Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

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Purple Planet Funnel, Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

I'm looking to get started with DCC, and since there's not a lot of activity, I may as well host a game. I'm looking for 3-4 players to run a game set on the Purple Planet. The funnel ought to require 4-5 characters each; afterwards play can continue with the survivors if people want to do the full campaign.

If you're interested, go ahead and roll your level 0's. Kith characters are also allowed.

I'm looking at doing updates / processing character actions once a day, unless I'm out of town and can't make it to the computer.

Turns So Far
Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Update 6
Update 7
Update 8
Update 9
Update 10
Update 11
Update 12
Update 13
Update 14
Last edited by TerraGoetia on Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:21 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Sounds like a good time! PP newb (it's on part of my Kickstarter add on so eventually I'll get it) so I've got the broad strokes but no in depth info. Would it be better to play wide eyed gong farmers then?

Daily activity is good for me (traveling for work next week but should be able to check in daily...it'll be a nice break from 12 hours of meetings each day).
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

The Purple Planet assumes your characters are from another world, and that you've been transported there by mysterious means! It's completely okay if you know nothing about the setting. You can be from any background and still work thematically.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Any house rules?
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

Thelonious (Male)
0-level Occupation: Halfling trader
Strength: 12 (0)
Agility: 15 (+1)
Stamina: 10 (0)
Personality: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 12 (0)
Luck: 11 (0)

AC: 11; HP: 1; Weapon: Short sword +0(1d6)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 20; Init: 1; Ref: 1; Fort: 0; Will: -1

Equipment: Flask - empty (3 cp)
Trade good: 20 sp
Starting Funds: 39 cp
Lucky sign: Hawkeye (Missile fire damage rolls) (+0)
Languages: Common, Halfling
Racial Traits: Halfling ability: Infravision

Duke (Female)
0-level Occupation: Trapper
Strength: 12 (0)
Agility: 9 (0)
Stamina: 9 (0)
Personality: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 17 (+2)
Luck: 14 (+1)

AC: 10; HP: 1; Weapon: Sling +0(1d4)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: 2

Equipment: Flask - empty (3 cp)
Trade good: Badger pelt
Starting Funds: 25 cp
Lucky sign: The raging storm (Spell damage) (+1)
Languages: Common, Alignment, Hobgoblin

Kettering (Male)
0-level Occupation: Guild beggar
Strength: 14 (+1)
Agility: 9 (0)
Stamina: 12 (0)
Personality: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 10 (0)
Luck: 9 (0)

AC: 10; HP: 1; Weapon: Sling +0(1d4+1)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: 1

Equipment: Torch (1 cp)
Trade good: Crutches
Starting Funds: 27 cp
Lucky sign: The bull (Melee attack rolls) (+0)
Languages: Common

Leibgott (Male)
0-level Occupation: Turnip Farmer
Strength: 16 (+2)
Agility: 14 (+1)
Stamina: 11 (0)
Personality: 10 (0)
Intelligence: 11 (0)
Luck: 8 (-1)

AC: 11; HP: 3; Weapon: Pitchfork (as spear) +2(1d8+2)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: 1; Ref: 1; Fort: 0; Will: 0

Equipment: Flint and steel (15 cp)
Trade good: Cow
Starting Funds: 34 cp
Lucky sign: The Broken Star (Fumbles) (-1)
Languages: Common
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Judge Blackthorn wrote:Any house rules?
I'm still new to the rules, so let's play rules-as-written unless something requires revision.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Lucky Lou:
Human, Male
Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

0-level Occupation: Gambler
Strength: 17 (+2)
Agility: 8 (-1)
Stamina: 13 (+1)
Personality: 12 (0)
Intelligence: 9 (0)
Luck: 16 (+2)

AC: 11; HP: 3; Weapon: Club +2(1d4+2)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: -1; Ref: -1; Fort: 1; Will: 0

Equipment: Rope - 50' (25 cp)
Trade good: Dice
Starting Funds: 36 cp
Lucky sign: Charmed house (Armor Class) (+2)
Languages: Common

Sunny Jim:
Dwarf, Male
Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

0-level Occupation: Dwarven miner
Strength: 8 (-1)
Agility: 17 (+2)
Stamina: 9 (0)
Personality: 12 (0)
Intelligence: 13 (+1)
Luck: 9 (0)

