
Mutant Crawl Classics is the warped, mutant sci-fi twin to DCC. All Plantients, Manimals, Mutants and PSH are welcome here...

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Re: Errata

Post by Thorynn »

AI Recognition modifier for Manimal:
on page 141 it says -4
on page 32 it says -2
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Re: Errata

Post by TGMoore »

Artist (and author of the Mutant Epoch RPG) William McAusland has a half page illustration on page 39 but is not credited as an interior artist. The Mutant Epoch line is awesome especially the beastiary.
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Re: Errata

Post by hivemindx »

In chapter 4, Combat.

Book p118 / PDF p122
A natural roll of 1 is a fumble. Fumbles automatically miss, and the attacker must roll the appropriate die on the fumble
The word 'table' is missing.
If a character has multiple active impacts on die type, follow the dice chain. For example, a character with a modifier of -1d using his second action die of d16 would attack with a d14.
I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to mean. I think it should read "If a character has multiple actions, modify the dice chain for each one". It may be meant to clarify what happens if there are multiple modifiers though.

Book p130 / PDF p134
(Note that the character’s Luck modifier does apply to enemy crits against him, but this Luck modifier is different from burning off Luck.)
This is the same as in DCC but I can't find where in the rules it is actually stated that PCs Luck modifier is used (negatively) to reduce crits against them.

Book p131 / PDF p135
If a character is proficient in one of the following weapons, he can inflict subdual damage with it: axes, clubs, spears, and daggers.
There are no weapon proficiencies that I can see so mentioning that seems redundant and kind of implies that there are people who are not proficient with those weapons. It seems odd to list a bunch of weapons like that, there are no hammers in the starting equipment but if a character was to obtain one somehow can they not inflict subdual damage? I think the intention is to stop nonsense like using a blowgun to subdue but I think there's a better way.
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Re: Errata

Post by under_score »

Regarding the pdf, I've noticed that clicking bookmarks results in variable zoom levels. Most zoom to page level, which is definitely preferred, but others jump to the page bookmarked at a very zoomed in point (for example, going to the Ability Score Modifiers bookmark zooms to 125%).
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Re: Errata

Post by DavetheLost »

hivemindx wrote:In chapter 4, Combat.

Book p131 / PDF p135
If a character is proficient in one of the following weapons, he can inflict subdual damage with it: axes, clubs, spears, and daggers.
There are no weapon proficiencies that I can see so mentioning that seems redundant and kind of implies that there are people who are not proficient with those weapons. It seems odd to list a bunch of weapons like that, there are no hammers in the starting equipment but if a character was to obtain one somehow can they not inflict subdual damage? I think the intention is to stop nonsense like using a blowgun to subdue but I think there's a better way.
Page 19, Weapon Training states that all characters are proficient with all primitive weapons. It does seem redundant. Why not just state that those weapons can be used to inflict subdual damage.
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Re: Errata

Post by KJ Obrien »

Any reason the explanation of Abilities (strength, stamina, personality, etc) was omitted? Obviously fans and owners of DCC will know how they function, but people who are new to the system and pick up MCC first may be left in the dark. I'm talking about the little things like how you can't use a shield and weapon if your Strength is really low, or how you take double damage from poison/disease if you have low Stamina. Never explains what the Ability Score modifiers apply to. Some entire rule sections were nearly copied and pasted (like the combat chapter), but this pretty important explanation was left out.

I'm only nitpicking because MCC is was brought me to DCC. It's the sole project I've been waiting for from Goodman Games. I just want it to be perfect.
TGMoore wrote:Artist (and author of the Mutant Epoch RPG) William McAusland has a half page illustration on page 39 but is not credited as an interior artist. The Mutant Epoch line is awesome especially the beastiary.
Noticed that too. He has a few spot illustrations in the artifacts and bestiary chapters as well.
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Re: Errata

Post by TGMoore »

An actual weapon list beyond that found in the starting equipment section would be helpful. Numerous illustrations show swords. No stats for swords.

ETA: There is a primitive weapons list on Judges screen I see.
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Re: Errata

Post by the_Kurgan »

Most of the things I saw have already been caught.

But there is this on page 18.

This is also the case in MCC RPG, where the difference between a DCC RPG wizard casting a spell and an MCC RPG shaman running a memorized wetware program are essentially in the presentation and particular effects.

Should be: "the" or "differences ... are"
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Re: Errata

Post by Kerish »

It looks like the MCC is missing the explanation on the Dice Track, Ability Scores, and Funky Dice.

I get that most people here have played DCC, but there's a lot of missed information there if you are coming straight to MCC. The wording doesn't really need to be changed between games, it just needs to be added to the MCC book.
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Re: Errata

Post by hivemindx »

Chapter 7 - Artifacts of the Ancient Ones

Table 7.3 mentions a Neutron Rifle but it isn't detailed later with the other rifles.

