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Re: Errata

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:59 am
by KJ Obrien
The rules and table for Dual Wielding are missing.

Re: Errata

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:38 am
by smarttman
KJ Obrien wrote:The rules and table for Dual Wielding are missing.
I'm not sure if this is errata or an intentional exclusion, honestly. The book never mentions two-weapon fighting at all, unlike lots of this errata which is contradictory omissions/information

Re: Errata

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:12 am
by KJ Obrien

Re: Errata

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:49 pm
by smarttman
Interesting thing I noticed: in MCC, it lists a Maximum Number of Wetware Programs in the attribute list. DCC doesn't have Maximum Number of Spells, just additional spells known.

I think Shamans have a standard Number of Programs of four: which would fill out your programs if you rolled a 32+ on Patron AI Bond. Also, that's the number of spells that DCC wizards start with. I do not think the number of Programs you know goes up - I think it stays at 4 unless it is modified. That's from how I'm interpreting Shamans, who invoke their patrons for huge effects instead of like the wizards of DCC who sling spells more easily

Re: Errata

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:29 pm
by smarttman
P. 226: Under Patron Taint: MANGALA, it says 'when patron taint is indicated for HEXACODA'. Should be MANGALA instead

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:42 am
by DumbWizard
No section on skills.
No mention of how to make an ability check.
The Character Funnel is not explained in detail as it is in DCC. There is no mention of creating multiple 0-level characters in the character creation rules, only in the intro to the sample adventure.

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:22 am
by smarttman
Beepbeebeepbeebeepbeep. Urgent update from the kickstarter comments section! We can stop stressing so much now. Let's just keep looking for errata to help the crew along 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Hi everyone, acknowledging your feedback! Couple things. First, if you haven't already added your errata to the official thread, please do so. (See… ). Giving us specific, detailed feedback in that thread will help ensure we're reviewing the exact issue you are trying to call out. Secondly, just to be clear, the book is "at the printer" but the printing process includes a proofing stage, which is where we're at right now. There are still several options for correction, which we're assessing now. More to come on that front.

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:41 am
by danohead
Pg. 13, Birth Sign: "...that modifier becomes the character’s inherit lucky
roll..." should be "inherent."

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 3:06 pm
by Ogrepuppy
So you're telling me the teleportation mutation has a chance!


I hope all the "never buying Goodman products again" naysayers will re-evaluate their position and stop being so negative.

Joseph Goodman has put out quality products, almost universally, for well over a decade and there's no reason to jump ship now.

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:23 pm
by smarttman
I see three big 'rules gaps' right now that aren't just typos or things omitted from DCC. They are

1. Teleportation is missing
2. The amount of programs, how you get them, and how they are cast isn't addressed
3. No way to determine monster crits

Obviously those aren't the only ones, but those are the most obvious ones I know of

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:27 pm
by smarttman
Should Death Pretense be an Active Mutation?

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:26 pm
by Miskatonic

I would split up 2 into two parts:

2.1: Do shaman's get wetware programs other than through the patron

(Jim addressed this on the Facebook page; apparently in playtesting Shamans were limited to patrons by default.) I think this could be addressed by adding a little bit in the 'optional rules' section that says "some rules don't apply to MCC by default (no classes have a maximum number of wetware programs, or programs above 3rd level), but are there to help if you crossover with DCC or create your own material.

2.2: What to roll for a wetware program check (action die + level + int ?)

None of these are things someone whose played DCC can't figure out on their own, but all could be addressed with a sentence or two (well, except the Teleport mutation, which either needs space, or the line removed on the chart)

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:53 pm
by smarttman
Miskatonic wrote:@smarttman

I would split up 2 into two parts:

2.1: Do shaman's get wetware programs other than through the patron

(Jim addressed this on the Facebook page; apparently in playtesting Shamans were limited to patrons by default.) I think this could be addressed by adding a little bit in the 'optional rules' section that says "some rules don't apply to MCC by default (no classes have a maximum number of wetware programs, or programs above 3rd level), but are there to help if you crossover with DCC or create your own material.

2.2: What to roll for a wetware program check (action die + level + int ?)

None of these are things someone whose played DCC can't figure out on their own, but all could be addressed with a sentence or two (well, except the Teleport mutation, which either needs space, or the line removed on the chart)
Flavor wise it makes sense to me that Shamans only have Patrons, honestly.