AC: 12; HP: 4; Weapon: Pick (as club) -1(1d4-1)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 20; Init: 2; Ref: 2; Fort: 0; Will: 0

Equipment: Iron spike (1 sp)
Trade good: Lantern
Starting Funds: 45 cp
Lucky sign: Charmed house (Armor Class) (+0)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Bear, Bugbear
Racial Traits: Dwarven ability: Infravision

"Wheezy" Smith:
Human, Male
Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

0-level Occupation: Alchemist
Strength: 16 (+2)
Agility: 7 (-1)
Stamina: 6 (-1)
Personality: 14 (+1)
Intelligence: 12 (0)
Luck: 9 (0)

AC: 9; HP: 2; Weapon: Staff +2(1d4+2)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: -1; Ref: -1; Fort: -1; Will: 1

Equipment: Rope - 50' (25 cp)
Trade good: Oil (1 flask)
Starting Funds: 40 cp
Lucky sign: Birdsong (Number of languages) (+0)
Languages: Common

Bob (the not so mighty):
Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

0-level Occupation: Locksmith
Strength: 5 (-2)
Agility: 9 (0)
Stamina: 11 (0)
Personality: 8 (-1)
Intelligence: 5 (-2)
Luck: 12 (0)

AC: 10; HP: 2; Weapon: Dagger -2(1d4-2)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: -1

Equipment: Torch (1 cp)
Trade good: Fine tools
Starting Funds: 46 cp
Lucky sign: Path of the bear (Melee damage rolls) (+0)
Languages: Common
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Great! Now we can decide if you both want to wait for 4 players, or if you only want 3. Once gets you more meat for the grinder, the other gets you started faster.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

I have the boxed set but have not read the funnel. Is it okay to join?
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

I'm game! (Especially since that other PbP seems to have dropped away...)

Gimme a minute to whip up some Zeroes.
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

It's great if you don't read the funnel just yet! Since we'll be using it to start the adventure, it'd take some of the surprise out of things if you did.

Feel free to create 4-5 PCs for the funnel.

Things are moving along quickly! We'll close admission after GnomeBoy and Bilgewriggler make their characters.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

“Sir” Kelven • Smuggler • L
S14 (+1) A8 (-1) S11 P12 I7 (-1) L10

AC: 9 • HP: 4 • Speed: 30 • Init: -1
Ref: -1 • Fort: 0 • Will: 0

Sling -1(1d4+1)

Flask - empty, Waterproof sack, 50’ rope, torch, 21 cp

Lucky sign: Bountiful harvest (hp, applies each level) (+0)
Languages: Common

Toby • Squire • C
S13 (+1) A10 S14 (+1) P15 (+1) I16 (+2) L9

AC: 10 • HP: 3 • Speed: 30 • Init: 0
Ref: 0 • Fort: 1 • Will: 1

Longsword +1(1d8+1)

Sack (large) (12 cp), Steel helmet, 50’ rope, torch

Lucky sign: Born on the battlefield (Damage rolls) (+0)
Languages: Common, Alignment, Hobgoblin

Stinky Pete • Ostler • N
S7 (-1) A11 S8 (-1) P13 (+1) I9 L10

AC: 10 • HP: 1 Speed: 30; Init: 0
Ref: 0 • Fort: -1 • Will: 1

Staff -1(1d4-1)

Candle, Bridle, flint & steel, 3 days “rations”

Lucky sign: Warrior's arm (Critical hit tables) (+0)
Languages: Common

Havarth • Animal trainer • L
S11 A11 S9 P15 (+1) I9 L11

AC: 10; HP: 4; Weapon:
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: 1

Club +0(1d4)

Chain 10', Pony, large sack, 18 cp

Lucky sign: Harsh winter (All attack rolls) (+0)
Languages: Common

Lucius • Slave • N
S13 (+1) A11 S8 (-1) P15 (+1) I11 L13 (+1)

AC: 10 • HP: 1 • Speed: 30 • Init: 0
Ref: 0 • Fort: -1 • Will: 1

Club +1(1d4+1)

Flint and steel, Strange-looking rock, oil (1 flask)

Lucky sign: Warrior's arm (Critical hit tables) (+1)
Languages: Common
Gnome Boy • DCC playtester @ DDC 35 Feb '11. • Beta DL 2111, 7AM PT, 8 June 11.
Playing RPGs since '77 • Quasi-occasional member of the Legion of 8th-Level Fighters.

