Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Thelonious, Kettering, Liebgott, Duke, and Blackthorn -- Initiative 13+1=14
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Jingles, Nurzual, Snooth, Qort, and Brandybland: 4.

(As an aside, I just scrolled back over my characters and realized for the first time that out of my whole crew, I rolled only 3 stats with positive modifiers ... 2 of the 3 on Jingles, a halfling whose class won't really use them! Meanwhile, I rolled 9 negative stats, including 2 negative 2's on the same character. So my 4 initiative doesn't surprise me. :? )
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

The fickle gods of DCC will probably insure that Qort the Healer is the last man standing out of the entire group.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

My clutch of Zeroes rolled a 19!

Of course, at the moment, we're all back in the first room, still. But the sound of battle or a call from one of our fellow captives would bring them running... :wink:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Waiting on Soulcatcher to get their initiative, then we go.
Talking is a free action for short dialog. Feel free to talk out of turn!
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Jingles: That sounded like some kind of war-cry!

Qort: Moo?

Jingles: No, the bit after the moo.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

If allowed to talk out of turn and initiative order, Kettering, having the lowest IQ in my group (and thus being the biggest know-it-all), will cry out, "to arms! A Grizzlynargle is upon us!" If this is not allowed he will do so if he is still alive at initiative 14.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

You can say short dialog out of turn order; just no speeches :)
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Combat Round 1: Kith's turn
The kith moves towards the party (30', placing him 25 feet from your front line) and attempts to throw his spear at Duke.

Attack roll: 1.

The throw is short and the spear lands at your feet. The kith tumbles forward, off balance, (+2 to attack rolls on this target for one round).

Gnomeboy's characters are next.

Note that this target's Armor Class is 13. Feel free to roll damage if your hit succeeds.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

I'm happy to be patient if everyone else is, but maybe if 24 hours goes by, we could revise the initiative order?
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

It's been a day since my last update. Let's bump Gnomeboy to initiative 2 so others can play :) .

Blackthorn's characters are next.
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Kettering charges the Grizzlynargle and attacks with a fake 2 handed sword: 7+1(STR) = 8 miss
Liebgott follows suit attacking the Grizzlynargle with a fake two-handed sword: 15+2(STR) = 17 hits for (1d10)8+2(STR) = 10 damage [assuming fake swords do normal damage]
Thelonious tries to slip in an attack as well with a separ: 18 hits for (1d8) 6 damage [again assuming damage is consistent with normal weapons]
Duke hides behind the door for cover waiting for the dust to settle
Blackthorn observes from the door facing trying to stay behind cover and out of the way of other warriors that might want to move into the fray.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

The fake two-hander shatters as Liebgott smashes the creature. Thelonious finishes the job with the spear, leaving the creature in a pool of blood.

The Kith leaves behind a flint spear, a flint dagger, a capped waterskin, and Leibgott's cow.

The combat is over, everyone can take the next turn's action.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Jingles, Qort, and Brandybland rush out ready to do battle. Seeing the felled kith, Jinggles says, "Good job! Clearly, you gentlemen are doughty sorts, and should lead the way! I suggest that right-hand passage."

Brandybland notices the kith's leather scrap outfit and examines it to see if it would make good shoe-leather.

If no one has already done so (Blackthorn's characters having been closest to the body), Qort takes the waterskin and immediately begins drinking.

Nurzual and Snooth equip themselves with wooden spears and move warily to the doorway of the cell.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Duke agrees, "I can only assume the ramp leads to the arena floor. We may be doomed to it soon, but perhaps we can at least scrounge some better equipment first"
Blacktorn takes the torch from the ground to help light the way.
Liebgott replaces his destroyed weapon with the flint spear, "does anyone need this flint dagger? I'm sure it will serve more faithfully than the junk weapons we found."
The group gets into marching order and will embark when the rest of the party is ready:
(Front to back)
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Sir Kelven struggles to keep Toby, Stinky Pete, and the rest in front of him as they move up the hall and into the chamber.

Lucius seeing the offered dagger gets a gleam in his eye like the world is showing him something he never thought he'd see... "I'll gladly weild that dagger."

Kelven says, "the right passage seems as good as any. Let's go." However, whichever way the party goes, he continues to try to herd the others before him...

[Friday did NOT go as planned] : /
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Update 6

Brandybland learns that the leather is tough and resilient; it's not comfortable to wear,
but with some chemical treatments that could be changed.

Qort drinks from the waterskin and learns that the liquid inside is not water--it is a white, milky substance with an earthy aftertaste. The small amount that you tasted has no effect on you yet.

The party trades equipment around as mentioned, making use of the flint spear and dagger.

