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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:05 am
by beermotor
Sveden wrote: Portly Trim knows his god has forsaken him but refuses to take no for an answer.


Turn check 1d20+1+0+0= 16
A deep voice, dry as the desert winds, powerful and foreboding, full of immutable time and the heat of a thousand lightnings echoes in Portly Trim's mind. "For thy stiffnecked pride, thou art accursed; thine eyes will never again open. Yet even now I will not forsake thee, if thou return to the holy way in humility." He feels his eyes swell painfully and then *pop*, hot liquid running down his face... the pain is excruciating, and Portly Trim gets to make a Fortitude save, DC 20, or faint.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 3:23 am
by Raven_Crowking
beermotor wrote:
GnomeBoy wrote: Sword (Deed: blind the thing): 8+1-2 = 7
Shield (Deed: disorient the thing): 11+3-2 = 12 (if a hit, deed 'works'), damage 1

You only roll the deed die once, you don't roll it anew on the shield bash too... so, 1 is the deed. At least, that's how we've been playing at table. RC? Anyone else doing something different? I'm pretty sure that's what RAW says.
page 42:

"Prior to any attack roll, a warrior can declare a Mighty Deed of Arms, or for short, a Deed. This Deed is a dramatic combat maneuver within the scope of the current combat. For example, a warrior may try to disarm an enemy with his next attack, or trip the opponent, or smash him backward to open access to a nearby corridor. The Deed does not increase damage but could have some other combat effect: pushing back an enemy, tripping or entangling him, temporarily blinding him, and so on."

page 88:

"A warrior can declare a Mighty Deed of Arms, or a Deed for short, prior to any attack. If his deed die comes up as a 3 or better and the attack lands (e.g., the total attack roll exceeds the target’s AC), the Deed succeeds. The higher the deed die, the more successful the Deed."

I was worried about this before, but as I now throw any damn thing I like at the PCs, it doesn't bother me to allow a Warrior to roll a Deed attempt with any attack. This is really no more powerful than some of the wizard's spells, or the thief's ability to backstab, or the cleric's ability to turn the unholy.

However, the real answer is that it works however you say it works. And, don't forget, you can lessen the impact of Deeds against powerful foes, by allowing them a saving throw, or by simply declaring the Deed impossible without a roll of X+. In The People of the Pit, I had a dwarf try to use a Deed to trip the toad-fiend. It didn't work, even though the roll was a 4. However, the same dwarf used a Deed successfully to escape the toad-fiend's pin.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:21 am
by GnomeBoy
I swear I hadn't been drinking, prior to my last post! :oops:
beermotor wrote:
GnomeBoy wrote: Sword (Deed: blind the thing): 8+1-2 = 7
Shield (Deed: disorient the thing): 11+3-2 = 12 (if a hit, deed 'works'), damage 1
You only roll the deed die once, you don't roll it anew on the shield bash too... so, 1 is the deed. At least, that's how we've been playing at table. RC? Anyone else doing something different? I'm pretty sure that's what RAW says.
I'll admit I'm confused about Deeds on this point -- you only roll once, is how I understand it, but if you have more than one attack and you can attempt a Deed with each attack (which leads to "knowing" your second attack Deed is going to work, unless...) -- I guess you have to declare all the potential Deeds before rolling anything. Then either all Deeds go off* or none of them do...

* Well, they all go off if they all activate on the same result as what's rolled, e.g. a Deed that needs a 4 with another Deed that needs a 3 could lead to a situation where only one Deed worked.

beermotor wrote:
GnomeBoy wrote: Chendriss attempts to cast Color Spray to deal with the Bug by Hector and the Bug coming back down the wall...

Spell check: 12+2 = 14, One target (by Hector) must make a Will save or be blinded for (1d4) 3 rounds. Seven of Chendriss appear as the side-effect.
Uh, didn't he lose the spell last round? You can change your action if so. (I'm pretty sure you got a "Lost" spell check result just a minute ago...)
You're right, I'm a no unnerstan' wha hoppen to my brain. Mebbe all the blood in my eyes is blinding me to my character sheets... :cry:

"Chendriss falls back, too frail to throw himself into what is obviously a deadly combat, and considers *forcing* an Invoke Patron spell..."

