The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

Raven_Crowking wrote:That note probably means a secret door or similar.
Bzzt, wrong. -1d

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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

So the whole party, save Chendris the bookworm, enters the bedroom?

So be it!

The room is cold, damp, and musty. Everyone begins to sneeze and sniffle and cough in the dank air. Is anyone looking at anything in particular?

Tapping the floor doesn't reveal any traps.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by GnomeBoy »

Well, the whole party but for Flavia...

And Hector will stand near Orastes to cover him.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

OK... what are you searching exactly?
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

Tonunt knocks down the pile of skulls with the pole.

She then approaches the desk. Prods it and listens for things skittering about inside. Prods it again.

Bypeld take the tip of his sword and pulls the drawers open one by one.
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by MrHemlocks »

Thorin and Fosco will continue their search in the bedroom.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by GnomeBoy »

Hector is mainly 'covering' Orastes, as if anything might jump up from anywhere at anytime.

Darrow is considering the fireplace and chimney, noting it's architecture (built into the wall, projected out from it, mantle/no mantle, etc.) and wondering where the chimney might lead to on the surface, whether they've seen that, was there evidence of it in earlier exploration on other levels, how big it might be, etc. But he's certainly not sticking his head up there to look. Maybe that 10' pole could be jiggered up there or something first...
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

Darrow, you note that there's something odd about this fireplace. You don't recall seeing anything up above that might indicate a chimney, and the fireplace seems somewhat flattened. Sure enough, you spot a mechanism of some sort... pulling on a wooden protrusion on the mantle might activate the mechanism. What it might do, though, is unclear at this point.

After knocking the skulls over with a clatter, Tonunt inspects the desk. No sounds from inside when she pokes it. When Bypeld opens it, he sees black mold covering what used to be papers, likely. The mass of mold inside is impressive, and disgusting.

Thorin and Fosco end up over by the bed in their searching, and then... the coldness in the room seems to seep into your bones... and then you notice a strange, inky darkness, snaking out in writhing tendrils from beneath the bed. A high-pitched keening noise like fingernails on a chalkboard begins to warble in the air, and the blackness flows around like the tentacles of some strange beast over your boots and around your legs, freezing you to the bone.

And then there's the eyes, red and hateful and glowing like dying embers in a shadowy, humanoid form.

Everyone make a Will save, DC 15.

The wraith strikes at Thorin and Fosco, those nearest to it, with shadowy claws, all the while the warbling sound echoes in the room. The black shadow passes directly through Thorin (20 + 4 = 24; 10 on Crit Table U: Thorin sees a horrifying vision of this shade's existence, which will become his own, and must make a Fortitude save DC 15 or be unable to move for 1d4 rounds!), doing 3 points of freezing damage and draining him of 1d5 XP = 1. The shadowy claws also strike Fosco (12 + 4 = 16), doing 2 points of freezing damage and draining him of 1 XP. (If you go below 10 XP, you lose 1st level and revert to 0 level abilities, etc...)

OK, Will saves first, then Initiative rolls, and go ahead and describe what you're doing on your initiative.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

INIT: 1d20 + 1 = 6

Will Saves:

Orastes = 1d20+0 = 10

Bypeld = 1d20+0 = 17

Tonunt = 1d20-1 = 6
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Cathbad: Will 14 + 1 (Wizard) + 2 (Personality) = 17, so she makes the save.

Not sure it will do any good, but Init 10 - 1 (Agility) = 9

Attack with club: 18 - 1 (Strength) - 1 (Birth Auger) = 16, damage 4 - 1 (Strength) = 3.

"Gah! Cleric, send this thing to hell! Where is the Black Blade?"
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

If someone else wants to take over Fritz/Portly Trim, feel free. Otherwise they're just going to disappear... and I guess take the blade with them?
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

/ooc who has the least amount of controlled PCs? Am I the only one left with just zero levels?
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by GnomeBoy »

All of mine are first level. I did grab the stats of Portly Trim and Fritz, in case they disappeared -- it certainly sounds like they are up for grabs:

Portly Trim, Cleric 1st (Barber) L, AC: 11, Str 10, Agi 11, Stm 8(-1), Per 11, Int 8(-1), Lck 12, hp 5, 21 cp, Razor, 2 x torches, large sack, scissors, candle, Improvised wooden buckler.

Fritz, Thief 1st, (Wainwright) C, AC: 10, Str 9, Agi 12, Stm 10, Per 16(+2), Int 12, Lck 13(+1), hp 5, 7 cp, club, flint & steel, lg sack(tomatoes), flask(water), black book, crowbar.

As for Saves:

Darrow: 8
Hector: 13
[Flavia: 7, Chendriss: 7] -- They are outside the bedroom.