With the torch, the party is able to see clearly:
-The path to the right (east) is blocked by heavy rubble. It would take tools and possibly explosives to clear the way. Since Sunny Jim was a Dwarven Miner, he could tell you that path has not been cleared for centuries.
-The path to the left (west) is blocked by light rubble. The party could clear it, if they were willing to risk shifting debris.
-The drain beneath the center of the circular chamber drops quite some distance. You cannot see the bottom from this view. It smells like stale water and rust.
-The carnage of the arena lies to the north. You are able to see several dozen combatants of several races involved in the struggle against each other. THere are also spinning traps that raise and lower from the sands; you can see enough of the audience to assume they're all the same as the creature you just felled. The purple skies are tinted by a double-lunar eclipse.

What will the party do?

I'm not going to wait for Soulcatcher's input--they seem to not be available lately.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Suddenly recalling that he is a healer, Qort ponders whether the milky substance might be familiar -- medicinal, perhaps. He rolls a 15 using his healer's skill to identify it, -1 for intelligence = 14.

Brandybland attempts to quickly strip the kith of its armor and don the stuff, uncomfortable or not.

Nurzual looks into the drain, then glances up at the ramp, then moves toward (but not directly adjacent to) the left doorway.

Nurzual: Since the known looks decidedly inhospitable, I suggest we choose the unknown that has at least been designed for persons to pass through. As it looks unstable, I recommend we try to clear it from beyond arm's length using these wooden spears. Or we could attempt to stampede the cow through it.

Snooth agrees and prods at the rubble in the left-hand doorway, attempting to dislodge it without getting too close.

Jingles takes out her rope and ties one end about her waist.

Jingles: If a couple of you stronger sorts will lower me carefully down, I can have a look at whether the hole in the floor leads anywhere.

She will wait until at least two strong-looking or three average-looking volunteers take hold of the rope before she attempts a descent.
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Toby and Lucius, both visibly young and strong offer to help Jingles with the rope, Toby adding, "a third to anchor would not go amiss..."
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Liebgott and Kettering will also assist in the lowering to help insure a safe descent and potentially a speedy withdrawal.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Wow, everyone's replying quickly today! I may as well process your actions as long as everybody's got theirs done!

Update 7

Qort is able to identify that the liquid is a non-animal "milk" product like coconut milk. It's probably a fairly nutritious and safe drink, given the creature was carrying it with him. If it has any medicinal or magical properties, you'd have to sample more of it to find out.

Brandybland finds that the creature's torso is much longer than a normal human, so the armor does not fit quite right. It gives the +1 AC of padded armor, and the -1 Check Penalty of leather armor (Fumble is a d8 as well).

Snooth is able to dislodge some of the rubble before the shifting rubble causes stonework to fall from overhead!
Normally this would be automatic damage, but since you're using tools, you have a Reflex Save (Difficulty Check 12) or 1d4 damage. There is now a hole large enough for a man-sized creature to crawl through, leading into the darkness. There is a stairway leading upwards, to what, you cannot see.

Toby, Lucius, Leibgott, and Kettering work together to send Jingles down the drain. They gave her the torch so she could see, I'm hoping. There is a 30 foot drop down with rough stone hemming in on both sides. At the bottom is a pool of dark water. You spot a ledge 20 feet to the west, just above the waterline; there seems to be a disused (or undiscovered) lower level to this arena. You can't make out what lies past the sandstone archway.

What will the party do?
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Since Qort is thirsty, he'll drink 8-12 ounces of the milky substance.

Snooth rolls a 6 on his save, and he doesn't have enough luck to bring that up to a 12. I don't know if you want us to roll our own damage from traps, or if you prefer to roll it for us, but if you want us to roll our own, Snooth is dead. I rolled a 3 on the d4, and he has 3 hp. x_x

Jingles is a halfling, so she has infravision and wouldn't want to risk the party's only torch (or risk lighting her rope on fire or otherwise having a mishap). When she's seen what she can see, she calls softly to the others to pull her back up. Once up, she'll relay the information to the party.

Nurzual (if my damage roll applies to Snooth): I mistrust an adventure in the underground when we have but a single torch -- and would have to swim with it to that ledge. Since good Snooth has given his life securing us passage upward, I vote that we take these stairs in his honor.

He says this while removing Snooth's backpack, which he dons once his speech is done.

Nurzual (if your roll doesn't kill Snooth): Good Snooth here has injured himself securing us this passage upward. Should his pain be for nothing? And should we risk dousing our torch in the water before we even gain that ledge?

Snooth (if alive): Oohhhh ... my spleen ...
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Sorry, I rolled the trap damage and got a 3.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Sorry to have bailed this week. Work trip definitely got in the way more than I anticipated.
Deft-Handed Cutpurse
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

Snooth Inksplot: Urk!
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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