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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:26 am
by Sveden
Orastes is all for resting for while. He is very tired.

Tonunt will offer to take a shift at watch as well as the adrenaline filled Bypeld.

"What will we do if the spirit returns? Can you destroy it this time Brother Trim?", Tonunt is obviously very worried about meeting that ghost again.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:42 pm
by GnomeBoy
"These rooms are open -- will a couple of you come take a look at them with me?", Flavia says, the phrase 'safety in numbers' rolling through her head.

Assuming one or two others will join her, they check out the 'empty' room first, then move on to the 'lab'.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:48 pm
by beermotor
Who joins her?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:32 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Cathbad will go. The worst that can happen is death.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:02 pm
by beermotor
That depends... There are definitely fates worse than death. :-)

The Western room is empty. Completely.

The northern room houses large shelves packed with flasks, vials, elixirs, etc. There's a huge table in the middle with all sorts of stuff strewn across it, parchment with diagrams and figures and scribbled notes. There's also a writing desk in the corner, with more writing implements and paraphanelia on top. It has a few drawers.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:27 pm
by Sveden
Bypeld sees goes over to the flasks and sees if he can find anything useful.

Tonunt walks over to the desk and pokes it a good few times with her 10' pole. If it doesn't buzz or hiss back at her she begins rifling through the desk for valuables.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:40 pm
by beermotor
Both Chendris and Bypeld can see there's lots of useful stuff in here. It'll take a long time to sort through it all.

Tonunt finds the desk doesn't buzz or anything, but she doesn't see anything immediately interesting in the drawers, just a lot of papers, quills, and ink pots. Los of stuff is scribbled and doodled on.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by Sveden
Tonunt sighs, "Just paper and letters over here."

Bypeld seeing the parchment for the first time heads over to the desk.

He picks up a few notes and begins reading.

/ooc just realized I never rolled for an extra language
/ooc Rolls a 35 --> Elf

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:17 pm
by GnomeBoy
"Then if there is no immediate apparent danger, we should set up watches and get a few hours rest..." says Flavia.

"But there is another question," says Chendriss, "should we rest a bit, then pick ourselves up and return to town? It would seem we were sent here to become fodder, not to explore... Dealing with the threat here is all well and good, but we may want to do so with better preparation aforethought. Our losses have been heavy, and I do wonder if Mr. Salazar might be able to explain himself..."

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:49 pm
by Raven_Crowking
beermotor wrote:There's a huge table in the middle with all sorts of stuff strewn across it, parchment with diagrams and figures and scribbled notes. There's also a writing desk in the corner, with more writing implements and paraphanelia on top. It has a few drawers.
If no one else does, Cathbad will take the papers on the table, and then check the drawers of the desk.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:03 pm
by beermotor
Sveden wrote:Tonunt sighs, "Just paper and letters over here."

Bypeld seeing the parchment for the first time heads over to the desk.

He picks up a few notes and begins reading.

/ooc just realized I never rolled for an extra language
/ooc Rolls a 35 --> Elf
I don't think those kick in until you hit level 1...

In any case, the notes are interesting. Most seem to be formulae and recipes for various alchemical potions and elixirs. Lots of intermediate mixtures it seems. Also, there's a bunch of papers where someone has written in a much different hand. ...

Also, there's some papers that seem to discuss the bear-bugs and their eggs. It looks like the man, or whoever was writing the notes, was trying to hatch the eggs. Whatever they tried wasn't working.

Bypeld notices a small brass key amid the piles of stuff.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:36 pm
by Sveden
Bypeld shuffles through the papers, "There are some formulae here I'd like to study. I was an Alchemist before hard times drove me to accept such fool's errands as this.

Also some notes describing those horrible eggs we found. Perhaps someone else might be better at probing these for information.

Oh look here, a key. Anyone seen a lock this key would open?"

Wander back to the bedroom area and set up a place to read for a bit then, rest.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:39 pm
by Sveden
Orastes is working on falling asleep.

Tonunt sits awake until everyone else goes to sleep.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:38 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Cathbad: "Check the desk for locked drawers."

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:00 pm
by beermotor
Raven_Crowking wrote:Cathbad: "Check the desk for locked drawers."
Persistent Cathbad! None of the drawers are locked, but she notices one of the drawers seems shallower than it ought to be. ...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:16 pm
by GnomeBoy
"A key?"

Chendriss, beeline, you do the math.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:31 pm
by Raven_Crowking
beermotor wrote:
Raven_Crowking wrote:Cathbad: "Check the desk for locked drawers."
Persistent Cathbad! None of the drawers are locked, but she notices one of the drawers seems shallower than it ought to be. ...
Pull out the drawer, look for a secret compartment or a space beyond. Smash the thing with a club if need, ask someone thief-y for help if need be.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:14 am
by beermotor
Cathbad pulls out the drawer, and immediately sees a small, cleverly concealed compartment at the rear of the drawer. It's not locked, and has a simple copper pull that opens the door to the compartment on a concealed hinge. As she touches it, however, it jolts her with a powerful electric shock. (For 3 points of damage!)

She drops the drawer in the process, crying out from the pain.

The compartment opens as the drawer strikes the ground, and out tumbles a thick book, bound in dark blue leather, etched and tooled with gilt runes and glyphs.

A voice echoes in the room, seemingly from nowhere, and says "I curse this flesh that steals from me. I curse this flesh and all its line. Mark this flesh, burn it well. Know me, thief: I am the Sage Arcturis, and I will recover what belongs to me."

