MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Mutant Crawl Classics is the warped, mutant sci-fi twin to DCC. All Plantients, Manimals, Mutants and PSH are welcome here...

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
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MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Post by Melfast »

Edited 12/14/20 -- Updated the PDF to split the information into two categories -- what I consider essential rules clarifications or house rules, and optional house rules that you should consider adding if it makes your game more fun.

Hey Fellow Travelers on the Barren Wastes

What house rules have you adopted for your MCC game?

I have a several rules I've added.
-- Shaman Program Progression, and using Luck to gain additional uses of wetware
-- Rover Doors/ Security Systems / Remain Hidden ability Interpretation
-- Healer Advanced Neuropathy, Bedside Manner, and Nutritious Broth
-- Sentinel Mighty Deeds of Artifacts
-- 0-level character creation (PSH and Plantient Artifact Checks, added the Shroomer class)
-- Miscellaneous rules on armor stacking/fumbles and missing rules, including two-weapon fighting and criticals / fumbles when using wetware and mutations
-- Extended Starting Occupations and Equipment tables

You can find them here if you are curious:!Ak88KIALsgrVioAcPE0 ... A?e=g7rZ9a

I'd be interested on your feedback on these rules and suggestions for other house rules.

I have listed the rules I consider essential in two posts below -- one with the essential/missing rules, and one with class options to make them easier to see (some people may not look at the PDF) and to comment on.

I have a variety of what I am calling optional house rules in the PDF that I think add to the game, but which are not absolutely needed to play. I may post some of these later to call out the ones I think are the best / most interesting.

Happy gaming...

- Melfast
Last edited by Melfast on Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Essential House Rules -- Missing or Interpreted Rules

Post by Melfast »

Hail Fellow Riders on the Wastes

I have broken out my house rules from the PDF linked above that I think are the most important to consider adding to your game to replace missing rules, clarify existing rules, port from DCC because they make sense to have in MCC, or that are optional rules that I strongly recommend.

Two-handed Weapons: Characters using two-handed weapons use a d16 on initiative checks. Shields cannot be used with two-handed weapons.

Armor Fumble Die: Characters using a shield or wearing headgear that increases their armor class add +1d to their fumble die.

Armor Stacking: Cloaks do not stack with armor. Headgear and shields stack with cloaks, and leather or hide armor.

Two-Weapon Attacks: Two weapon attacks are referenced in the MCC rules on p. 15 under the description of Agility, but the rules are not given in the book. Use these from the DCC public playtest document.

Agility Primary Hand Off Hand Critical Hits*
3-8 -3 dice -4 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
9-11 -2 dice -3 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
12-15 -1 die -2 dice Cannot crit fighting two-handed
16-17 -1 die -1 die Primary hand crits on max die roll (e.g., 16 on a d16) that also beats defender’s AC (no automatic hit)
18+ Normal die -1 die Primary hand crits as normal
* Classes and creatures with improved crit threat ranges (i.e., those who can crit on 19-20 or better) lose that ability when fighting with two-weapons (unless otherwise stated in their class or creature write-up).

Mounted Combat
The rider on a mutant beast is a classic archetype in apocalyptic fantasy. Here is a quick and simple way to execute mounted combat rules. (Can be adapted for vehicles, especially with AI.)
• A mounted character moves at the mount’s speed but uses their own action dice.
• One initiative check is rolled for both rider and mount, using the worse of the two creatures’ initiative modifiers.
• A trained fighting mount can also make an attack using its own action die, even while mounted. A normal mount (not trained for combat) that attacks in combat forces its rider to make an Agility check to stay mounted.
• A mounted character automatically receives a +1 AC bonus.
• When fighting an unmounted opponent, the rider counts as attacking from higher ground (+1 bonus to attack rolls).
• When charging with a spear or other similar weapon, a mounted character’s damage dice are doubled.
• A rider’s Agility score determines their ability to remain mounted on their mount. If their mount is spooked, the rider must make a DC 10 Agility check or be flung from the mount. A character trained in riding mounts rolls 1d20; untrained characters roll 1d10. (Training can be based on 0-level profession or subsequent training at the judge’s discretion. Riding a too dissimilar mount from what the rider is reasonably trained in, may result in using a 1d10.) A character flung from a mount lands prone and must spend their next round standing up.
• A trained fighting mount is only spooked when it first drops below half its hit points. All other mounts are spooked any time they suffer a wound.

