Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

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Fenris Ulfhamr
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Moarbanez surges forward with a howl, banner flapping in one hand sword in the other. Palm to furred face, Dara falls in behind him as he runs heedlessly past her. The remaining pack move up three abreast, attempting to maintain a defense backline formation.

I'm rather bad at first impressions, lol :mrgreen:

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Toby will shush everyone in the room as best he's able. Kelven, for one, is slow on the uptake and continues murmuring complaints about the armor that is now protecting him...

"Sounds of several someones coming this way...!"

Lucius tries to think what sort of tool might use a rock shaped like this. [If relevant, an Int roll for him comes up a, ahem, 7.]

Havarth, practicing the weight and balance of his new glaive, moves over to where Toby is by the doorway.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Upon examining Lucius' stone, Nurzual says: Either this is the work of rather a poor lapidarist, or perhaps this stone functions as some form of key or token. Further conjecture may need to wait, though, it seems.

Putting away the shard, he then takes what I calculate to be the only remaining weapon, a 2-handed sword.

Jingles will ready her wooden longsword for what sounds like the possibility of impending combat.

Brandybland moves closer to the door with her glaive, emboldened by her new armor and weaponry.

Qort lowers himself into the drain once more, then waits a moment to see if his eyes adjust to the dark and let him see anything. If yes, and the strekleon is out of the way, he'll let go and drop into the water. If yes, and the strekleon is still right below him, he'll wait for it to swim away. If no, and everything is black, he'll cross his fingers and let go anyway.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

May Fortune favor the foolish... :wink:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Duke looks at jingles' fake sword, Here, I can't use this and hold a torch anyway she hands Jingles her battle axe and then swipes Blackthorn's flint spear.

Blacthorn glares at her, and signals for her to be quiet with a finger to his lips, and readies his sword.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Fenris Ulfhamr
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Darag claws the air in attempt to catch Moarbanez as he flies by, howling with battle-crazed excitement. Arvis barks a short, commanding set of syllables at the charging kith...
Arvis: :x "Hættu! Bíðið!!"
...which Moarbanez ignores howling all the louder. Beega and Kolo clutch their stone weapons tightly and press their formation closer to the larger Arvis.
Moarbanez howls: :twisted: "Arooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(I will try to limit the speech between my kith to actions and emoticons until/unless a common language is found)
Last edited by Fenris Ulfhamr on Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Sorry for not updating last night; there'll be one tonight!
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Actually, you know what... aside from enforcing rounds, (and it is the next one), I'm going to let this Kith / (Demi)Human interaction play out. Unless a skill check is called for, or description needed, go for it.

The hallway between the sand-trap room and the armory is about 30 feet long, and in the middle is an unlit side-passage leading to the human's right (or kith's left). Please continue :)

Down that very same hall, at the opposite end, is the opening to the drain. Qort has just splashed into the water and the Strekleon is hauling itself up onto the platform near the hallway entrance. It's very dark, but your eyes are adjusting to the threadbare light coming down from above. You have a sinking feeling in your gut and your survival sense tells you something's not right.

When the party comes into sight of the Kith Warbanner, I'd like to explain what exactly they're made of, so the effect is complete.

What will the parties do?
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Havarth puts his hand on Brandybland's shoulder and whispers to the crowd by the door, "whatever that is running this way, when we hear it getting within 10 feet of this door, we jump out and all of us stab at it. That way, however big it is, maybe we'll kill it!"

Havarth and Toby get ready to do just that.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Brandybland: Will we all fit through the doorway at once?

Nurzual: That seems a tricky gem to set. Why don't we lie in wait just within the doorway and wait for it to poke its head in?

Jingles: I'm not jumping anywhere with this huge fricking sword ... I can barely lift it!

Brandybland remains at her place in the ranks near the door. Nurzual and Jingles hang back from the front line by 10 feet or so.

Qort belatedly realizes that if they regularly dump the losers of gladiatorial games through this hole to be rid of the bodies ... there should probably be a giant heap of bones under the opening. But there aren't. Why not?

Qort (quietly, to himself): Maybe the water is just really deep?

He swims after the Strekleon, hoping to reach the ledge Jingles spoke of.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Fenris Ulfhamr
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Moarbanez bursts into the room with warbanner held high, his blade at the ready! His already dark fur is darker for the blood that mattes it now and battle-lust widens both his eyes and crazed grin...
Moarbanez: :twisted: "Dauð eða dýrð!"

