Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it yet?

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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by funkaoshi »

I grabbed a copy in Toronto (nothing short of a miracle). I need to harass some friends to play it with me.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Devil Swine »

Just played this adventure today and with four players each with 4-8(several trips back added even more characters at least twice) Zero level pc's the game ended with one player being left alive to battle at the end. Both he and the last villain were down to 1 hit point and went three full rounds missing!
Finally at the end the bad guy hit the pc and down he went. We all groaned and moaned,wailing and gnashing of teeth filled the air and we called it for the day.

Tomorrow we start again but with a different funnel.

Loved it and had a lot of fun but at the end the players really did vent madly about DCC.

To be honest they did tend to charge in and lay waste to anything that moved and die and die and die.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Colin »

Devil Swine wrote:To be honest they did tend to charge in and lay waste to anything that moved and die and die and die.
Sounds like they've got a steep learning curve to conquer and need reminding that 0-level peasants are like victims in horror films: they only survive by virtue of blind luck, cowardice, or cunning. ;)

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Re: Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it yet?

Post by Hedgehobbit »

Harley Stroh wrote:I don't have a copy yet either, so at least you are in good company. :)
I haven't gotten my copy either which is weird because I was one of the first people to get the rulebook.

Should I be worried?
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Re: Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it yet?

Post by Harley Stroh »

Hedgehobbit wrote:
Harley Stroh wrote:I don't have a copy yet either, so at least you are in good company. :)
I haven't gotten my copy either which is weird because I was one of the first people to get the rulebook.

Should I be worried?
Not yet. I have a lot of confidence that mine are still on the way, too. Let's give it to the end of this week, and check in again.

Suffice it to say that success has its own shadow side, and the DCC RPG is outpacing expectations. Keith is somewhere buried in packing tape and mailing boxes, howling curses Appendix N.

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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by jtsavage »

Ran my first session of DCC yesterday for the family using Sailors. Out of 12 PCs, four were killed right off the bat by the corpse vines. They knew the front door was probably tough but they got suckered in piecemeal and then insisted on fighting them in melee. I gave them a break by letting them pick up and throw rocks, along with cutting the corpse vines' speed to 10'. One PC went headfirst into the well (Hobo Baggins, halfling vagrant) and three more were killed by the beastmen in the tower, including one who was struck and killed by her party mate's rock. They replenished their ranks in the tower and will continue next weekend. Everyone had a blast despite the body count (or, because of it?) Nobody expended any Luck points, which probably didn't matter considering how poorly they were rolling. Hopefully they're learning to not rush into melee.
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Re: Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it yet?

Post by Ogrepuppy »

Harley Stroh wrote:Keith is somewhere buried in packing tape and mailing boxes, howling curses Appendix N.
Ah, life as it should be. :twisted:
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by jtsavage »

We played our second session of Sailors yesterday, which ended in a TPK by the Chaos Leviathan. The party replenished their numbers from the captives and so were back up to 12. They never found the Tomb of the Fallen or the Forgotten Cache and refused to enter the Charnel Ruins. They also refused to take any skulls from the Dread Hall although they did take the robes. Proceeding to the Starless Sea, they climbed the Menhir and lit the candle to summon the dragon ship to shore. Boarding the ship, they rowed across toward the Temple but were attacked by the Chaos Leviathan, which easily killed all of them as they couldn't figure out anything to do except fight. I tried to give hints and tips where I could, since everyone is new to this style of game, but I didn't want to do their thinking for them. I'm not sure what I could have done differently or what we should do next.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by wargamer777 »

I need a clarification on something in this module. If the party heads up the west side of the keep and does NOT cause the avalanche of cyclopean stones, do they still see or come across the entrance to the B-1 area? I am a little confused as to how it is situated on the map.

Or will they see a different entrance once they enter the courtyard from the western broken down wall?
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Zeiros »

wargamer777 wrote:I need a clarification on something in this module. If the party heads up the west side of the keep and does NOT cause the avalanche of cyclopean stones, do they still see or come across the entrance to the B-1 area? I am a little confused as to how it is situated on the map.

