Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warning*

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Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warning*

Post by Lazmodeus »

Hey guys! I am pumped to be running Hole in The Sky in two weeks, and I am going to allow the Lady In Blue to be a Patron for the Wizards if they so desire...unbeknownst of the deception regarding her identity.

I am thinking of having her Invoke Patron abilities be related to decapitation and beheading, culminating in the following table:

Invoke Patron Results

12-13 The Lady In Blue is preoccupied and demands more tribute...more heads! She improves the critical threat range of all blades wielded by the caster by 1. For example, a character who crits on a natural 20 now crits on a natural 19. This lasts 24 hours.

14-17 The Lady In Blue sends a hail of 1d4 severed heads that enter the scene in 1 round. The heads land within 5' of each other, within 15' of the caster. The heads attack all enemies of the caster and The Lady In Blue within their spaces. The heads disperse in 1d6 rounds, dissolving into a puddle of black tar. Heads: Init +0; Atk bite +4 melee (dmg 1d4); AC 8; HP 5 each; MV 10’; Act 1; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; AL C.

18-19 Gift of Tongues: A ghostly severed head, translucent and visible only to the caster, manifest alongside him. For 1d6 hours, this head hovers and stays within 2' of the caster's head, at shoulder level, at all times. Whenever a language is spoken the caster does not know, this head has an 80% chance to know and translate a common language, and a 65% chance to know and translate an uncommon language. In addition, the head will provide a one time +1d4 bonus to a saving throw. This 1d4 must be declared before the roll and rolled with the d20, not after the d20 is rolled. If this second ability is used, the head dissipates.

20-23 The Lady In Blue sends a ghostly Executioner's Axe to fight alongside the caster. It arrives in 1d4 rounds, and comes hurtling down from the sky, passing through any amount of rock and earth to make a dramatic attack on an enemy. The Executioner's Axe attacks the round it manifests, and stays for 10 minutes, hovering and responding to the caster's mental commands, as long as said commands are "move, attack, defend". Init +0; Atk Slash +6 melee (dmg 1d10+1); AC 10; HP 25 each; MV 15’; Act 1; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will --; AL C. Immune to Mind Affecting.

24-27 The Lady In Blue graces the caster with a Cloak of Fate. The caster instantly regains 1d6 Luck points spent so far this day (not to exceed the total he/she began the day with), and the caster is surrounded by a field of fluctuating probabilities that manifest as swirling decapitated heads. When dealt damage, the caster can choose to have the same amount of damage deducted from his Luck instead of his Hit Points. Vice Versa, the caster can burn Hit Points that count and function the same as burning Luck. However, when burning Hit Points in place of Luck, it is at 2:1 trade. (2 hit points burned have same effect as 1 Luck). In addition, the caster gains the critical hit bonus listed above. This effect lasts for 24 hours.

28-29 The Caster is given the ability to commune with The Lady In Blue herself via a severed head of a humanoid. The caster can ask a number of questions equal to his/her caster level, and The Lady In Blue answers as best she can, at the judge's discretion. In addition, the caster gains the critical hit bonus listed above.

30-31 The Caster is given the Gift of the Headless Crown. The Caster may detach his or her head from their body, and the two seperate pieces operate independently. The head hovers at a speed of 20', and can function completely independently of it's body. The head and body can take separate actions on the same initiative, but the head can only speak and cast spells, or make a melee bite attack (1d20, no attack mod, 1d3+str dmg). The body can make attacks at -1die (as long as the head can see both the body and the target), or make simple actions, and can move up to half its speed. This last for 1d6 hours, but the caster can end it at any time by having the body place the head back on the shoulders.

32+ The Lady In Blue gives the caster The Gift of The Headless Crown, as above, and also imbues the caster's body with a supernatural burst of strength, applicable only when the head is detached. The caster gains a +4 bonus to Strength as long as the head remains detached from the body. The body also grows 2 additional limbs that can each attack with a d16 and are armed with bloodied headsmen swords (adds 2 attacks). The bonus effects to the body lasts 2d6 rounds, during which time it fights ferociously, but the arms and additional swords disappear when the effects do. The extra arms crit on a natural 16.

Let me know what you guys think, and any input/criticism is welcome! I am currently working on a Spellburn table as well.
Last edited by Lazmodeus on Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Denbrought »

Really nice! A few questions/comments, as requested:

Regarding 30-31, how do you plan on handling Hit Points and Armor Class for the head/body? I could see taking away the Agility bonus (if any) from the body, and maybe giving the head a cumulative damage limit (which ends the spell unless healed).
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Reads well!

My only concern would be the movement speed of the detached head is only 10 feet. I can evade the body attacks and move in to swat the floating head since it can't move very quickly (at worst take a hit moving away from the body). Flying attackers would make sure that the player in question only tries this once. While this would be hilarious to describe (can you imagine if I crit the head, lol), it might introduce some unintended consequences.