Critical Successes: A mutation or wetware check result of a natural 20 is a critical success. The character receives an additional bonus to that check equal to their level.

Automatic Failures: A mutation or wetware check result of a natural 1 is always a failure. A result of 1 may also result in Patron AI Taint or acquiring a defect as indicated by the result on the table the character is using for the check.

Rules for Using Luck (Porting Analogous Rules from DCC)

Luck to Avoid Fumbles: Sentinels and Manimals, and only Sentinels and Manimals, may burn 1 point of Luck to cancel a roll on table 4-2: Fumbles. The natural 1 still results in a miss but by burning a point of Luck the character can avoid any further negative effects. [This is the rule for Warriors and Dwarves in DCC on p 79.]

Luck to Avoid Patron AI Taint: A Shaman that suffers Patron AI Taint may burn a point of Luck to avoid the taint. The Luck can be burned after the player rolls to determine the specific corruption result. The natural 1 still results in a check failure and losing the wetware program, but by burning a point of Luck the character can avoid any further negative effects. [This is the Patron Taint rule for Wizards and Elves in DCC as explained as part of the corruption rules on p 116.]

Luck to Avoid Acquiring a Defect: A character that rolls a 1 on a mutation check may burn a point of Luck to avoid the defect normally acquired. The Luck can be burned after the player rolls to determine the specific defect result. The natural 1 still results in a check failure and losing the mutation, but by burning a point of Luck the character can avoid any further negative effects. Note: a character cannot use Luck to avoid acquiring a defect as the result of Radburn (see p. 42 of the MCC core book). [This is the corruption rule for Wizards and Elves in DCC on p 116.]

Let me know what you think of these house rules, and if there are any you would use or if you have others we should look at.

Happy gaming ...

-- Melfast
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Essential House Rules -- Character Creation and Classes

Post by Melfast »

Edited to add new links to two files, 12/26/20

Greetings Fellow Travelers on the Wastes!

This is the second group of house rules that I have added to my game that I consider essential / very helpful in improving character creation and classes. In some cases, they are rules clarifications and in others they are options that I think should be base rules / address a problem I see with a class.


Character Creation (Optional Rules)

0-LEVEL CHARACTERS (Updated 12/7/20)
• PSH get +1 to Artifact rolls. (Replaced at 1st level with class ability)
• Plantients get -1 to Artifact rolls. (Replaced at 1st level with class ability)
• Characters can select a Shroomer instead of a Plantient when a Plantient is rolled as a genotype at character creation (Table 1-5): ... class.html
• Use the Extended occupations and equipment lists (separate Documents)
o Extended and Advanced Occupations:!Ak88KIALsgrVifp_pbB ... w?e=pgLCmE (Edit -- new link 12/26/20)
o Extended Beginning Equipment List:!Ak88KIALsgrVioETRVv ... w?e=sDmZV4 (Edit -- new link 12/26/20)
[These optional rules mainly increase the range of starting options a bit. The PSH and Plantient variations are just to help emphasize their racial abilities. It also doesn’t make sense to me that Plantients would get worse at using artifacts by going up a level. The Shroomer adds a character that uses Personality.]

MCC Shaman Programs (How they Work RAW IMO)

“The maximum number of total wetware programs that a shaman can learn is determined by the program check result of their Patron AI Bond program when run, and limited or expanded by their Intelligence score (see Table 1-1: Ability Score Modifiers).”
-- P 140, MCC Core Book

This really is the rule. All programs learned from your Patron AI after Invoke Patron AI are gift programs, subject to the use limits of your Patron AI Bond check. You learn your Patron AI programs at the rate indicated in Table 2-2 as long as your Intelligence is high enough (Table 1-1). (See MCC Core Book, p 16 and p. 28.)

