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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:03 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Is there some place he can safely throw this thing? Out a window? Down a cliff? No? Then into the corner it goes, and Sexton Abraham will try to kill it with his shovel.

(If Jack needs a save to avoid being bitten when throwing the snake, 14 + 3 = 17.)

(Sexton Abraham rolls a 5 to hit, which I assume is just flailing somewhat dangerously with his shovel.)

Then, regardless of what happens (unless he is bit), Jack draws out the sword.

Cathbad sidles up to the smartest-looking (or a smart-looking) member of her new companions and says quietly, "Does it ever depress you, knowing that these idiots might outlive us?"

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:06 pm
by beermotor
The corner of this smaller room is about 10 or so feet away, and the thing curls up as soon as he flings it over there, hissing. The farmer knows that a snake generally won't mess with anything if left alone, and it doesn't appear to be aggressively moving... so unless Sexton Abraham really wants a viper skin, he can leave it safely alone. Most likely. Just don't go into that corner.


Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:09 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Sexton Abraham has an 8 Intelligence.....hmmmm......after flailing and missing, does the viper pursue him if he leaves it alone? If not, then he will keep a wary eye on it, but is otherwise done with his tomfoolery.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:11 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Jack draws the sword, Cathbad tries to ingratiate herself with the larger party with her snide remark on her previous companions' intelligence (or lack thereof).

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:14 pm
by romprecentor
Trim watches the whole viper flinging stunt then remorsefully looks at his hand again. He will examine the trunk hoping it contains medicine or an antidote.

Fritz moves farther out of viper range and continues to watch the hall.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:22 pm
by Raven_Crowking
Assuming that there is a sword attached to the hilt, Cathbad then goes and explains to Jack that a pitchfork is just as good as a sword, and has a longer reach besides. Jack really likes the idea of a sword, but he is kind of taken with the personably (17) Cathbad, and relents.

"Is there someone in this group who could do well with a sword?"

When Chalmers of Yngvi begins to speak, she adds, "That doesn't already have one?"

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:34 pm
by beermotor
The hilt is warm to the touch and seems to hum slightly as Jack draws it out of the trunk. It is almost weightless, and there is a blade attached that seems to slide right out of the ground. It is black, flat, matte black, darker than midnight, it seems to suck the light right out of the air around it. It's short, shaped somewhat like a squared off shortsword, and when viewed edge-on looks impossibly thin. Clearly, something ancient, powerful, and very likely magic. Or cursed. Or both. Probably both. :twisted:

Jack must make a willpower save, DC 18, to hand the sword over to Cathbad, despite all her cajoling and womanly charms.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:37 pm
by beermotor
Trim sees a strange tome lying in the trunk. It looks like it's bound in snakeskin. Very similar, in fact, to the viper...

Between the covers, which are closed and locked with small brass clasp, ancient and yellowed parchment sheets appear to be bound up. There are no runes or markings on the outside. It's about two inches thick, and about 8 by 10 inches in size... a large tome, indeed.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:38 pm
by Raven_Crowking
5 + 1 = 6

"Hell no!" Jack says. "If you like my old pitchfork so much then, you can have it."

Cathbad shrugs. "Can anyone use a pitchfork? I fear I am not a true combatant."

(She has a 7 Strength and a -1 penalty to melee attack rolls due to her birth auger and low Luck!)

A pitchfork does 1d8 damage, so unless everyone is packing great weapons, someone ought to take it. If no one else wants it, I can give it to Sexton Abraham, but he is also unlucky and has a -1 penalty to his damage rolls.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 12:58 pm
by MrHemlocks
Laughing, Thorin looks at the book and dark sword. " If evil is what you want than evil is what you will get. Go ahead and fight over those items they like these ruins surely must be cursed." He than heads over to the hallway and stands guard.

"Wait for me Mr. Dwarf." Fosco grabs onto the tail end of the dwarf's shirt and goes along with him toward the hallway.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:04 pm
by GnomeBoy
Flavia puts a hand on Chatbad's shoulder. "We're here -- how smart do you want us to be...?" she says, with a wan smile.

"I lack a weapon for close combat," says Darrow, "so if no one else is interested in the pitchfork, I'll mind it until the fellow decides that cursed sword isn't worth the trouble..."

"Ancient lore is my speciality -- perhaps I can make sense of that tome..." says Chendris, rolling one hand over his other.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 3:41 pm
by romprecentor
Trim shrugs and hands the tome to Chendris. Then he turns the trunk over and makes sure nothing is underneath or hidden in it otherwise.

Fritz eyes the sword with longing but says nothing, his club is trusty and less likely to harm him.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:16 pm
by beermotor
Chendris, you now have a thick snakeskin bound tome.

The trunk is otherwise empty (except for snake poop?). There's a thin hole in the bottom, where the blade was. Lifting up the trunk, he can see a thin hole in the tile beneath...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:54 pm
by GnomeBoy
Darrow agitates for pursuing the man and his bugs.

Flavia is less sure about that and suggests merely exploring further, with spotters named to keep an eye on floor, ceiling, in front, behind, etc. so surprises are limited.

