World Tour 2014 DCC#67

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Steely-Eyed Heathen-Slayer
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World Tour 2014 DCC#67

Post by DCCfan »

My first game this year 4/25 at the Lakeland Role Playing Guild went well. The guild meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at a Unitarian church. Their goal is to provide a safe and fun atmosphere in which to participate in the hobby of gaming. I think that is exactly what they are doing and that they are doing it well.
I had a great welcome and learned a bit about the guild while people arrived. I told everyone that I was trying to gear up for a game I would be running at GenCon. Because of a local convention called ReCon about half of the group was absent to this meeting. Everyone who was present elected to play my game and give me some feedback on how I did. So I ran ten people with two zero levels apiece through Sailors.
Spoilers to follow...

The LRPG Players

Adam: Soldier and Turnip Farmer
Steve: Dwarven Miner(dead) and Cobbler
Eric: Potato Farmer and caravan guard (dead & dead)
Josh: Halfling Money Lender and Squire
Eula: Hunter and I can't remember
Rich: Ditch Digger and Jester(dead)
Glenn: Dwarven Blacksmith and Slave (at least one died at the end)
Tracie: Halfling Glove Maker and Outlaw (at least one died at the end)
Duane: Dwaven Blacksmith(dead) and Dwarven Stonemason
Joe: Corn Farmer(dead) his Cow(did so well people thought that it should level up) and Minstrel(dead)

A. Vine Horrors are identified by the hunter with a high die roll. The party attacks and tries to stake them down with iron spikes, burn them with torches, and grapple them with rope. Two zeroes die. One is a blacksmith witch causes another player to exclaim that he is now the best blacksmith in town. Which causes someone else to say that he is now the only blacksmith in town. Jokes about prices going up. A luck roll allows some PCs to spot the seeds impregnating the two corpses. They are promptly burnt and they head to the castle without searching the bodies.
B. Not explored
B-1. Not explored
C. A drunken ditch digger rolls a natural 20 while searching for more fine dirt and spots some at the bottom of the dry moat. After being lowered down on a rope he makes a luck check to avoid being crushed by a boulder rolled off the wall. A dwarven stonemason fires back some fine stones he is carrying to cover the ditch digger as he comes out of the moat. The party starts running across the planks to the gate. One of the more cautious guys falls but his rope catches him. The beastmen attack at this point but are wiped out with ease. After the dangling Miner is pulled to safety a corn farmers cow rolls a natural 20 to skip across the planks to a round of laughter from the group.
D. Most everyone decides to inch along the wall towards the tower. A jester complains about the mud and how it is ruining his clothes while the farmer tries to use his cow as cover just in case. The rest go to the well.
E. Not explored
F. There is talk of lowering a Halfling down the well on a rope but the money lender refuses to go. The cobbler gets brave and looks inside. After burning some luck he backs away and tries to explain what he saw. Jokes all around the table as he describes a strange trippy vision he had.
G. Not explored
H. The squire is elected to go in first. After taking in the scene he yells ambush and is yanked out by the soldier and turnip farmer. The beastmen rush out and are cut down in short order. The Halfling money lender puts down two himself. This is his third kill so far and it is noted that he must have been a loan shark or maybe a mob enforcer :lol: While the dwarven stonemason claims the axe and spears are passed around the jester decides to borrow some gloves and dig through the furs. The rot grub scores a hit and burrows in his arm and starts moving towards his heart. Thinking fast and burning some luck the jester digs the grub out with his dart and exclaims success! He then takes one point of damage and falls dead to laughs all around :twisted: The bull's torc is also taken and stored in the turnip farmers chest. The top of the wall and tower are quickly explored. The gate is opened up so that the freed villagers can escape.
1-1 Again The squire is elected to open the door first. He nearly falls down the stairs but burns some luck to save himself. The passage to B-1 is found and a light is shined down the passage but after the hunter finds some tracks leading down the stairs everyone heads down. The dwarven miner is the only one that wants to explore the passage but follows the rest down.
1-2 Three players make the DC15 check and get a skull. The dwarven stonemason fumbles his check and dives into the pool head first. After being fished out of the pool the mosaics are studied and the robes found. I took the skull winners off to the side and gave them a little history and hinted at there use as a weapon. They immediately went back to the pool to get a second skull for the other hand. The ditch digger and the cobbler each put on a robe.
1-3 Not explored
1-4 Easily figure out how to get on ship because of mosaic in area 1-2. The dwarven stonemason refuses to get on the ship. when he is the only one left on the beach he relents and climbs aboard. He immediately lies on his back and nails himself down with iron spikes right in the middle of the deck. The leviathan attacks! I could have had a TPK here if I wanted. With six attacks each round at 1d8+2 I would have killed them all. They had no idea how to stop the beast. They tried the skulls which had no effect. After that they just started swinging. The prone dwarf never stood up once and attacked every round from the deck. This made everyone laugh. I grabbed almost everyone at one time or another even the dwarf over five rounds at sea. A ton of luck was burned by characters as they slipped out of the tentacles grip. Two zeroes ended being pulled under. The funniest moment of the night happened during this battle. Early in the fight the corn farmer who was about to be grabbed asked if his cow could be grabbed instead. I asked for a luck check and he passed. Later on after 66 points of damage was dealt and as the leviathan was going to sink down below the sea the corn farmer failed his save and drown. The whole table asked what about the cow? You know what happens next. NATURAL 20! The legend of Cow the Destroyer is born.
1-5 It is 11:30pm at this point and everyone is willing to stay for the finally if I can hurry. So the ship lands I describe the scene and the two guys in robes lead the rest of the group up to the top of the ziggurat for sacrifice. They attack and in the surprise round hit the shaman and his acolytes hard with skulls. The effigy falls in and the chaos lord rises two rounds later. The hunter uses three skulls to nuke a whole group of beastmen while the rest hack and slash anything that moves. When the chaos lord gets involved he is hit hard and goes down in two rounds. He is able to score two kills before he falls. At this point everyone started to pack up as I quickly described the Goonies style ending.

At least one player Josh wants to level up at the next meeting and continue on with DCC. I got some great suggestions about character creation and the experience of running a game with ten people controlling twenty zeroes was invaluable.
"When creating your character,choose an ethical system that can justify nearly any fit of temper, greed, cowardice, or vindictiveness, for example, Chaotic Violent..."

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Re: World Tour 2014 DCC#67

Post by JediOre »

That was a neat overview of the game. I'll going to share this with my work gamers, once they finish this adventure. We had to stop last week in the middle of the epic fight with the Chaos Lord. None of them have thought to use the skulls yet. I'm not sure if I didn't explain it well or if because we go a week between gaming sessions they have forgotten.
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Steely-Eyed Heathen-Slayer
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Re: World Tour 2014 DCC#67

Post by DCCfan »

Thanks. I don't think I judged things as written with the skulls. I had a bunch of questions all at once and a fumble to handle so I kinda winged it a bit. :D
"When creating your character,choose an ethical system that can justify nearly any fit of temper, greed, cowardice, or vindictiveness, for example, Chaotic Violent..."

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