Initiative: 19 -- sure why not have *this* be the high roll... :roll:

Darrow will see if he can kneel and get a clean shot off into the darkness under the bed. Atk 4 ~sigh~

Hector will grab a chair in his off-hand and use it lion-tamer style with his sword in his good hand. If chance presents itself, he attempts to stab the thing and also tangle the tentacles into the chair legs (Deed), to try to slow the creature or distract it while other whale away on it. Atk: Jimminy Christmas~ Natural 20 and a 3 on the Deed! (Total of 21) ...of course, I'm not past assuming he's actually paralyzed from the Will Save failure or something.... :wink: If any of that worked though, damage would be 8 +3 -2 = 9!

Edit: Oh, and I'm not 100% sure there even is a chair! I thought there was, but couldn't find mention of it scanning back over the posts, and may have just mentally in-filled with it when I heard there was a desk...

Edit 2: Forgot the crit results, again, assuming they matter... rolled an 8 on Table III: deafen foe for 1d6 days and do an extra 1d6 damage: 2 extra points of damage.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

Anyone who fails the Will save is paralyzed with fear for one round, so if you want to burn Luck if you're close, go nuts.

Flavia and Chendris saves are not necessary...
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by GnomeBoy »

What the hell: Hector burns 2 Luck to make the Save. This would affect his crit roll, and so it should've been a 7, not an 8 (knock weapon away; lands 6' away), if you want to switch results.

Let's hope it was worth it. :twisted:
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by MrHemlocks »

Fort 20+1=21

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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

Ok, what are Thorin/Fosco's actions and initiative??

Driving to a funeral this afternoon, but will try to post an update when I can.
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by MrHemlocks »

beermotor wrote:Ok, what are Thorin/Fosco's actions and initiative??

Driving to a funeral this afternoon, but will try to post an update when I can.

Their int roll... 17+1=18
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

/ooc Alight, I'll take over Fritz and Trim, for now. I will have them act on my INIT
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

Will Saves:

Trim - 1d20 + 1= 20

Fritz - 1d20 + 2= 18
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

Ok, what are their actions?
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by MrHemlocks »

Thorin and Fosco are scared silly from the site of such a monster. They run the heck out of the room. If the monster appears to attack again they will try to dodge it's attack...
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Sveden »

Orastes and Tonunt freeze in place and stare open mouthed at the evil spirit.

Bypeld steps back and prepares to swing at the spirit if it comes near.

Fritz steps up the spirit a wild look in his eye. He swings the lightless blade at the spirit.

1d20+1= 10
DMG 1d8+1= 6

Portly Trim calls upon his god to turn this abomination.

Turn check = 1d20+1+0= 6

He searches for a connection to his god but finds none.
Link to Sveden's PCs
PC descriptions/Status
Bypeld: Wizard - Alchemist AL:N AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Staff or Longsword +1 (1d4+1) 13/6/9/11/15/8(7)
Orastes: Wizard - Grave Digger AL:C AC:10 HP:6 Weapon:Shovel -2 (1d4-2) 4/12/12/10/14/10
Tonunt: Thief - Weaver AL:L AC:11 HP:6 Weapon:Dagger -2 (1d4-2) 5/13/9(11)/5/6/13
Portly Trim: Cleric AC:11
Fritz: Thief AC:10
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by beermotor »

The wraith is on initiative 8, lucky y'all!

Darrow is frozen with fear and doesn't fire his arrow.

Hector attempts to engage the thing with a chair and sword, and looks quite spectacular while doing so, except the sword passes right through the incorporeal thing, doing nothing so far as he can tell.

Flavia and Chendris are in the other room, and hear the horrified sounds of their companions and the strange, terrible noise of the wraith...

Thorin and Fosco are both frozen with fear and cannot yet flee.

Cathbad swings at the wraith without fear, but her attack passes right through it. She shouts for the black blade...

The wraith strikes at Thorin... 11 + 4 = 15, doing 1 point of freezing damage and draining him of 5 XP! That will likely drop Thorin back to 0 level?

Orastes and Tonunt are frozen with fear. Bypeld takes a few steps away, into the southwestern corner of the room.

Fritz charges the wraith and swings, but the wraith seems to move like a puff of wispy smoke and Fritz's strike misses wide.

Portly Trim hears a distant rumbling (of Deity disapproval!)...
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Re: The Secret of Bone Hill - L1 DCC conversion Play By Post

Post by Raven_Crowking »

On her next action, Cathbad moves back out of melee, potentially drawing a free attack, but not willing to fight this thing if her weapons do no good.....If she must make a Will save, 14 + 1 + 2 = 17 to do so.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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