to a confession or two! "Mack" Littles is a germaphobic halfling who occasionally attends out of duty and has made or mended the gloves used in the varied trades of the other three at some point.

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

I'll wait til later today to start the first scene, to give time for folks to post.

It'll be no problem at all if someone joins in a bit after we start -- so no one should feel like they missed out!

And we can support one or two more players, too!
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by dsmith14469 »

Hopefully I will be able to keep up. I was generated a mishmash of characters through Purple Sorcerer.

Rurik is a Dwarven Rat Catcher, he dislikes the sun and prefers to work dusk to dawn.
Carmac the Cobbler is happy go lucky
Wilbure is a turnip farmer who is dim witted and reminds me of Gomer Pyle.
Okar is a Grave Digger who is thin and gangling.

When Okar has no graves to dig he helps toil the soil on the turnip farm while Carmac lazily watches and Rurik hunts the rats on the farm.

Rurik, dwarven rat-catcher AC11, HP4, STR 9, AG 13 (+1), STA 11, PER 8 (-1), INT 9, LUCK 12 (current 11), Club +0(1d4)
Carmac, cobbler AC10, HP3, STR 14 (+1), AG 9, STA 9, PER 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), LUCK 9, Awl +1(1d4+1) MARKED
Wilbure, turnip farmer AC11, HP3, STR 13 (+1), AG 14 (+1), STA 15 (+1), PER 11, INT 5 (-2), LUCK 6 (-1), Pitchfork +1(1d8+1)
Okar, grave digger AC10, HP1, STR 10, AG 10, STA 6 (-1), PER 9, INT 9, LUCK 11 (current 9), Shovel +0(1d4)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

So let's work with what we have...

Bundy and Chip have been selling mushrooms and stone masonry services around town, and unfortunately an hour ago Bundy's said something that the senior Grandfather Stutterinslay took entirely the wrong way...

So the Squire and the dwarfs and a few of the rest of you (jump in with two or more Zeroes, as thou wilt) have wound up in this big back and forth argument/discussion including Grandfather Stutterinslay. Someone tries to point out that Bundy could've meant something else, and Grandfather gets indignant — then someone tries to calm him down and is mistaken for slandering Chip and Bundy... and so on. It's not the sort of situation anyone's going to lose blood over, but the dwarfs have a professional reputation to defend and Grandfather is known for being cranky and hard to please and not being able to admit he's wrong...

All at once, the ground around the feet of those of you in this brouhaha starts to shift and subside and three bird-like creatures the size of eagles burrow up out of the ground! They've got leathery skin on their torsos and large bulbous eyes, and sharp, wicked little beaks. They take to the air in the confusion, circle and come back in, diving at the Zeroes!


Decide which of your Zeroes are present (Sorry, Ducaster, I rather roped you in for three!).

Roll Initiative for each group.

Let me know what your characters are doing. If they are attacking, make your attack rolls and damage rolls (we can get to Luck burn after the fact).

And make a roll-equal-or-under Luck check for each Zero present, letting me know by how much you made or missed the roll (3 under Luck, 2 over, dead-on, etc.)

For the birds, I got an initiative of 20!
Scout's honor!
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by dsmith14469 »

Carmac is there edging people on more than contributing to the discussion and Okar was walking by trying to ignore the conflict when the creatures burst out.

Init: 15
Carmac Luck: 6 over
Okar Luck: 4 under
Carmac Attack with an Awl (d20+1):19 Dam (d4+1):3
Okar Attack with a shovel (d20):5 Dam (d4): 4 (I know it will miss)
Rurik, dwarven rat-catcher AC11, HP4, STR 9, AG 13 (+1), STA 11, PER 8 (-1), INT 9, LUCK 12 (current 11), Club +0(1d4)
Carmac, cobbler AC10, HP3, STR 14 (+1), AG 9, STA 9, PER 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), LUCK 9, Awl +1(1d4+1) MARKED
Wilbure, turnip farmer AC11, HP3, STR 13 (+1), AG 14 (+1), STA 15 (+1), PER 11, INT 5 (-2), LUCK 6 (-1), Pitchfork +1(1d8+1)
Okar, grave digger AC10, HP1, STR 10, AG 10, STA 6 (-1), PER 9, INT 9, LUCK 11 (current 9), Shovel +0(1d4)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Ducaster »

GnomeBoy wrote:..snip...
All at once, the ground around the feet of those of you in this brouhaha starts to shift and subside and three bird-like creatures the size of eagles burrow up out of the ground! They've got leathery skin on their torsos and large bulbous eyes, and sharp, wicked little beaks. They take to the air in the confusion, circle and come back in, diving at the Zeroes!
OOC: Init: a whole giant 9!
Luck Check: Bundy 4 under, Chip 1 under, Rodney 5 Over!, Geoffrey Lupin 7 Over!! (goodnight sweet peasant!)