Basically he moves away from the fights, and dithers for a moment. I'm assuming the learning spells on the fly takes an action? And to get to Invoke Patron, he'd also need to push for Patron Bond, so he'd need two actions? Either both his actions next round will be doing this (unless the tide of battle changes), or if the on-the-fly rolls are no-time type events, I guess he'll (maybe!) be casting Invoke Patron next round.

I'm pretty sure he's going with Ithha (page 356).

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:50 am
by beermotor
GnomeBoy wrote:I swear I hadn't been drinking, prior to my last post! :oops:
beermotor wrote:
GnomeBoy wrote: Sword (Deed: blind the thing): 8+1-2 = 7
Shield (Deed: disorient the thing): 11+3-2 = 12 (if a hit, deed 'works'), damage 1
You only roll the deed die once, you don't roll it anew on the shield bash too... so, 1 is the deed. At least, that's how we've been playing at table. RC? Anyone else doing something different? I'm pretty sure that's what RAW says.
I'll admit I'm confused about Deeds on this point -- you only roll once, is how I understand it, but if you have more than one attack and you can attempt a Deed with each attack (which leads to "knowing" your second attack Deed is going to work, unless...) -- I guess you have to declare all the potential Deeds before rolling anything. Then either all Deeds go off* or none of them do...

* Well, they all go off if they all activate on the same result as what's rolled, e.g. a Deed that needs a 4 with another Deed that needs a 3 could lead to a situation where only one Deed worked.
I *think* but am not positive that there's some language that says you can declare *A* Deed, not multiple *Deeds*. That's the way I've been playing at table (we have a dwarf; he always bashes with the shield, too, and sometimes uses it as his deed, but only declares ONE deed per round). Allowing level 1 Dwarves to have 2 deeds per round seems kinda like nerfing Warriors, IMO, which the RAW doesn't seem to have in mind. Just my interpretation.
GnomeBoy wrote:
"Chendriss falls back, too frail to throw himself into what is obviously a deadly combat, and considers *forcing* an Invoke Patron spell..."

Basically he moves away from the fights, and dithers for a moment. I'm assuming the learning spells on the fly takes an action? And to get to Invoke Patron, he'd also need to push for Patron Bond, so he'd need two actions? Either both his actions next round will be doing this (unless the tide of battle changes), or if the on-the-fly rolls are no-time type events, I guess he'll (maybe!) be casting Invoke Patron next round.

I'm pretty sure he's going with Ithha (page 356).
He'll need to make contact with a Patron via a bond, before he can Invoke the Patron. And, right now, he doesn't know any. So, he would be blindly attempting to learn Patron Bond on the fly AND basically putting out a radio signal that says "plz help" to any/all that might be listening. Just a word of caution: you may not necessarily like who's listening. :twisted: Of course, maybe you would. :mrgreen: But you won't know beforehand... :twisted:

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:54 am
by Raven_Crowking
beermotor wrote:He'll need to make contact with a Patron via a bond, before he can Invoke the Patron. And, right now, he doesn't know any. So, he would be blindly attempting to learn Patron Bond on the fly AND basically putting out a radio signal that says "plz help" to any/all that might be listening. Just a word of caution: you may not necessarily like who's listening. :twisted: Of course, maybe you would. :mrgreen: But you won't know beforehand... :twisted:
If it was me, I would be casting right now on that basis alone. Just to discover what happens.

(Of course, I'm down to a single character, so listening to me might not be the wisest of ideas.....)

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:47 am
by GnomeBoy
Raven_Crowking wrote:If it was me, I would be casting right now on that basis alone. Just to discover what happens.
Then you know exactly how tempted I am...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:47 pm
by beermotor
Note that you must spellburn to cast Patron Bond. So, since it's a spur-of-the-moment thing, that will likely require blood. Or some similar maiming sacrifice. Were you to cast Patron Bond in downtime, you could fast for a few weeks or something to simulate the spellburn. And, as you can imagine, certain Patrons might be more attracted to the life force being spilled on the ground . . .

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 3:09 am
by beermotor
So, what's it gonna be?!

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:08 am
by cthulhudarren
My two coppers:

1) You roll ONCE a round for the deed die which applies to all attacks.
2) You can only declare ONE mighty deed per round.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:57 am
by GnomeBoy
cthulhudarren wrote:2) You can only declare ONE mighty deed per round.
I think I see where I'm tripping up. It certainly says a Dwarf can execute a Deed with his shield, but....

