Ultravision - Ative or Passive?

Mutant Crawl Classics is the warped, mutant sci-fi twin to DCC. All Plantients, Manimals, Mutants and PSH are welcome here...

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Wild-Eyed Zealot
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Ultravision - Ative or Passive?

Post by DavetheLost »

Is the Ultravision mutation supposed to be active or passive? Parts of the description seem better suited to an active mutation, failure result of 1 "mutation may not be used again that day" and result 32+ with a beam doing great damage, but it is listed as a passive mutation and the other mutation check results are equally suited to active or passive mutations. It is also listed as having a duration of 1 round/CL which befits an active mutation as passive mutations hae a duration of permanent.
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Re: Ultravision - Ative or Passive?

Post by Murlynd »

Comparing the ultravision description with that of infravision helps. Ultravision is supposed to be more powerful than infravision. So, maybe it is supposed to be active, rather than passive, though the 2-11 result would need to be changed to something else, because that is a passive result. If the judge would like it to be passive as listed, then I would change the check result of 1 on the ultravision table to that listed by the infravision table.

Ultravision seems to need an errata from Goodman or similar fix by the judge.
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