Hector is hewing closer and closer to Flavia.

Chendris looks at the book's exterior to determine whatever he can -- age, provenance, how complex the lock looks, any exterior markings however how small -- and if it is possible to pry the covers and pages apart enough at a corner to catch a glimpse of the writing without destroying anything...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:58 pm
by MrHemlocks
OOC...This man we are looking for is the same guy that scared Fritz? Or is it one of the newest members gone bad? Too many pages to file through :cry:

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:57 pm
by beermotor
Yes, I assume he's talking about the man who scared Fritz, not one of the four new recruits.

Chendris can't pry the corners, the boards are quite stout. The lock looks delicate, but well made. Breaking it might ruin the book... he could do it, but he'd need some downtime to fiddle with it, and some peace and quiet.

Whenever y'all are ready, let me know.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:30 pm
by romprecentor
Trim is ready! He agrees with Darrow as this guy now knows of us and the longer we give him the more trouble he can cause. Flexes his wounded hand to try any keep it nibble.

Fritz wonders who this guy is.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:28 am
by Raven_Crowking
My guys are ready! Indeed, "Charge-It" Chalmers of Yngvi is ready to be up near the front. Jack Nimble can hardly stay behind, now that he is so gallant with his night-black blade!

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:40 am
by MrHemlocks
"Chalmers of Yngvi," Thorin says. "Best you take point. You seem to have a full group and your people trust you. I and my little friend, pointing at the Halfling, will take rear." It is Thorin's and Fosco's idea to stay back and keep an eye out for secret doors that the rest of the bumbling party misses and with their darkvision they will scan behind them looking for any visitors that might try something sneaky.

"Lead the way man, I want out of this place as soon as possible." Fosco looks around and notices who has torches lit...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:16 am
by beermotor
Not sure who has torches lit; I think Hector had one, at least. You probably will want a couple more, for light.

Outside, in the hallway, Darrow hears a strange noise from the south. Then he sees a dark shadow on the ceiling of hallway -- one of the vile bug creatures! -- skitter forward around the corner, and throw something at him... it lands with a wet splattering plop a few feet from him. It looks like a hunk of liver.

Immediately thereafter, a pile of moaning, groaning, snarling humanoid shapes appear around the corner and start moving north along the hallway... towards the party.

Roll for initiative (only for your group, remember; use the highest Agi/init bonus).

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:46 am
by Raven_Crowking
14 + 3 = 17. Thank you Jack B. Nimble!

EDIT: I think it is safe to assume that Chalmers and Jack both charge the foe!

Sexton Abraham readies his shovel and whacks at the first creature to approach him.

Cathbad tries to worm her way back, and to look small and inconspicuous.

If it comes to blows:

Chalmers rolls a natural "1", followed by a "2" on the fumble die, but Chalmers is naturally lucky (+2 bonus) and ends up merely looking foolish.

Jack rolls a 19! Short sword damage: 4.

Sexton Abraham, if he gets a shot in: 6. And, if that should by some strange quirk of fate actually hit something: damage is 2 (-1 for his Path of the bear and poor Luck): 1.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:57 am
by romprecentor
Trim has a torch lit.

Int. 10

Trim and Fritz will take the middle of the marching order. Trim has his torch a trusty razor and Fritz is sporting a club.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:48 am
by Sveden
Raven_Crowking wrote:Jack Nimble can hardly stay behind, now that he is so gallant with his night-black blade!
/ooc Jack and his sword(at least in his mind)

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:08 am
by GnomeBoy
[We got a 6 for initiative. From the 'shoving' room, Flavia had a lit torch, as well. So there must be at least three going in the whole party.]

This could get cramped up real fast here in the hallway.

Darrow is watching the ceiling and glancing at the advancing horde -- should he have a target above, or a clear shot at what he's assuming are more of the dead things from outside, he'll take it (attack roll: 11 -- damage roll: 3).

Chendris madly reaches for the liver, and throws it at the group advancing ('attack' roll: 13), hoping to slow them down/confuse them/make them stop altogether.

Hector and Flavia ready themselves for attack from the other direction.
(Hector's attack roll: 8 -- damage: 4)
(Flavia's attack roll: 2 -- damage: 5)
[Such as they are... sigh]

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:45 am
by beermotor
GnomeBoy wrote:
This could get cramped up real fast here in the hallway.
Yes. It's only about 10 feet wide. The un-dead creatures (who don't care much about friendly fire) can fight three or four abreast, but PCs only 2, because of the room needed.
GnomeBoy wrote:
Chendris madly reaches for the liver, and throws it at the group advancing ('attack' roll: 13), hoping to slow them down/confuse them/make them stop altogether.
The mob of un-dead things is about thirty feet away. Although slow in terms of initiative, they move with normal speed... and charging, they're very likely to reach Chendris this round, if he runs out in front of Darrow / Chalmers / Jack. Are you SURE he wants to do that?

Also, just so you get an accurate picture, there's a bunch of these. At least 10, probably more... they are crowding/mobbing around the corner towards you.