Gauzer pistols fire steel projectiles using linear magnetic acceleration. May be fired at a single target, or on auto fire, at 10 multiple adjacent targets in an arc.
"10 multiple" doesn't seem right. This should probably read "at up to 10 adjacent targets" or "at multiple adjacent targets".
Range: Line of sight
The Lazer Pistol (and Lazer Rifle later) have a range of line of sight. This seems odds since range is not only about how far out the weapon has a deadly effect but also how easy it is to hit at that range. If we assume that Lazers are deadly all the way to the horizon, and for some reason Mazers aren't, I still think a pistol of any sort should have a range to represent the difficulty of hitting the target at a long distance. Note that while the Combat chapter mentions the modifiers for Short, Medium and Long range there is no definition of those terms that I can see in MCC.

set for auto fire, at to 10 multiple adjacent targets in a 90 degree arc.
Similar to the pistol the Gauzer Rifle has a strange wording for the autofire rule. I think this should read "at up to 10 adjacent targets"

The complexity level for all the grenades is surprisingly high, especially since the text explaining complexity modifiers on page 156 mentions Stun Grenades as an example of a device with low complexity (CM 1) and then here the Stun Grenade has a CM of 5, more complex than a pistol when apparently you just need to press a button and throw according to the previous rule text.
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Re: Errata

Post by adam »

The phrase "digestive track" should be "digestive tract" throughout. pp. 85, 87, 230.
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Re: Errata

Post by KJ Obrien »

p.130 under Burning Luck:
As noted earlier, a character can permanently burn Luck to give a one-time bonus to a roll.
This function of Luck isn't mentioned earlier. This appears to be lifted text from DCC that's referring to the Ability explanations in DCC's "Characters" chapter. The Abilities are not explained in MCC.

p.77 under Initiative:
...or otherwise noticing them through magical or mundane means.
A copy and paste from the DCC rulebook. Is the mention of "magical" means intentional?

p.124 under result 11 on the table:
Unless he receives magical healing, the foe dies in 1d5 hours.
A copy and paste from the DCC rulebook. Is the mention of "magical" means intentional?
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Re: Errata

Post by DavetheLost »

Page 256 refers to sub-shuttle diagram. This diagram is missing.

Page 13, Saving Throws: "and compares the result to a target number (DC). If the result is equal to or greater than the DC, the save is made." Nowhere in the book are DCs or how to set them defined.

ALL Mutation Check tables: On a result of "1" Failure, mutation may not be used, roll on Defects table. It is impossible for a character to get a result of "1" on a Mutation Check. As the rules are written the check is a d20 roll plus the character's level. Since 0 level characters have only cosmetic mutations and thus do not roll Mutation Checks the lowest result possible on a Mutation Check is "2" for a Level 1 character rolling a 1.
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Re: Errata

Post by jamused »

PDF Bookmarks: "Birth Sings" should be "Birth Signs"
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Re: Errata

Post by smarttman »

DavetheLost wrote:Page 256 refers to sub-shuttle diagram. This diagram is missing.

Page 13, Saving Throws: "and compares the result to a target number (DC). If the result is equal to or greater than the DC, the save is made." Nowhere in the book are DCs or how to set them defined.

ALL Mutation Check tables: On a result of "1" Failure, mutation may not be used, roll on Defects table. It is impossible for a character to get a result of "1" on a Mutation Check. As the rules are written the check is a d20 roll plus the character's level. Since 0 level characters have only cosmetic mutations and thus do not roll Mutation Checks the lowest result possible on a Mutation Check is "2" for a Level 1 character rolling a 1.
If you look at DCC, a 1 result is on a fumble. A crit adds a bonus equal to your level again. This rule should be in the core, but that's probably how it is intended to work
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Re: Errata

Post by DavetheLost »

In the Combat rules a 1 is noted as a fumble, but this should have been repeated in the Mutation Check rules if this was the intent. MCC is supposed to be a stand alone and not require knowledge of DCC.
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Re: Errata

Post by galderon »

Mutant Horror Init Bonus on table 2-9 is a little wonky. At levels 4, 6, and 8, your bonus is worse than the previous level. While at first glance it doesn't look it, 1d3+2 is better than 1d4+1, 1d4+2 is better than 1d5+1, and 1d5+2 is better than 1d6+1.
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Re: Errata

Post by galderon »

Table 1-3: Birth Sign, p 13, "The War-Bot" entry should be marked with ** just like "The Backup Disk" entry is.
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Re: Errata

Post by galderon »

Artifact Checks, p 157, the example starts with Mangarr the Mighty, but ends with Brutor.
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Re: Errata

Post by jamused »

Shaman crit die jumps from 1d12 at level 7 to 2d12 at level 8, then 2d14; Healer similarly jumps from 1d14 to 2d14 and then 2d16. These seem like unlikely progressions, particularly compared to the other classes, which tend to stick to single dice even if they go up to d30. I suspect it should be 7: 1d12, 8: 1d12, 9: 1d14, 10: 1d14, for the Shaman and 7: 1d14, 8: 1d14, 9:1d16, 10: 1d16 for the Healer.
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Re: Errata

Post by talvola »

Not sure if it's errata per se, but Life Force Transference doesn't seem like a defect it is active and the mutant 'may' act - he/she isn't forced to do anything. Should it be worse if it's a defect?
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Re: Errata

Post by galderon »

p 26, Artifacts, "see Table 2-3" should be "see Table 2-5".
p 28, Artifacts, "see Table 2-1" should be "see Table 2-7".
p 30, Artifacts, "see Table 3-2" should be "see Table 2-9".
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Re: Errata

Post by talvola »

p. 254 in Background 'likelihood of finding an even partially intact ruin the Ancient Ones' - should be an 'of' before 'the Ancient Ones'
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Re: Errata

Post by TGMoore »

Pg 170 Holo-Cloak is not hyphenated in the first sentence of the description but IS hyphenated in header and later in the description.
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Re: Errata

Post by smarttman »

p. 161 under Rifles, it lists Neutron Rifle. There is no such rifle described in the Artifact section

Edit: Didn't see this had already been caught
Last edited by smarttman on Mon Jun 26, 2017 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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