Or will they see a different entrance once they enter the courtyard from the western broken down wall?
This confused me initially too..but it didnt matter because my people triggered the avalanche. IF you do not trigger the avalanche you do not find that entrance to the tomb of the fallen at this point. There is another entrance After you clear the tower of the beast and head down the stairs you'll see the rear entrance at area 1-1
when the text says "enter from the North West" its referring to the entrance post avalanche. when the text reads " enter from the South East" its referring to the tunnel
at Area 1-1.... I was still confused about the Tomb having two entrances, so I played if the players found the one via the avalanche the second entrance didnt exist.
Hope that helps.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by ragboy »

ragboy wrote:We got about 3/4 of the way through it on Sunday -- most of the party was 1st level with one new player joining with 4 0-levels.
(Sorry...quoted myself).

We finally finished Sailors -- I had two players that jumped in to play two existing characters (2 other players couldn't make it).

The ending was complete insanity. Two characters sneaked to the top of the ziggaraut (in the robes) while the rest of the party hung back offshore on the boat. What follows is a bullet summary of the insanity:
  • Conroy Shadowstalker (wily thief) and Slan Hammerhand (doughty warrior) snatched the effigy, pushed the shaman into the fiery pit and managed to hold off the beastmen through an off the cuff complex bluff, while simultaneously fighting the acolytes. That is until Conroy threw the effigy (it began to get painfully hot) into the fiery pit. Beastmen and Molan made short work of them, and they were sacraficed.
  • Handscar Cutter (wild warrior) and Wayne Toms (former wainwright, turned very average warrior) leaped from the ship into a fight -- held their own with missile support from the boat -- until four beastmen leaped aboard the boat...
  • Pankas Darkeyes (mighty acolyte of Cherek the Bear God, Kallen Striver (archer of no mean skill) and Halfman (the halfling...self explanatory) set the boat afire with oil, leaped into the water, and took the fight to the ziggaraut.
  • The party regathered on the lower part of the ziggaraut after defeating all but those beastmen left at the top (8 beastmen, 1 half-dead acolyte and Molan). The enemy advanced..leaping down the sides.
  • While Halfman swam back toward the boat (no longer burning), the party fought bravely. Wayne Toms and Pankas Darkeyes fell to the Chaos Lord's flail, while Handscar Cutter leapt onto the Chaos Lord with holy water and short sword in hand -- Critical Hit -- Molan fell to a puddle of magma. Seven beastmen leaped into the water and swam for the boat.
  • Halfman arrived at the boat to find the four slightly singed beastmen waiting for him. He leaped back into the water, swam under the advancing beastmen and arrived back at the ziggaraut just in time to be attacked by the animated magma of Molan's death throes. Handscar grabbed the armor and flail, backing away, Halfman swam out of the reach of the magma and it finally dissolved... That's when the rumbling started.
  • Kallen Striver, Halfman and Handscar make a quick decision -- they leap into the water and swim for the boat -- hoping to grab onto the side and escape with the beastmen.
  • Handscar forgets about the platemail armor stuff in and tied to his backpack. He starts sinking...he fights gravity unwilling to give up the armor...he sinks more...great blocks of stone are crashing and sinking around him. He struggles to the surface, only to sink again... and finally releases the backpack into the depths -- swims for it and makes the side of the boat.
  • The massive wave slams into the ship -- Kallen Striver and Handscar roll natural 20's to hold on to the side of the boat -- but they need more...they burn 10 points of Luck each... Halfman rolls a 1... dragged away by the great wave and slammed into the ziggaraut...his broken body drifting into the depths of the Starless Sea.
  • The ship exits the cavern into an underground stream that exits the cavern into a wide and sluggish river. The two surviving characters (3 hp and 5 Luck between them) drop off the side of the ship and watch it disappear into the sunrise...
All in all, it ended really well -- The situation for the final encounter seemed so overwhelming to the players as they assessed it, that they just took crazy and heroic chances. I gave them a little more rope because of it, and everyone had a blast -- even those that died.