It also says "Prior to any attack roll" (page 42) -- which I've taken to mean you could have a Deed with every attack roll, but which I now suppose means: You get ONE Deed per round, which can be tied to any given attack roll (use of main weapon or shield or____, so long as it's involved in an attack), but must be declared prior to the roll(s) that include the Deed Die.

How'd I do?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:07 am
by GnomeBoy
beermotor wrote:So, what's it gonna be?!
I don't know; does the Slippery Slope of Arcane Doom take actions, or does one just do it in no-time and the spell casting is the action?

If the on-the-fly learning is no-time, then let's have him cast Patron Bond this round after falling back from the melees. Spell check: 13, plus spellburn damage as adjudicated.

If the on-the-fly learning takes actions, then he's on-the-fly learning Patron Bond this round.

In either case, the mercurial outcomes are:

75 - Spell by proxy
59 - No change

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:30 am
by beermotor
GnomeBoy wrote:
beermotor wrote:So, what's it gonna be?!
I don't know; does the Slippery Slope of Arcane Doom take actions, or does one just do it in no-time and the spell casting is the action?

If the on-the-fly learning is no-time, then let's have him cast Patron Bond this round after falling back from the melees. Spell check: 13, plus spellburn damage as adjudicated.

If the on-the-fly learning takes actions, then he's on-the-fly learning Patron Bond this round.

In either case, the mercurial outcomes are:

75 - Spell by proxy
59 - No change
Okay... what's he doing to spellburn, exactly? And how many points?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:46 am
by Raven_Crowking
I hate to rain on the parade, but have you looked at the casting time for Patron Bond?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:49 am
by beermotor
Raven_Crowking wrote:I hate to rain on the parade, but have you looked at the casting time for Patron Bond?
Hah... I'll let that slide. Because this has the potential to be FUN.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:43 pm
by GnomeBoy
Chendriss pushes up the sleeves of his tunic and burns up and down his upper arms with a lit torch.

He expends 5 points off each of Strength and Stamina, and 3 off of Agility for a total of 13.

He is a man who sees everything closing in on him. All his years of study coming to naught. To die here in this forsaken courtyard would be a colossal waste. He calls out to any powers that can hear him, naming Ithha, Sezrekan, the Fates and others, including the Blue Child and even Vultaash -- anybody that can help him. He implores them to save him, save his comrades, drive out the abominations of this ruined keep. He burns his own arms so that his plea may be heard, tears running down his face freely and heavily, and he chokes out the names over and over again.

Roll: 12 +2 +13 = 27

...which is the result bracket that is missing from my rulebook. Anybody got a line on that?

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:29 pm
by Raven_Crowking ... ls-on.html

First off, the character must make a check against DC 10 + the spell level as part of an attempt to cast the spell. The initial check consists of 1d16 + caster level + Intelligence modifier.

If this check fails, the character suffers a misfire from the attempted spell. If this check results in a natural "1" the check automatically fails, and the would-be caster suffers corruption as well. In addition, in the event of a natural "1", all subsequent attempts to learn the same spell on the fly reduce the die used for the check, as per the die chain.

However, each failed attempt also gives a +1 bonus to learning the spell if normal research is then used, to a maximum bonus of +4.

If the character succeeds, he has learned the spell! However, the hap-hazard method of learning requires a second Mercurial Magic check with a -20 penalty to the roll. The effects of both Mercurial Magic checks take place whenever the wizard or elf casts this spell.

Unless Beermotor wishes to do something else first, you need a DC 11 check with 1d16 + Int Mod + 1.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:08 pm
by GnomeBoy
Raven_Crowking wrote:Unless Beermotor wishes to do something else first, you need a DC 11 check with 1d16 + Int Mod + 1.
That was the roll in response to beer's "what's it going to be?" where I got a 13.

But thanks for keeping me honest. I have felt mixed up lately...

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 5:48 am
by beermotor
Chendris doesn't know any of those names, by the way... although he does have a general idea about what a patron is, he's never encountered any books or anything to give information about them, nor had a teacher who was so inclined. But what he can do is call out to whatever is listening, and pray...which is, essentially, what he has done. Luckily for him, his attempt is successful...