Your number of gift programs gained from your Patron AI Bond check are limited (reduced) or expanded (increased) by your Max Wetware Programs Modifier on Table 1-1. If you did not roll a high enough Patron AI Bond check to get any gift programs, then you are starting with zero gift programs and modifying that number based on your Intelligence score. You always get at least one (Invoke Patron AI).

A – First roll your Patron AI Bond and determine how many programs you are able to learn.

B – Second, determine which Patron AI programs you know.

C – Third, write your learned programs on your character sheet along with the other key elements of your Patron AI Bond check -- any Invoke Patron AI bonus and how often can you use your Patron AI's programs. I recommend also writing down the number of your check for later reference.

That's it. You're done.

Luck to Run Gift Wetware Programs (Optional Rule -- Revised 12/6/20): A Shaman may burn a point of Luck to gain a single use of a gift program. They must also spend one point of Glowburn per level of the wetware program to run the program. These expended points do not add to the check roll. [This rule ports over the DCC Spellburn rules that allow for using it to cast Patron spells, potentially with additional Patron debt or stipulations. I included it because of concerns that Shamans get too few uses of wetware.]

HEALER (Optional Rule)

Bedside Manner (added 12/6/20): The Healer can increase the healing characters receive under their care by resting. While cared for by a Healer, characters receive one additional point of healing per night from resting, and a bonus to their healing equal to the Healer’s Personality modifier bonus (if positive) on their third continuous day of bed rest. [Added because it is a logical ability and otherwise the Healer is a little lackluster. Even in 2nd Edition AD&D you healed more if under the care of a character with the healing proficiency. Also, in the original rules, Healers were shown in the Ability modifier table as supposed to get a benefit from their Personality score. This reference was later removed as part of errata updates, but I thought it would be good if there was a class that used Personality for something, so the small bump in healing on the third day.]


The Rover’s ability to overcome doors, security systems, and remain hidden include the basic ability to hide and move undetected, to pick locks, and to find and remove traps. (Essentially the analogous DCC rogue abilities, except Rovers can use them on high tech systems.) Use Agility for remaining hidden and Intelligence for overcoming doors and security systems. [These are just natural extensions of the Rover’s abilities in the book.]

SENTINEL (optional Rule) (Revised 12/6/20)

Mighty Deed of Artifacts: The sentinel can use their artifact die to do a Mighty Deed of Artifacts with artifact weapons. This Mighty Deed of Artifacts can be used once per combat round, and it must be declared before the artifact die is rolled. On a successful attack that has a natural roll of 3+ on the artifact die, the Sentinel can enhance the effect of their artifact weapon by spending an additional charge to add an effect such as aiming precisely, blinding, disarming, distracting, knocking back, slowing, tripping, etc. The additional charge is only spent if the Mighty Deed of Artifacts is successful. Mighty Deeds of Artifacts must make sense for the artifact being used. The higher the deed roll, the more successful the deed. The Judge determines the mechanical effect. (Judges can use the DCC Mighty Deeds of Arms for inspiration.) [Added because this is a very popular optional rule and makes sense. I added a cost to do it, though, that the equivalent in DCC does not have to make it distinct and because artifact weapons are already potent.]


Mutation Rolls (Optional Rule) (Revised 12/6/20)

Glowburn to use Mutation Lost for the Day: A Mutant can use Glowburn to run a mutation that has been lost for the day due to a failed check. The cost to use the mutation is one point of Glowburn per the number of times the character has used Glowburn that day to use a mutation that has been lost due to a failed check (regardless of what mutation it was), i.e., the third use of Glowburn that day to run a mutation that has been lost due to failing a check would cost three points of Glowburn. These expended points do not add to the check roll. [This is porting the DCC Spellburn rule on p 108 and adapting it a little, since mutations don’t have levels.]

Let me know what you think of these house rules. Would you use them in your game? Do you have house rules you would like to suggest?

Happy gaming...