Darag remains a pace back, uncertain of what may be lurking back, yet unwilling to abandon her reckless clanmate completely.
Darag: :roll: "Heimskingjan mun fá okkur drepinn ennþá..."

The rest of the band hastens their step to reinforce the charging kith with grim determination.
Arvis: :| "Ekki mun allt falla á þessum degi."
Last edited by Fenris Ulfhamr on Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Blackthorn readies his weapon and braces for another round of fighting, Duke stands behind him holding the torch in her off hand, spear at the ready, be strong, Blackshield.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Kith War Banners

Since you're about to make first contact with each other, it might be relevant to know that Kith are very proud of their banners. While there is no formal heraldry, the pole is often decorated with trophies of the group's hunting (especially rival Kith that they've slain); the flag itself it usually made out of the skin of slain rivals. Decorative patterns tend to describe the group's feats and their viciousness. A Kith War Banner conveys the status of the group carrying it--for an experienced warband, it would be an utterly terrifying sight.

Describe your banner!
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Update 14

I want to continue to let the interaction play out here, but since the humans were preparing for an ambush, let me know if you have any triggered actions you want to have play out now!

As Qort pulls himself up on to the ledge with his Strekleon companion, he feels a vicious claw swipe by his foot, cutting his ankle. Something tried to grab you, and very nearly succeeded. You realize you're not alone. Ahead of you lies the darkness of the substructure; you would have to feel your way through the dark. Behind you lies the pool of water and certain death. You're unsure if the creature is bound by the water, but ahead of you doesn't sound any better. You hear the echoing hoots and hollers of the Kith warband as they prepare to meet your friends for the first time.

What will you do?
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Havarth leaps out and stabs the humanoid thing, as was his plan.

Attack Roll: 6! :lol:

Toby is hemmed in by the fact that no one else moved forward.... 8)
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Surprise Round
Since it seems like some stabbing might take effect, I'll offer the human side a surprise round.

Everyone please roll initiative, and we'll let the humans have their round.

I will, of course, roll for mysterious thing that tried to grab Qort.

Creature rolls: 19+2 = 21 (not acting during the surprise round).

Qort won't act during the surprise round as he was not a part of the ambush.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

I roll 15 + 1 for Qort's enhanced agility = 16. If you want a separate roll for the group in the meatgrinder, I mean, mannequin room, that roll is 14.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

As Moarbanez comes into view, so too does his grisly standard. A gnarled staff-like thing topped with the skull of some unnameable four-horned beast slain at the warband's initiation serves as its mast; from each branch of the beast's sprawling rack dangle bone charms and metal bangles with unknowable religious significance. A curling spinal column composed of the vertebrae of dozens of creatures curls about the staff in a spiral that nearly matches its length. The horror that is the banner itself is stitched together from the faces of fallen foes and painted with bright red arcane sigils, the trailing edge adorned by trophies of dried tongues giving the effect of gruesome tassels.

The kith warband Init=4

DEATH OR GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: ...but likely death, lol.

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

I may have to replace the final battle I had planned with "Fenris goes Hog Wild." ...
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

TerraGoetia wrote:I may have to replace the final battle I had planned with "Fenris goes Hog Wild." ...
I've been guilty of such before, but I'm just playing kith (with what little I know about them) to the HILT! :mrgreen: All my kith were in the arena for different reasons and may have different motivations, but who can say? (I'll PM you :wink:)

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

My troupe got a 6 for Initiative...

Clearly Havarth is thrown off by seeing something he simply couldn't have predicted in that standard, thus explaining his lousy attack roll despite having plenty of advantages. :mrgreen:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Waiting on Blackthorn and surprises can give their actions.
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

I GOT A 16 for initiative.

Blackthorn waits for an enemy to present itself, raises his sword above his head ready to strike and yells SURRENDER!

Duke waits for an enemy to present itself, raises her weapon above her head and yells, I SURRENDER!
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Brandybland, seeing another of the horrifying creatures from the fight in the room above, can only assume the worst, and slashes at it with her glaive.

Natural 1.

Fumble roll is a 4, and she swings the glaive's head into the stone floor, snapping it from the haft.

Nurzual attempts a glaive attack as well, and gets a hit with an 18. Damage roll is 8, dropping the foe instantly. Startled by his own success, he cries: These ones are much easier to kill than the ones up above! Perhaps we can scare them off with their own frightful banner!

Jingles catches his meaning immediately, drops her unwieldy 2-handed sword, and grabs up the fallen warbanner, stepping back to wave it boldly from the second line.

Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
Posts: 233
Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:25 am

Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

(Blackthorn, Duke is hilarious!)
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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