Now I have to go purchase the module so I can understand more about the Lady in Blue (because who doesn't dig a decapitation focused Patron).
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Lazmodeus »

Denbrought wrote:Really nice! A few questions/comments, as requested:

Regarding 30-31, how do you plan on handling Hit Points and Armor Class for the head/body? I could see taking away the Agility bonus (if any) from the body, and maybe giving the head a cumulative damage limit (which ends the spell unless healed).
Great point, and I hadn't thought of that...do you have any suggestions?
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Lazmodeus »

soulcatcher78 wrote:Reads well!

My only concern would be the movement speed of the detached head is only 10 feet. I can evade the body attacks and move in to swat the floating head since it can't move very quickly (at worst take a hit moving away from the body). Flying attackers would make sure that the player in question only tries this once. While this would be hilarious to describe (can you imagine if I crit the head, lol), it might introduce some unintended consequences.

Now I have to go purchase the module so I can understand more about the Lady in Blue (because who doesn't dig a decapitation focused Patron).

Another great point! Perhaps I'll up it to 20'. I highly reccomend the module...I am going to follow up with Intrigue At The Court of Chaos. This way it seems like a 70's gonzo adult version of Adventure Time.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Well done, Sir.

Can't wait to see the spellburn and patron taint tables!
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Lazmodeus »

Raven_Crowking wrote:Well done, Sir.

Can't wait to see the spellburn and patron taint tables!
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Lazmodeus »

Patron Taint

When patron taint is indicated for The Lady In Blue, roll 1d6 on the table below. When a caster has acquired all six taints at all levels of effect, there is no need to continue rolling any more.

1 Constant whispers and murmurs are heard in the periphery of the caster's mind. They distract and annoy but otherwise do no harm. If this result is rolled a second time, the effect is amplified such that the caster has trouble concentrating, and any action taken must be preceded by a DC 8 Will save or the caster suffers -1 on the roll. If this result is rolled a third time, the voices follows the caster constantly, day and night, whether he is casting spells or doing something else, and can be heard by others 25% of the time, incurring a penalty on them as well.

2 The caster's neck begins to develop a strange, itchy rash. It manifests as a thin, red line across the throat, and gradually grows to encircle the entire neck. If this result is rolled a second time, the line becomes an open wound a bleeds at inopportune times. During a significant moment, such as combat or a skill check, or other dramatic opportunity, the wound has a 35% chance to begin weeping blood. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster actually exudes a constant gush of blood from the wound, and stitches are required daily to keep the wound from oozing. His voice is reduced to a raspy whisper, and sometimes the blood bubbles and gurgles from the wound when the caster talks.

3 The caster’s skin gains a distinct otherworldly shimmer of blue. In times of stress this deepens to full hue. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster’s face transforms and begins to grow thin and pallid, retaining the bluish hue. He can still pass for human, some of the time. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster’s head transforms completely into a blue skull. He can still speak, in a strange hollow tone, but there is absolutely no way he can pass for a normal human.

4 Every time the caster casts any spell, the area of effect is filled with a horrid metallic odor. Like a mix of fresh blood and hot ozone, the smell is in no way pleasant. Picture an electric fire at a butcher shop. If this result is rolled again, the noxious smell accompanies the caster at all times, and is sufficiently vile that passersby comment on it. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster stinks so badly he is not welcome in polite company.

5 The caster appears otherwise normal, but in times of stress, instead of seeing people's faces, he sees their skulls. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster begins to have this hallucination more frequently, and watches helplessly as their faces whither from their true state to a skull. Every time the caster casts a spell, he has a 50% chance of succumbing to this hallucination for 1d6 minutes. If this result is rolled a third time, this effect is permanent. The caster cannot differentiate facial expressions, only tone of voice and gestures, as the faces he sees are in a constant flux of decay as if they had been beheaded and time sped up: flesh decays away, eyeballs melt, muscle and tissue dissolve, until a skull is all that remains, where the tissue will fluctuate and grow back, only to degrade again.

6 When the caster casts a spell, tiny swords the size of pins appear around him. They drop from the air, poke from the walls, rise out of the ground beneath his feet, and sometimes materialize as part of the spell being cast. They encircle him menacingly but otherwise do not attack. They last 1d4 rounds and if the caster attempts to move at a speed faster than 10' a round, they inflict 1 damage and a -1 penalty on all attack rolls. If this result is rolled a second time, the swords appear as above but stay for 2d4 rounds and inflict a -2 penalty. If this result is rolled a third time, the caster is plagued by these miniature swords. Everytime the caster opens a book, a door, a cupboard, a chest, or any container (or any time the Judge deems worthy) the swords have a 70% chance to appear and they stay until the caster goes to sleep for at least 4 hours, inflicting the above penalties but at a -2 and movement is restricted to 5' a round.


The Lady In Blue does not reason like Man, and her requests do not always have an immediate end goal. When a caster utilizes spellburn, roll 1d4 on the table below when a request is made.

1 The Lady needs the head of a sentient mortal creature (can be animal but not fungus or construct, for example). During this decapitation the caster must yell her true name.