Link: Here Be 100+ DCC Monsters

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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

I've noticed that the others are using a character generator that does not set their alignment. GnomeBoy, to be fair to you (and any roleplaying decisions you might make), if you want to change your alignment upon reaching level 1, that would be okay.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

TerraGoetia wrote:It's great if you don't read the funnel just yet! Since we'll be using it to start the adventure, it'd take some of the surprise out of things if you did.

Feel free to create 4-5 PCs for the funnel.

Things are moving along quickly! We'll close admission after GnomeBoy and Bilgewriggler make their characters.
Ha, I wasn't very clear there. I was asking if it was okay that I have read some of the material that comes after the funnel. The mention that I hadn't read the funnel was just a reassurance that I wasn't going to make use of owning the box set.

Jingles Coinclink
Female Halfling Moneylender
S 12
A 10
S 10
P 13 (+1)
I 13 (+1)
L 10

AC: 10; HP: 4; Weapon: Short sword +0 (1d6)
Speed: 20; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: 1

Equipment: Rope - 50' (25 cp)
Trade good: 5 gp 10 sp 200 cp
Starting funds: 25 cp
Lucky sign: Warrior's arm (Critical hit tables)
Languages: Common, Halfling
Racial Traits: Halfling ability: Infravision.

Nurzual the Faceter
Male Jeweler
S 12
A 8 (-1)
S 9
P 11
I 15 (+1)
L 10

AC: 9; HP: 4; Weapon: dagger +0 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: -1; Ref: -1; Fort: 0; Will: 0

Equipment: Chalk - 1piece (1 cp)
Trade good: Gem worth 20 gp
Starting Funds: 33 cp
Lucky sign: conceived on horseback (mounted attack rolls)
Language: Common

Snooth Inksplot
Male Scribe
S 12
A 9
S 8 (-1)
P 11
I 7 (-1)
L 5 (-2)

AC: 10; HP: 3; Weapon: Dart +0 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: -1; Will: 0

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp)
Trade good: Parchment (10 sheets)
Starting Funds: 26 cp
Lucky sign: Four-leafed clover (Find secret doors)
Language: Common

Qort Quiddlegit
Male Healer
S 11
A 11
S 6 (-1)
P 5 (-2)
I 6 (-1)
L 5 (-2)

AC: 10; HP: 2; Weapon: club +0 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: -1; Will: -2

Equipment: Mirror - hand-sized (10 gp)
Trade good: Holy water (1 vial)
Starting Funds: 31 cp
Lucky sign: Hawkeye (Missile fire damage rolls)
Language: Common

Brandybland Shoetree
Female Cobbler
S 10
A 9
S 10
P 8 (-1)
I 9
L 9

AC: 10; HP: 1; Weapon: dagger +0 (1d4)
Speed: 30; Init: 0; Ref: 0; Fort: 0; Will: -1

Equipment: Iron spike (1 sp)
Trade good: shoehorn
Starting Funds: 48 cp
Lucky sign: Survived a spider bite (Saving throws against poison)
Language: Common
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Bilgewriggler wrote:Ha, I wasn't very clear there. I was asking if it was okay that I have read some of the material that comes after the funnel. The mention that I hadn't read the funnel was just a reassurance that I wasn't going to make use of owning the box set.
I'm sorry I misunderstood! That should be fine as well. It looks like everyone has characters, so I'll go ahead and write the opening crawl.
Any narrative or descriptive text will be COLORED. Mechanics commentary will be in normal black text. I'm going to trust each of you to roll your own die and report the results when doing skill and combat checks. If the situation calls for a secret die roll, I'll let you know and roll it for you.

The Purple Planet. Most find their way here by accident. Whether through a mysterious portal, the machinations of a wizard, praying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or even a blow to the head, strangers from all corners of the Universe find their way to this mysterious world. Covered by thin, purple skies, under the intense heat of a dying sun, the Purple Planet's vast wasteland is broken up by unnatural mountains and plateaus, as well as the ruins of a people long gone by.