IC: "Stone Crows!" Screams Bundy as the dire critters wheel and turn towards the disorganised group."Yar getta awi' from ma mooshies varmits!" He yodels menacingly swatting at the nearest one with is staff. (d20+1):18 Dam (d4+2): 6 if it hits)

Stunned his cousin groaned. Bundy was having one of his turns again. No point in reasoning with him now he thought. Digging into his bag he rummaged through his rations. "Ah hah!" he grunted as he pulled out the pepper pot... (You can guess what he's gonna do next right? But you tell me if he can do it -if there is pepper in the pot- in one go?)

Rodney shook himself and seeing his old Grampa go almost purple with rage he steeled him self to account for himself as a good Stutterrinslay should!
"A-a-av-vast ye varlits" he spluttered drawing his sword and placing himself between the creatures and his old Grampa. (Full defence pose etc scared kid trying to look brave you get the idea..?)

Geoffray dives for cover and hides under a wagon or some such... (Not actually sure if he is present boss so playing it safe for this one :) )
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

"Mack" Littles, the halfling would likely have tried to mediate the argument- fighting being so dirty, after all. Smilin' Lyle would've poured gas on the fire, so to speak (the other two would've been involved in some religious observance elsewhere, I guess).

Both present brandish awl and razor and engage the mole-birds!

Mack: Luck=17, att (+1)=3 (miss?)
Lyle: Luck (+1)=7, att(-1)=8 dmg (-1)=2

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by StoneShield33 »

Rockla StoneShield-Dwarf Mushroom-Farmer. Has a huge temper and a huge heart.

Deepwell Burrfoot-Halfling Gypsy. Pure trouble.

Nate Tripper the Trapper. Real old and real unhappy about it. Has lived 10 years longer than he should have.

Ray Dungeon-Turnip Farmer. Always trying to figure out what he's trying to prove.

Init: 15


Rockla: 10 over...
Deepwell: 10 over
Nate: 6 over
Ray: 12 over

Rockla, having dealt with beasts trying to devour her crops her whole life, drops her staff, runs in and tries to land some big knuckles on that little beak for an 18 to hit(1 point of damage).

Deepwell is going to try to find a large rock to climb on top of and yell, "I, Deepwell Burrfoot, will be your doom!" and fire his sling. 5 to hit(1 point of damage).

Annoyed by the crowd and all the noise, Nate will fire off his sling, half-heartedly. 9 to hit(4 points of damage).

Ray Dungeon will close his eyes and rush in swinging his spear, thinking that his ex-wife would have been proud. 3 to hit(9 points of damage).

I've never played by post before and am unfamiliar with the forum. Let me know if you want more or less, different mechanics or layouts. Thanks again for running this.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by StoneShield33 »

If I subscribe to topic, will it alert when there is a new post?
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

Out of the pool of the unluckiest:

Carmac, Mack, and Ray are targeted by the gangly bird-things!

Respective Attack rolls: Carmac 16, Mack nat 20!, Ray 5

The birds dive past you, the gullets chugging, spitting some kind of bright green gloop at you! Carmac suffers 1 pt of damage from the speeding impact of it slapping his face! In Mack's case, the impact hits him in the ribs for 3 damage, crushing his sternum into his organs, killing him almost instantly. Ray is missed.

If Carmac survives that blow, please note down that his is "marked" -- which may have import later on...

Resolving your attacks in the next post...

StoneShield33 wrote:If I subscribe to topic, will it alert when there is a new post?
You should get an e-mail that there are new posts, just one e-mail for however many posts, until you check in and it resets.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

The birds swoop down and rip through the midst of the villagers...

Assuming Carmac was not killed, he stabs the one that spat at him, killing it!

Rockla punches another in mid-air(!) damaging it...

Bundy whips his staff through the air overhead and takes down a second bird!

Chip tries to scatter pepper in the air in the bird's path, trying to hamper them [good idea].

Mack the Halfling uses his awl to gut the damaged bird as it flies over his head, killing it.

Everyone's adrenaline is still pumping, but soon enough it becomes clear the threat is over. No more bird-things are clawing their way out of the earth, and nothing is in the sky to threaten you...

Grandpa Stutterinslay is winded from the shock, and is in no mood to continue bickering, so the argument is over. More important matters are at hand, with Mack dead.

