Teleportation Mutation Fan Version

Mutant Crawl Classics is the warped, mutant sci-fi twin to DCC. All Plantients, Manimals, Mutants and PSH are welcome here...

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Far-Sighted Wanderer
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Teleportation Mutation Fan Version

Post by smarttman »

Thought I'd put this here for feedback. Since the Teleportation Mutation is missing from the core rules, I took it upon myself to make a version in about 10 minutes. Any feedback on it would be great, thanks!

Type: Active
Range: Variable
Duration: Instant
Save: None

General: The mutant can teleport their physical form and any equipment in their possession to a location of their choosing.

1: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day, roll on defects table
2-11: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day
12-13: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 50 feet.
14-17: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 500 feet. If teleporting to an unfamiliar destination, make a Fortitude save vs DC 5 or suffer 1d6 damage
18-19: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 1 mile. If teleporting to an unfamiliar destination, make a Fortitude save vs DC 10 or suffer 2d6 damage
20-23: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 20 miles. If teleporting to an unfamiliar destination, make a Fortitude save vs DC 15 or suffer 4d6 damage
24-27: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 500 miles. If teleporting to an unfamiliar destination, make a Fortitude save vs DC 20 or suffer 8d6 damage
28-29: The mutant is able to teleport to any location on Terra A.D. This teleportation is unpredictable and imprecise. Make a Willpower save vs. DC 10. If successful, you appear where you want. If not, you appear 1d100 miles away from the destination.
30-31: The mutant is able to teleport to any location in the solar system. This teleportation is unpredictable and imprecise. Make a Willpower save vs. DC 15. If successful, you appear where you want. If not, you appear 1d100x1M miles away from the destination.
32+: The mutant is able to teleport to any location in the galaxy. This teleportation is unpredictable and imprecise. Make a Willpower save vs. DC 20. If successful, you appear where you want. If not, you appear 1d100x1M light years away from the destination.
Far-Sighted Wanderer
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FLGS: TBS Comics

Re: Teleportation Mutation Fan Version

Post by smarttman »

After some consideration, I lowered the power level of this spell to something more in line with the other mutations. Here it is revised and much more appropriate

Type: Active
Range: Variable
Duration: Instant
Save: None

General: The mutant can teleport their physical form and any equipment in their possession to a location of their choosing.

1: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day, roll on defects table
2-11: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day
12-13: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 30 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
14-17: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 100 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
18-19: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 250 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
20-23: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 500 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
24-27: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 1000 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
28-29: The mutant is able to teleport to any location on 1 mile away. A character must have spent at least 8 hours in the location previously. If not, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 10. If they fail, they take 2d6 damage on arrival.
30-31: The mutant is able to teleport to any location 10 miles away. A character must have spent at least 8 hours in the location previously. If not, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15. If they fail, they take 4d6 damage on arrival.
32+: The mutant is able to teleport to any location 25 miles away. A character must have spent at least 8 hours in the location previously. If not, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 20. If they fail, they take 6d6 damage on arrival.
Far-Sighted Wanderer
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:38 pm
FLGS: TBS Comics

Re: Teleportation Mutation Fan Version

Post by smarttman »

Here is another update after some testing and feedback.

Type: Active
Range: Variable
Duration: Instant
Save: None

General: The mutant can teleport their physical form and any equipment in their possession to a location of their choosing.

1: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day, roll on defects table
2-11: Failure, mutation may not be used again that day
12-13: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 30 feet, as long as it is clearly visible.
14-17: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 100 feet, as long as it is clearly visible. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d2 others 30 feet.
18-19: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 250 feet, as long as it is clearly visible. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d3 others 100 feet.
20-23: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 500 feet, as long as it is clearly visible. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d4 others 250 feet.
24-27: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 1000 feet, as long as it is clearly visible. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d5 others 500 feet.
28-29: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 1 mile, as long as it is clearly visible. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d6 others 1000 feet.
30-31: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 10 miles. A character must have spent at least an hour in the location previously. If not, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 10. If they fail, they take 2d6 damage upon arrival. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d7 others up to 1 mile.
32+: The mutant is able to teleport to any location within 100 miles. A character must have spent at least an hour in the location previously. If not, they must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15. If they fail, they take 4d6 damage upon arrival. Optionally, the mutant can teleport themselves and up to 1d8 others up to 10 miles.
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