Anyway, I'll repeat -- another great one Harley.

Here's the final count (in order of Death):

Anton Smith (Smith of Penwick) -- Killed by Death Vines (along with his two sons and nephew)
Elrick the Strange (Dwarven Miner from Feldor and Warrior, Hero of Hirot, Bearer of the Artifacts of the Savage King) -- Fell into the Well of Chaos
Kevril Wolfhunter (Hunter from Feldor, Squire, Hero of Hirot) -- Fell into the Well of Chaos
Jeman (Squire from Feldor, Warrior, Hero of Hirot) -- Killed by Beastmen
Miloh (Halfling trader from Feldor, Wanderer, Hero of Hirot) -- Killed by Beastmen
Coren (Gambler, Bandit, Hero of Hirot) -- Killed by Chaos Leviathan
Grag (Woodcutter from Feldor, Wildling, Hero of Hirot) -- Killed by Chaos Leviathan
Slan Hammerhand (Armorer from Feldor, Squire, Hero of Hirot) -- Sacrificed to Molan
Conroy Shadowstalker (Mercenary turned Thief from Ravdal) -- Sacrificed to Molan
Wayne Toms (Wainwright with a Sword of Hirot) -- Incinerated by Molan
Pankas Darkeyes (Wheat farmer from Feldor, Acolyte of Cherek the Bear God, Hero of Hirot) -- Incinerated by Molan
Halfman (Halfling warrior of Hirot) -- Smashed and drowned by the Starless Sea

The Survivors and their Exploits

Handscar Cutter - Outlaw of Penwick, Bandit, Destroyer of Molan, the Chaos Lord
Kallen Striver -- Mercenary from Feldor, Hero of Hirot, Drove off the Chaos Leviathan on the Starless Sea
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by wargamer777 »

Another question about this module:

I noticed that the spears the Beastman have in the tower show as 1d6 damage, but in the DCC RPG main rule book it says spears do 1d8. Errata? Or just planned that way?

And of course the big honkin axe the bull-headed minotaur beastman wields should be doing more than 1d6 as that is only a hand axe. At least from the pics!

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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Ravenheart87 »

wargamer777 wrote:Another question about this module:

I noticed that the spears the Beastman have in the tower show as 1d6 damage, but in the DCC RPG main rule book it says spears do 1d8. Errata? Or just planned that way?

And of course the big honkin axe the bull-headed minotaur beastman wields should be doing more than 1d6 as that is only a hand axe. At least from the pics!

Crappy craftsmanship.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by hawkwind »

Ravenheart87 wrote:
wargamer777 wrote:Another question about this module:

I noticed that the spears the Beastman have in the tower show as 1d6 damage, but in the DCC RPG main rule book it says spears do 1d8. Errata? Or just planned that way?

And of course the big honkin axe the bull-headed minotaur beastman wields should be doing more than 1d6 as that is only a hand axe. At least from the pics!

Crappy craftsmanship.
the encounter is a hard one that can easily result in a tpk at least it did last night when I ran it :)
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Harley Stroh »

hawkwind wrote: the encounter is a hard one that can easily result in a tpk at least it did last night when I ran it :)
Ouch. We had plenty of these in playtest, but I'm still bummed to read about it happening in home games.

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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by TheNobleDrake »

Harley Stroh wrote:
hawkwind wrote: the encounter is a hard one that can easily result in a tpk at least it did last night when I ran it :)
Ouch. We had plenty of these in playtest, but I'm still bummed to read about it happening in home games.

What?! Why?!

A TPK that leaves the players going "Oh man, we almost had that!" or "I still can't believe we even tried that!" is great - you can even just tweak a few details to keep the "magic" and run right back into the same module axes swinging - if anything, it's a 2 for 1 special (possibly an even more for 1 special, depending on how well the group does the second attempt).