A couple of days will pass until anything else out of the ordinary happens, so Carmac, if alive, will have time to heal that 1 hp damage.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by dsmith14469 »

Carmac will survive, he started with 3 hp
Rurik, dwarven rat-catcher AC11, HP4, STR 9, AG 13 (+1), STA 11, PER 8 (-1), INT 9, LUCK 12 (current 11), Club +0(1d4)
Carmac, cobbler AC10, HP3, STR 14 (+1), AG 9, STA 9, PER 14 (+1), INT 14 (+1), LUCK 9, Awl +1(1d4+1) MARKED
Wilbure, turnip farmer AC11, HP3, STR 13 (+1), AG 14 (+1), STA 15 (+1), PER 11, INT 5 (-2), LUCK 6 (-1), Pitchfork +1(1d8+1)
Okar, grave digger AC10, HP1, STR 10, AG 10, STA 6 (-1), PER 9, INT 9, LUCK 11 (current 9), Shovel +0(1d4)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Ducaster »

Rodney looks on aghast as for all his brave posturing the threat to Grampa was vanquished by mere peasants.... Eyeing the hole in the ground he seriously considered jumping in it the shame was so great...

Bundy cackled like a manic and kicked the dead Stone Crow (Serious did nobody get the joke or is it just a British thing??) nearest him "Nae boody get ma mooshies pally.."

Seeing his cousin calming down Chip dusted himself off and suppressed a sneeze, "Ok every one calm down the threats...." his gruff voice trailed off as he saw what remained of poor Mack "...oooh Bugger" he finished.

Geoffrey crawled out from under the tarpaulin and surveyed the scene. Such a thing was unheard of in their sleepy little community! Seeing his dead countryman the simple farmer felt a surge of rage that once again the little guy got picked on while the great and mighty stood looking on. Shooting a venomous glance at the squire he scuttled over to attend to the deceased's body.

(Flavor post cos that's what I do. No need to reply unless you want to. Boss let me know if this is not in the style you wan for the game :) )
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Joined by Mr. Hammon, Brother Mordecai comes along to claim Mack's body (and possessions) and speaks a few words over the body. He then prepares to pay Okar the gravedigger 1 silver to bury him.

I assume since we have so many dwarves and earthy professions, Daenthar is an appropriate lawful faith, so...

Brother Mordecai: "These foul, er...fowl flew staight outa the ground, ye say? An abomination to the Mountainlord's bossom, I tell'ee! Steel yerselves, lads, this be a bad omen indeed...."

Mr. Hammon grunts his assent, several paces apart on account of the stench of his profession, while Lyle works a coin he filched from the dead halfling in his fingers.

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by GnomeBoy »

Absolutely add as much flavor text as you can! It really makes things come alive and is certainly more fun than just a process of hits and misses and door openings, etc....

And honestly, it must be a British thing, I did not get the stone crow reference... Google says it's colloquial to express "surprise" etc. :wink: I just thought that was how the character (mis-)saw the birds! :mrgreen:

Okay, so a couple days pass...

A cart pulls into town, a single horse, a single driver up on the top of the rickety, weather-beaten, box-shaped cart. All around the sides of it are hung pots and pans and implements of all sorts, clanging away. Wilbury has come to sell his iron wares again!

The dusty, old panhandler sets up "shop" and bit by bit folks start rolling up. These kinds of things are available in town, but those who can help like to help out the traveling salesman -- he's been coming by like clockwork for so many years, and he always has funny stories of the road to tell.

He's in the middle of telling the tale of his first wife, Magarita, when something odd happens.

Randomly pick two of your Zeroes to be either looking over the wares or else just near by for whatever reason you like.

From down the road you hear a shout and a scream. Looking in that direction, you see a huge dog-like thing the size of Wilbury's cart, where it's eyes should be are two massive cysts half-filled with fluid.

The beast, it's tongue hanging out, is charging right for the cart!

Okay, roll initiative and let me know what the first thing you're doing is...
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

Link: Here Be 100+ DCC Monsters - The Home of Inner Ham
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Fenris Ulfhamr
Cold-Blooded Diabolist
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Re: Funnel Game: MUTATIS MUNDI....

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Apparently Mordecai and Lyle are at the cart when the beast attacks (I rolled a D3 to exclude a random pc), Mr. Hammon likely neck-deep in something equally unpleasant

With a mumbled prayer under his breath, Mordecai will try to side-step the beast as it hits the cart and jab it in the ribs with his staff:
att+1=11, dmg+1=2
With a mumbled curse under his breath, Lyle will attempt to scramble on top of the cart, thinking maybe to leap upon the beast, or just be out of harms way for the moment:

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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