2 The Lady of the Headless Crown desires a head. The caster may Spellburn up to 10 points (in this circumstance). The caster must decapitate a man-creature (any humanoid will do) and dedicate it to her (by burning it in a fire while meditating) before the next sunrise. If he fails to find such a sacrifice, he takes the full 10 points, distributed across ability scores at the judge’s discretion, at the next sunrise.

3 The Lady In Blue requires the sweet voice of the caster to make an invocation that her own severed vocal chords cannot pronounce properly. Time slows to a crawl as the caster character is whisked away to a dizzying plane of fractaling colors, disembodied voices, and the minerally taste of human blood. There he is forced to read a text written in the words of his native language but with a recondite meaning utterly beyond his comprehension. Upon completing the invocation, he appears back on his native plane. No time seems to have passed, and he finds himself weakened by whatever extent he sacrificed ability score points for spellburn.

4 An enormous guillotine manifests around the caster, clamping his neck in an unforgiving vice...a cackling voice is heard laughing as the Lady In Blue decapitates the caster, replacing his head with that of a random other humanoids. This is permanent, unless the character burns 10 points of spellburn. Although the caster retains all of his stats and memories, he watches his old head get added to the bouquet of severed head in the Lady's grasp. Roll: 1.same race, diff skin color 2. same race, opposite sex, 3. diff race, same sex 4. diff race, diff sex, 5. animal head (as per misfire table), 6. monstrous head (judge's choice)
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Lazmodeus »

I based it, for now, on the Bobugbobilz table, and will edit accordingly.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Lazmodeus wrote:
Raven_Crowking wrote:Well done, Sir.

Can't wait to see the spellburn and patron taint tables!
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SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by GnomeBoy »

Raven_Crowking wrote:
Lazmodeus wrote:
Raven_Crowking wrote:Well done, Sir.

Can't wait to see the spellburn and patron taint tables!
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by soulcatcher78 »

Picked up Hole in the Sky this weekend based on this post. Curiosity got the better of me, :)
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by ToddBradley »

Did you ever integrate the suggestions and put together a master version of this in PDF or web page format? If not, I may volunteer to do that, assuming at least one of my players wants to use Lady in Blue as a patron. Also, did you consider writing up anything about Drezzta?
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Blood Axe »

I really like this. +1 for the pdf.
One criticism - the spellbinding seems a bit harsh. I haven't noticed other spellbinding charts requiring a lot of deaths ( in this case decapitated ), or permanent drastic changes ( head swap). Possibly tone it down a bit.
Otherwise I think it's great.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Blood Axe wrote:One criticism - the spellbinding seems a bit harsh. I haven't noticed other spellbinding charts requiring a lot of deaths ( in this case decapitated ), or permanent drastic changes ( head swap). Possibly tone it down a bit.
[sheldon cooper]Spellburn[/sheldon cooper]

I disagree. The spellburn results are flavorful without drastically changing the character. Constant head-swapping due to spellburn certainly offers the character a significant "hook". The decapitation result should indicate that the spellburn comes without cost, but must be paid within a certain time or the Lady in Blue will take it herself.

If the result is appropriate for the patron, let it be harsh.

[Dr. Sheldon Cooper]That's Doctor Sheldon Cooper[/Dr. Sheldon Cooper]
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Blood Axe »

Raven_Crowking wrote:
Blood Axe wrote:One criticism - the spellbinding seems a bit harsh. I haven't noticed other spellbinding charts requiring a lot of deaths ( in this case decapitated ), or permanent drastic changes ( head swap). Possibly tone it down a bit.
[sheldon cooper]Spellburn[/sheldon cooper]

I disagree. The spellburn results are flavorful without drastically changing the character. Constant head-swapping due to spellburn certainly offers the character a significant "hook". The decapitation result should indicate that the spellburn comes without cost, but must be paid within a certain time or the Lady in Blue will take it herself.

If the result is appropriate for the patron, let it be harsh.

[Dr. Sheldon Cooper]That's Doctor Sheldon Cooper[/Dr. Sheldon Cooper]

That's a bit different. I like that requirement a lot more.
(The decapitation coming later for free spellburn )
Spell burn #1 is rough, how many casters have a severed head handy? If it's required later, that's fine. But while attempting to spell burn?
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Blood Axe wrote:Spell burn #1 is rough, how many casters have a severed head handy? If it's required later, that's fine. But while attempting to spell burn?
If you take the Lady as your patron, you'd better. Enough said!
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Blood Axe »

Has anyone written up details for the Court of Chaos from Intrigue at the Court of Chaos? look like some fun Patrons there.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by ToddBradley »

Quick update: I'm making good progress compiling all this into a nicely-formatted and spell-checked PDF. I'll share a draft of it here once I'm done, and you can all see what you think.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by ToddBradley »

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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Thank you for sharing this.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Blood Axe »

Great work. Thank you.
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

Nice work!

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
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Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Hole In The Sky: Lady In Blue as Patron? *spoiler warnin

Post by ToddBradley »

You're welcome!
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