You shouldn't be bummed about TPKSs - you should be making sure they are never the "bad" kind (note: bad is in quotes due to its subjectivity - in this poster's case, bad is referring to those TPKs which appear to the players to have been the only possible outcome regardless of their choices and dice rolls, and those that spring from encounters that cannot possibly be avoided such as being trapped in a room with a monster that just ate the key-carrying guard.)
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by hawkwind »

Harley Stroh wrote:
hawkwind wrote: the encounter is a hard one that can easily result in a tpk at least it did last night when I ran it :)
Ouch. We had plenty of these in playtest, but I'm still bummed to read about it happening in home games.

the party was down to seven warm bodies at that point but were a bit over confident as they had just aquired some new chain mail from the chapel. Every one was cool about it
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by d(sqrt(-1)) »

hawkwind wrote:
Harley Stroh wrote:
hawkwind wrote: the encounter is a hard one that can easily result in a tpk at least it did last night when I ran it :)
Ouch. We had plenty of these in playtest, but I'm still bummed to read about it happening in home games.

the party was down to seven warm bodies at that point but were a bit over confident as they had just aquired some new chain mail from the chapel. Every one was cool about it
We played this on Weds night, they started with 12 PCs, I think they lost about 5 to the vines. When they got to the tower, they realised that the beastmen had barricaded the door, so they collected lots of scrub and unburnt wood, piled it up against the door and set it on fire to smoke them out. After a bit I decided that the beastmen were enraged by this, the party managed to kick the door in,so the lead beast man jumped down from his hiding place and stomped out of the door, where he was immediately hit twice by two PCs there and killed immediately. The remaining beastmen where rather disconcerted by this, and the rest of the PCs firing blindly into the tower (dark and smoky) stilll managed to kill 2 of the remainder.
Last edited by d(sqrt(-1)) on Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Raven_Crowking »

I've played Sailors. I posted about it on my blog (http://ravencrowking.blogspot.ca/2012/0 ... t-one.html) and reproduced the post here (http://goodman-games.com/forums/viewtop ... 76&t=41845)

It is an excellent adventure, as is all of Harley's work.

SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Harley Stroh »

TheNobleDrake wrote:What?! Why?!

A TPK that leaves the players going "Oh man, we almost had that!" or "I still can't believe we even tried that!" is great - you can even just tweak a few details to keep the "magic" and run right back into the same module axes swinging - if anything, it's a 2 for 1 special (possibly an even more for 1 special, depending on how well the group does the second attempt).

You shouldn't be bummed about TPKSs - you should be making sure they are never the "bad" kind (note: bad is in quotes due to its subjectivity - in this poster's case, bad is referring to those TPKs which appear to the players to have been the only possible outcome regardless of their choices and dice rolls, and those that spring from encounters that cannot possibly be avoided such as being trapped in a room with a monster that just ate the key-carrying guard.)
Agreed. I just really hate that crunch when the last PC drops and the emotional wind goes out of the players' sails. I don't ever want to give players the opportunity to ask, "Okay, what game do you guys want to play next?"

But you're 100% right about good TPKs. But dang, I'm a softy, at heart.
Raven_Crowking wrote:I've played Sailors. I posted about it on my blog (http://ravencrowking.blogspot.ca/2012/0 ... t-one.html) and reproduced the post here (http://goodman-games.com/forums/viewtop ... 76&t=41845
Great write up, Raven! I appreciate the kind words!

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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Harley Stroh wrote:
Raven_Crowking wrote:I've played Sailors. I posted about it on my blog (http://ravencrowking.blogspot.ca/2012/0 ... t-one.html) and reproduced the post here (http://goodman-games.com/forums/viewtop ... 76&t=41845
Great write up, Raven! I appreciate the kind words!

I only wrote 'em 'cause they be true.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by The Disgruntled Poet »

Hi all, thought I'd share my double run of SotSS. Ran it twice in one week for two different groups. All of them were new to DCC RPG except for 1 guy in the first group had done the two playtest modules during the Beta phase.

Team A (four players, each starting with 4 characters) (you may get the Southpark reference) had about 6/20 characters survive (counting the fill-ins that were added in the tower of the beastmen). Toughest thing for this group was getting past the Leviathan.. After it killed several of them, they actually inflicted enough damage to drive it off (took a while).