Among the remains, a savage people practice their traditions. One such tradition is the bloodsport held at the Arena of Rh'ick-Uol. In this place, mass combats are held by captives and slaves. You find yourselves in the underworks of the arena, in a dark chamber. A great clanking weight hangs around your head, wrists, and ankles. Your nostrils flare with the stink of rusting metal and cool sweat. Muffled sounds of violence--cries of pain and howls of a bestial audience--filter in from above.

A door is pulled open and a flaming brand is cast into the center of your cell. The torch spits and sputters on the sandy floor, illuminating a thin black key suspended in the center of the chamber and dozens of weapons on the floor at your feet.


What will the party do?
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

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Judge Blackthorn
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Since there are only 4 of us may I add a 5th as well?

Generator Settings
Source: Rulebook | Roll Mode: 3d6 | HP Mode: normal | Augur Mode: normal

Blackthorn (male)
0-level Occupation: Hunter
Strength: 9 (0)
Agility: 13 (+1)
Stamina: 11 (0)
Personality: 7 (-1)
Intelligence: 16 (+2)
Luck: 15 (+1)

AC: 11; HP: 2; Weapon: Shortbow +1(1d6)
Weapon 2:
Weapon 3:
Speed: 30; Init: 1; Ref: 1; Fort: 0; Will: -1

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp)
Trade good: Deer pelt
Starting Funds: 26 cp
Lucky sign: Birdsong (Number of languages) (+1)
Languages: Common, Alignment, Orc
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Bilgewriggler »

(In-character dialogue will be green)

Jingles immediately checks to see if her coin purse is still on her.
Snooth blinks and looks around.
Brandybland reaches out to see if she can reach the key.

Nurzual: Kind fellows, it looks as though we're all attached to the same chain. Perhaps if we can each move as close together as possible, one of us will be able to reach that key.

(If I'm interpreting the picture and text, we're all manacled to a single long chain that runs around the room. If that's incorrect, or if Brandybland can reach the key before he speaks, then Nurzual makes a more careful examination of things instead of speaking.)
Purple Planeteers:

Jingles Coinclink, Halfling, hag-hacked into haggis

Nurzual the Faceter – M Jwlr - Wiz - L
S 12 A 8 (-1) S 9 P 11 I 15 (+1) L 10
AC 9 HP 6 Mv 30 Init -1 Ref 0 Fort 0 Will 1
Chalk 1pc, 20 gp Gem, Backpack, 10’ chain, 10 sheets parchment, Kith pouch, small hammer, ray-gun, Rope 50', 5gp 10sp 274 cp
shortsword +0(1d6)
Ch Psn (no MM), Clr Spr 65, Force Manip 81, Rd Mag 12, Spidr Cl 69
Pl.Common (basic)

Snooth Inksplot Scribe RIP under cave-in, a crushing loss

Qort Quiddlegit M Hlr - Cler - N(C?)
S 11 temp 14 (+1) A 11 temp 14 (+1) S 6 (-1) P 5 (-2) I 6 (-1) L 5 (-2)
AC 10 temp 11 HP 8 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref t+1 Fort 0 Will -1
club +0 (1d4+1t) - hand mirror, holy wtr, wtrskin Kith drink 12 oz drunk, 31 cp
-2 Ms fire damage
Det Magic

Brandybland Shoetree F Coblr N
S 10 A 9 S 10 P 8 (-1) I 9 L 9
AC 14 HP 1 Mov 30 Init 0 Ref 0 Fort 0; Will -1
gldtr glaive +0 (1d10) - gldtr ch mail - Fe spike, shoehorn, 48 cp
Prof: dagger
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Lucky Lou:
Takes stock of his surroundings and will stretch for the key. If it's out of reach he will pull at the chains (STR check?) to see if there's any way to pull them out of the wall.
Sunny Jim:
Squinting at the sudden light change he looks at all the large folk he's attached to and wonders how he managed to drink enough the night before to end up here...even the damn sky is the wrong color.
"Wheezy" Smith:
*cough* "I don't want to get up yet mom, I'm tired" *cough*
Bob (the not so mighty):
Prepares to hide behind one of the larger people once they're all free. Examines the lock and checks to see if he still has his tools. If so he will attempt to pick the lock while everyone else keeps reaching for the key.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by GnomeBoy »

Sir Kelven, seeing others bunch up, starts to pull on the chain, moving inch by inch toward the center of the room. He pauses, his head dipping slightly as if a thought has occurred to him.