Cathbad, make a Will save, DC 17.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:26 am
by MrHemlocks
"Fosco old buddy can you help me secure the stairs?" Thorin looks over at the halfling gingerly smoking away at his pipe after destroying those nasty bug eggs. "Sure Thorin, I will be glad to. The sooner we get it this upstairs cleaned out and secured the sooner we can get some needed rest."

Thorin and Fosco grab the bed and drag it out in the hall. When they reach the stairs they lean the bed on its side so as to block entry from the steps. Than they go and gather some glass bottles and other noise makers and place them on the frame of the bed. So, if the bed is moved these bottles and other items will fall to the ground sounding of with a crash.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:48 am
by Raven_Crowking
beermotor wrote:Cathbad, make a Will save, DC 17.
15, +2 because of her awesome Personality.....She doesn't even need to burn any Luck!

On the other hand, she croaks out pitifully for a cleric.

(Group: As far as the book goes, Cathbad has a great Personality and a good Intelligence. When she finally levels up, do we need a spellslinger for the gods or a spellslinger for general purposes more? If we need a warrior more, someone else should take this book....although in that case they may also have to make a save to avoid the curse. Cathbad would be less than worthless as a warrior or thief.)

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:54 am
by MrHemlocks
Raven_Crowking wrote:
beermotor wrote:Cathbad, make a Will save, DC 17.
15, +2 because of her awesome Personality.....She doesn't even need to burn any Luck!

On the other hand, she croaks out pitifully for a cleric.

(Group: As far as the book goes, Cathbad has a great Personality and a good Intelligence. When she finally levels up, do we need a spellslinger for the gods or a spellslinger for general purposes more? If we need a warrior more, someone else should take this book....although in that case they may also have to make a save to avoid the curse. Cathbad would be less than worthless as a warrior or thief.)
ooc...She took the risk of searching and finding the book. If she could use it than keep it.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:59 am
by beermotor
MrHemlocks wrote:"Fosco old buddy can you help me secure the stairs?" Thorin looks over at the halfling gingerly smoking away at his pipe after destroying those nasty bug eggs. "Sure Thorin, I will be glad to. The sooner we get it this upstairs cleaned out and secured the sooner we can get some needed rest."

Thorin and Fosco grab the bed and drag it out in the hall. When they reach the stairs they lean the bed on its side so as to block entry from the steps. Than they go and gather some glass bottles and other noise makers and place them on the frame of the bed. So, if the bed is moved these bottles and other items will fall to the ground sounding of with a crash.
Chendris or Bypeld may have something to say about your use of the (very valuable) glass beakers and tubes in this way. If you're using other glass containers, jars and such, be aware that there's (for the most part) stuff in them... The empty stuff is pretty clearly for use in alchemical experiments. (Think college chemistry lab type stuff.)

From the multitude of shelves, they find d7 empty glass bottles = 3.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:00 am
by beermotor
Raven_Crowking wrote:
beermotor wrote:Cathbad, make a Will save, DC 17.
15, +2 because of her awesome Personality.....She doesn't even need to burn any Luck!

On the other hand, she croaks out pitifully for a cleric.

(Group: As far as the book goes, Cathbad has a great Personality and a good Intelligence. When she finally levels up, do we need a spellslinger for the gods or a spellslinger for general purposes more? If we need a warrior more, someone else should take this book....although in that case they may also have to make a save to avoid the curse. Cathbad would be less than worthless as a warrior or thief.)
Cathbad takes a -1 penalty to her Luck from the curse. The flesh on her hand BURNS like fire for a moment, and a glow of eldritch power snakes across the back of her hand, but then slowly fades from view, leaving a barely discernible scar. (Had she failed, it would have been a very visible mark, and -2 Luck).

The book lies motionless on the ground.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:05 am
by Raven_Crowking
MrHemlocks wrote:ooc...She took the risk of searching and finding the book. If she could use it than keep it.
Yeah, but......Cathbad is named after a druid, with the thought that I would make her a Neutral cleric. On the other hand, she's pretty weak, and might be an okay Wizard. In terms of group dynamic, I was asking which would be best, in your opinions.

Right now, I guess she'll hold onto the book.

@beermotor: I know she got some XP for the first fight, but have there been subsequent XP? Any for the trap? How far is she now from 1st level?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:13 am
by beermotor
Touching the book sends a little tingle of power through her fingers. I don't have to tell you, this is a very special find. There's probably going to be some wrangling over who gets it. :twisted:

Cathbad probably more naturally would fit as a Cleric. Since she's neutral (although that's not set in stone of course):
There are also three main Neutral religions, which are all characterized by ancestor reverence and a much more polytheistic feel (lots of powers to invoke, versus Lawfuls tending to focus on one): The Wheel, The Way, and The Sacred Fire. The Wheel is the contemplative god, associated with observation and dialog, mathematics, the stars, and is mostly worshipped by elves and a few humans (esp. wizards). The Way is a god of patience and meditation, and is also loosely connected with Time and the seasons, worshipped by many elves, some halflings, and a few humans. The Sacred Fire is a powerful, shielding deity, invoked for protection against the natural world, and is closely connected with luck; for that reason, almost all humans who are Neutral will gravitate towards this deity, and almost all Neutral halflings follow it as well. All of the Neutral religions are closely connected with the Great Eye.
Darrow's god, Rudra, is a deity of the Sacred Fire.

Of course that is not to dissuade her from becoming a Wizard. 13 Int is plenty good enough for a Wizard.