-- Melfast
Last edited by Melfast on Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Disgruntled Poet
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Re: MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Post by The Disgruntled Poet »

Re: Shroomer class, I love it! Looks really fun, would love to bring that into my game. Got any pregens to share? :) Just because I'm lazy.

Expanded background & equipment lists above- links appear broken. However, I am interested in moving my MCC stuff to a little more dark ages/early medieval setting vs. stone age (or at least more of a mix), so I am def. all for opening up to a little more backgrounds than just stone-age hunter/gatherer.

I did a quick check of the Healer table in the class section and couldn't see where the Personality bonus is mentioned. I definitely have the first printing from the KS. Not sure I'd add anything for Pers, but I'm not against it if someone wants to conceive the class as empathic/holistic naturopathy that works from listening and interaction... why not? It's not unreasonable.

The Rover feels so thief-like that it's tempting to give the Stealth stuff, but they clearly didn't for some reason? Perhaps to leave Stealth options for all classes? Again, I'm not against expanding the class features a little bit, but then again any high Agility character who's lightly armored should be able to make stealth checks so, hmm.. since I commonly run DCC & MCC together, I kind of don't want the classes stepping on each other too much.

Giving the MIghty Deed to Sentinels.. I have been doing this, mainly because I forgot that it's NOT RAW. :) Now that you reminded me of this, I think I prefer a straight non-deed artifact die in combat, as it might make things a little faster.. without the Sentil always stopping to name a deed. If they REALLY want to try a cool deed now and then, sure, it's a decent mechanism to allow that from time to time.

I think the other stuff I have commented on elsewhere, but good thoughtful stuff.. I'd love to hear how you feel this is working in play.. if you're already doing it in games? or if you are yet to do it, would like to catch your opinion on how they worked.
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Re: MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Post by Melfast »

Hey Disgruntled Poet

Happy Radioactive Holidays!

I've replaced the two links and had someone test them, so they should be working now.

The Healer mentioning Personality goes back to the kickstarter PDF of the rule book (although there weren't any actual rules supporting it). It got edited out when they did the updated version that got rid of the typos, and it may have only been mentioned on the ability bonuses table, I can't remember now. In any case, I thought there should be some use of Personality in the core classes, and giving it to the Healer seemed like an good place to put it (they seem like they are a little underwhelming). It doesn't have a big effect, but it does make it more valuable to have a healer, especially when the party has time to take a longer rest.

I don't think allowing the rover to be good a sneaking steps on the toes of the Thief or other classes, and it ties into the text about them being able to hide from mutants: "Being quite stealthy individuals, rovers have increased chances of remaining undetected by ancient security systems, or even other mutants (see Table 2-4)."

Rovers still don't get any of the other Thief skills. It also gives Rovers a bit more of a role when not trying to enter a ruin with security technology protecting it.

I added the extra charge cost for a Sentinel to do a mighty deed to make it a little different from the Warrior/Dwarf version. It also adds a cost that makes for a decision, rather than it being automatic.

I haven't had much chance to try these optional rules out, yet. The hosts at Glowburn have used the Shroomer (one of them made it), and the Mighty Deed of Artifacts (without the extra charge I added). I'm pretty sure they also are using the rule interpretation that Rovers get stealth.

I've got a DCC lankhmar game going right now, but I hope to get some MCC in soon (I am planning to have a level-1 or funnel ready for a one-shot for one of those nights when we are missing too many players). This is their 1st DCC game, so if they get hooked, I hope to get them into MCC.

I was planning to run some games at Dundracon in 2021, but it has been canceled. I may have to look at running some games at one of the online cons.

Happy gaming...

Far-Sighted Wanderer
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Re: MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Post by maceo_the_escher »

Just a quick note to say Thank You to Melfast for sharing so much MCC goodness here! I've been away from the forums for a bit and missed many of your posts but want you to know they're very appreciated!
Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Re: MCC House Rules in Your Game (Updated to v5 on 12/14/20)

Post by Melfast »


Thanks much. I've enjoyed exploring the game, and I've used these posts to help me out too.

I appreciate hearing how other folks play MCC and getting ideas from all of you.

Happy gaming...

-- Melfast
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