"Peter, my boy, I think you should have the honor of fetching that key." He shoves Stinky Pete forward, as he himself falls back.

Pete seems surprised, pliant, and willing.

I'll wait for the Judge's take on if we've got the right end of the stick before doing anything else.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

I want to wait for Judge Blackthorne to have a chance to write out their actions before I process everyone else's. So I'll let you know what you notice with the chain after that!

To clarify about the gear: You do not have your weapons or any armor you may have had. You DO have any gear that could fit on your person, but not the cow, and you do have your ordinary clothes.

In the meantime, there was a strength check from Lucky Lou, and Bob (not so) Mighty can try to pick his lock. Both rolls are d20 (no promotions/demotions of dice).
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by Judge Blackthorn »

Thelonious attempts to slip from his bonds and reach for the key. The rest of the crew are more careful and skeptical of the gifted key. They quickly check to see if they have their previous possessions, then attempt to reach weapons. Blackthorn looks for a long sword, Duke tries to find a bow or spear, and Kettering and Leibgott look for a pole arm or broad sword. If they are unable to reach with their hands they will try to kick weapons to each other along the ground.
PbP Purple Planeteers

Duke - Wizard C Trapper
S12(11) A9 S9 P16(2) I17(2) L14(1) AC 10 HP 4 Mov 30
Init 0 Ref +1 Fort 0 Will +3 SP +3 crit 1d6/I +1 Spell Dam
{Enlarge (93) — Sleep (66&81) — Color Spray (90)}
{Patron Bond (32-sun) — Invoke Patron (70) — Find Familiar (25)}
{Chill Touch (69&86) — Lang: PC (beg) dragon, hobgoblin, chaos}
Glad chain mail (+/-4) (not worn) Torch, Flint and Steel, 25cp

Blackthorn - Thief N Hunter
S9 A13 S11 P7(1) I16(2) L9 AC 11 HP 7 Mov 25 Init +1
Ref +2 Fort +1 Will -1 Crit 1d10/II Luck Die D3
{Backstab 0 Sneak 4 Hide 2 Pick Pockets 4}
{Climb 4 Pick Locks 2 Find Traps 3 Disable Traps 2 Forge 4}
{Disguise -1 Read Lang 2 Handle Poison 0 Spell/Scroll D12+2}
Lang: Neutral, cant, halfling
Glad scale mail (+/-3) (not worn) Glad 2H Sword (1d10)
Backpack, Flask, Badger Pelt, Skin Cloak, 20sp, 65 cp

Kettering (RIP) skewered on a Kith Spear
Leibgott (RIP) Asphyxiated on his own blood
Thelonious (RIP) - Kith spear through his tiny halfling heart
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by TerraGoetia »

Update 1

Those who look around the room carefully see that the weapons strewn about the floor are clearly wood that has been painted. You doubt they'd be very effective in a real fight, but maybe you could bludgeon someone over the head with it.

Duke is able to find a fake spear; Kettering and Leibgott find fake two-handed swords; Blackthorn finds a fake long sword.

In the sandy floor beneath you, you see several brittle, dry bones from various body parts of a humanoid species.

Those checking for possessions on them find their weapons and armor are gone, but any carry-on possessions they had are still with them. Leibgott's cow is missing.

Your interpretation of the chain and how it's hanging is correct. There seems to be only enough give in the chain that one person can reach the key, but only if everyone else cooperated. Those making a reach for the weapons on the floor are making it impossible for you to reach the key. Taking a closer look at it, the key seems to be made of a thin, black glass. It may very well snap when used. Perhaps your captors intend you to kill each for possession of the key?

Lucky Lou strains against the chains, trying to pull them out of the wall. But it's hard to get good leverage when the floor is sand, and they get nowhere. Maybe with some help this would go better?

Bob (not so) Mighty isn't able to pick the lock right away, but maybe with more effort he can get it done

For this turn's actions, Thelonious can attempt a d16 roll on agility for slipping the manacles (You're small, but nothing in your occupation gives you contortionist abilities).

What will the party do?

Note: I will add each turn to the Original Post so that it's easy for you to look back at descriptions and outcomes
Last edited by TerraGoetia on Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Purple Planet Funnel, Possible Campaign

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Lucky Lou
*sad trombone sound* rolled a 7

Bob (the not so mighty)
*more sad trombone...I think I should've started a band* rolled a 4
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