Re: Errata

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 6:15 pm
by DavetheLost
My assumption in reading was that higher level and expanded wetware programs would be coming in future MCC products, and that the charts went as they did so that the core rules would be in place for this from the start.

I like the flavor of shaman's needing to have an AI as a partron to gain wetware. Multiple patrons sets up the potential for some interesting divided loyalty situations.

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:00 am
by boberro
Few things I found not clear about various mutations:

p. 40, Table 3-2, Defects. Is "Life Force Transference" supposed to be a defect? And it it is, then description on p.88 should include "at judge's discretion", just like with another only active defect in game "death pretense"?

p. 55, Regeneration, last result: If even a single cell of the mutant’s body remains intact, mutant may even revive himself from death within 1 round of death or incapacitation occurring. It's not clear for how long this "instant" effect is supposed to work. Are you supposed to activate the mutation the moment you're being annihilated?

p. 57, Spines, last result: "This mutation may not be used again for 7 days after this result." This mutation is passive, so probably it should be "This mutation may only be used once per 7 days"?

p. 105, Cognitive Immortality: Each failed attempt (either from a successful Will save or not being powerful enough to succeed in the attempt) permanently reduces the mutant’s effective level in this mutation by one die on the dice chain until the mutation is either re-rolled upon level progression or the mutant succeeds in a possession attempt.
This paragraph makes no sense to me. Level of mutation reduced on a dice chain? Active mutation being re-rolled on level progression? I'm lost.

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:34 am
by DM Cojo
Pg 84: Delayed Reaction: sometimes the penalties refer to "combat initiative rolls" and sometimes just "initiative rolls." I assume these are the same thing, but should probably be labeled consistently.

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:53 am
by thogard
boberro wrote:
p. 105, Cognitive Immortality: Each failed attempt (either from a successful Will save or not being powerful enough to succeed in the attempt) permanently reduces the mutant’s effective level in this mutation by one die on the dice chain until the mutation is either re-rolled upon level progression or the mutant succeeds in a possession attempt.
This paragraph makes no sense to me. Level of mutation reduced on a dice chain? Active mutation being re-rolled on level progression? I'm lost.
The language is clunky -- could be that the action die is permanently reduced (which I like, btw, as something of a check on the power of this mutation). The second part seems to be providing a chance to eliminate that reduction. But, you're right, seems like only passive mutations should get the level-up re-roll. Per above, a success would reset the die, though, so the re-roll phrase should probably be taken out.

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:18 am
by quozl
The price on the back cover shows $29.99. Isn't the retail price supposed to be $39.99?

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:46 am
by DavetheLost
Shh, don't correct that one. ;)

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:50 am
by KJ Obrien
On page 172, under Power Sources, C-Cells are listed as Tech Level 4 with a Complexity Modifier 2.
On page 262, C-Cells are listed as Tech Level 3 with a Complexity Modifier 1.

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:56 am
by Raven_Crowking
KJ Obrien wrote:On page 172, under Power Sources, C-Cells are listed as Tech Level 4 with a Complexity Modifier 2.
On page 262, C-Cells are listed as Tech Level 3 with a Complexity Modifier 1.
I believe that the text on page 262 was written first.

And then Jim Wampler had to change some batteries........


Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:51 pm
by quozl
"loose" is incorrectly used instead of "lose" on pages 48,112, and 208

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:41 pm
by Sorn1808
Page 185, under Pyrosome:

In both the stat block and the description the word "envelope" should be "envelop".

Page 187, under Tetravalent:

In the stat block "envelope" should be "envelop".

Re: Errata

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:51 pm
by boberro
oh my...
p. 131, Grappling rules: Grappling: Each party makes opposed attack rolls, adding the higher of their Agility or Strength modifiers. (Monsters add their hit dice instead.)

Opposed rolls are never explained in the book!

Re: Errata

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:11 am
by obryn
My biggest hangups right now are in regards to the wetware programs that shamans get. As mentioned above, the process of acquiring and casting them isn't spelled out very well. Additionally, there's a visible gap between how many programs a Shaman can get, those programs' maximum level, and the very tiny lists for each Patron.

Isn't there/shouldn't there be a "generic" list? Limiting shamans - who are otherwise pretty feeble - to this scant variety of castings seems very constraining. The book feels incomplete because of this.