Or maybe not so luckily?! Muahahaha... anyway, something alien and unknowable latches on to his psyche with a powerful grip, strangling and tight, immobilizing, asphyxiating. ... He hears a voice, grinding and ancient and deep below something, and words he cannot understand fill his mind, symbols arc before his eyes and everything seems to explode in a scintillating rainbow. Then it is dark and time seems to have stopped, whatever it is speaks to him again and says, in words that he doesn't recognize but can vaguely understand, "For your life, you shall serve my whim. Please me not, and you shall be devoured. Bend your knee mortal. Supplicate yourself before my majesty. If it pleases me, I shall save your wretched life."

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:01 am
by GnomeBoy
beermotor wrote:Chendris doesn't know any of those names, by the way... although he does have a general idea about what a patron is, he's never encountered any books or anything to give information about them, nor had a teacher who was so inclined. But what he can do is call out to whatever is listening, and pray...which is, essentially, what he has done. Luckily for him, his attempt is successful...

Or maybe not so luckily?! Muahahaha... anyway, something alien and unknowable latches on to his psyche with a powerful grip, strangling and tight, immobilizing, asphyxiating. ... He hears a voice, grinding and ancient and deep below something, and words he cannot understand fill his mind, symbols arc before his eyes and everything seems to explode in a scintillating rainbow. Then it is dark and time seems to have stopped, whatever it is speaks to him again and says, in words that he doesn't recognize but can vaguely understand, "For your life, you shall serve my whim. Please me not, and you shall be devoured. Bend your knee mortal. Supplicate yourself before my majesty. If it pleases me, I shall save your wretched life."
[I had just figured, as an alchemist, there were probably references in alchemical texts to 'other beings' and he was rattling them off (not everything I listed is patron-worthy), but this certainly works, too.]

The alchemist drops to his knees, his arms bleeding profusely, and agony stitched across his face and neck. "I beseech thee, my will bent to thee, your service in all things done."

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:52 am
by beermotor
Hey what's "Spell by Proxy" say? Book isn't handy.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:52 am
by Sveden
beermotor wrote:He feels his eyes swell painfully and then *pop*
/occ That's leaps and bounds beyond the highest penalties on the Deity Disapproval chart. Portly Trim is sad to die knowing the Great Spirit is a dick.

Fort Save 1d20+0= 3

Portly Trim falls to the ground leaking eyeball juice.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:02 am
by beermotor
Sveden wrote:
beermotor wrote:He feels his eyes swell painfully and then *pop*
/occ That's leaps and bounds beyond the highest penalties on the Deity Disapproval chart. Portly Trim is sad to die knowing the Great Spirit is a dick.

Fort Save 1d20+0= 3

Portly Trim falls to the ground leaking eyeball juice.
I don't think it's that bad. I mean, that's what you get for intentionally acting in a way highly likely to piss off the Great Spirit. He's not dead, by the way, but he is moaning on the ground clutching his head in pain (and blinded, permanently [at least for the time being]). There's a way forward for him though, back to the good graces of his deity, if he'll take it.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:07 am
by Sveden
beermotor wrote:
Sveden wrote:
beermotor wrote:He feels his eyes swell painfully and then *pop*
/occ That's leaps and bounds beyond the highest penalties on the Deity Disapproval chart. Portly Trim is sad to die knowing the Great Spirit is a dick.

Fort Save 1d20+0= 3

Portly Trim falls to the ground leaking eyeball juice.
I don't think it's that bad. I mean, that's what you get for intentionally acting in a way highly likely to piss off the Great Spirit. He's not dead, by the way, but he is moaning on the ground clutching his head in pain (and blinded, permanently [at least for the time being]). There's a way forward for him though, back to the good graces of his deity, if he'll take it.
/ooc I know he's not dead yet. Just soon.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:09 am
by GnomeBoy
beermotor wrote:Hey what's "Spell by Proxy" say? Book isn't handy.
The effect is basically that I can 'give' someone else the spell as I cast it, and then they can actually sling it within the spell level in rounds. It'd be mildly cool if I had someone I was tying to the same Patron... But as a Mercurial result, it'd so much cooler on an attack spell or a 'save our butts with this!' utility spell.

Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:24 am
by Raven_Crowking
Exploded eyeballs is, what, a 3-Dice Lay on Hands check?