They were quite resourceful: Not only did they have 1 set of robes from the pool room, they had discovered the magic ring and actually managed to use it once. They also butchered several of their animals and used the fur and feathers to disguise themselves as Beastmen for the ziggurat encounter. The best part was after their fairly successful Star Wars style ruse (disguised beastmen bringing the rest to the top as prisoners), they killed the priests and acolytes and then one of the characters pushed the effigy into the lava pit, ensuring that the Chaos Lord was reborn.

Team B was a TPK. (3 players, each starting with 6 characters) They came up the fallen rocks side, found the shaft but didn't go down it. They fought the beastmen in the tower, caused them to flee by killing the bull-champion, then cut off their escape and lost more characters during the ensuing fight. They found almost nothing useful in the treasure and pool room (they didn't search the landing with the coins! they didn't look in the niches in the pool room, which I drew as little weird corner notches on our erasable map!) I was quite worried when they blundered into the leviathan, but one of the Chaotic characters was wearing the sigil-laden bull-champion's torc and tried to speak with the leviathan, so I allowed it.. before anyone could protest, she was starting to push people overboard and she ended up sacrificing 4 characters to the dark beast in exchange for passage. (One of their big worries was having enough characters to sacrifice while crossing back!)

Then they got to the ziggurat with very little resources to help them. They launched a daring raid up the ramp, trying to climb when the prisoners were aligned making almost a clear path to the top, and also setting the prisoners free to help. This came somewhat close to working, but it was a long bloody battle of attrition and the beastmen had the upper hand by about 60% of the way through. However, one lucky peasant was picking guys off beastmen with his sling from the base of the tower. Hit! Crit! hit! on and on he went, until there were only a few left.. but he was unstoppable! He got a crit on the summoned Chaos Lord! the tide was turning. Then he rolled a fumble and killed himself with his own sling.

At this point, the 3-4 players left are in retreat and one of them grabs the sling. Turn-- attack! Fumble-- killed himself with another dire fumble roll.

Finally, there were 2 characters left and using the SLING OF DOOM to strike at a distance while the Chaos Lord climbed down to wipe them out. Burning luck and with some good rolls, she managed to kill the Chaos Lord, causing the last few beastmen to run off. She then rolled over one party member to see if he had lived, and sure enough, he was alive! (Though heinously wounded). They ran for the ship as the cavern crumbled! Then she stopped.. and of course had to pick up the flail, laying on the beach just a few feet from the ship..... and a column of flame erupted, easily obliterating both remaining 1-hp PCs.

It was disappointing to TPK obviously, but the sling stuff was silly and fun that it sort of made up for it. Also, at least they had come one die-roll away from at least having 2 PCs survive (if the column of flame had missed one or both, they would have escaped). All in all, I think they enjoyed it but not sure I could convince them to play the funnel again (right away).

One thing I noticed was that my groups generally like rp and story and so on.. and there was plenty of great stuff in the party, as well as flavor and detail in the adventure. However, they aren't used to really testing their dungeon skills like the adventure demanded. (The grognards didn't necessarily do much better than the college kids, by the way). So I think for future adventures, I may have to emphasize the need to really make full use of the resources at hand.

Anyway, had a lot of fun both days, people seemed to enjoy so moving on to a 1st level adventure soon.. I think if we have 6 characters to play with, we should at least have a 1st level guy for everyone at my next session.
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Re: Spoilers:Sailors on the Starless Sea...anyone played it

Post by Rostranor »

My group finished up this adventure last night. I think everyone had a blast! I was playing the riders of Doom from Conan while part of the party scaled the ziggurat and the "luck" fueled suicide bombers cloaked in the clerical robes moved their way up the ramp.

the strategy was interesting in game mechanic terms and followed on the heels of an inter party massacre. the Menhir drove one character insane which then precipitated an inter party fight roughly drawn along player lines. Like any gang fight I think the bad blood has been purged and the looting readjusted wealth. Nowthe first level heroes are ready for more horrors.
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