Kalamazoo, MI - Free RPG Day Event: FanFare SPECIAL GUESTS

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Kalamazoo, MI - Free RPG Day Event: FanFare SPECIAL GUESTS

Post by Cthulhuoid »

Really? You made a luck check by 5?? Well, ok.

So you stand amongst the smoldering rubble of the hillside, dead companions strewn about you. Once this was a semi-peaceful fiefdom, found dotted along this coast of what you are now told is the “world” of Aereth. Damned void-men. You try desperately not to step on the white-hot metal, twisted debris that was once the protocol ship. Eventually, you climb out of what was once part of the pilots cabin; expecting to see nothing but more gore. Surprised, you find that what was left of the pilots is more puppetry than meat; some sort of broken doll bodies… smashed faces, and helmets still giving red-lettered information within.

Ah, ok… you put the helmet on…

//more boxed text//
As you place the helmet on, a flashing blur seems to connect somewhere beneath your eyes, and lying on your brain. You see all the words in the tongue letters your grand-father taught you, when you were so young. Becoming accustomed to the thought of reading, and understanding what you are being told; you easily come to your bearings. It is quite obvious to you that something is wrong, wherever this information is made. It keeps repeating numbers, letters, and short phrases over, and over. Some makes sense, but it makes you wonder if it is some sort of code..
SEVEN-DELTA-EIGHT-Rebellion. Protocol Initiated. Budgetary Cost Overrun. ECHO-LIMA-FOUR-Tier 8 Security breach: Indigenous entity, class unknown. Protocol Initiated. Budgetary Cost Overrun. REMEDY-Code808-Terrestrial Zielgever. (REPEAT)
//end boxed text//

Hmm. Make an intelligence check. Yeah, that’s bad. Let’s just say, you get the idea something terrible is going to happen. Maybe your squad of friends shouldn’t have set fire to the new clothing “factory” the void-men put up? It wasn’t really that bad wearing their clothes.. Was it? Wait.. What’s that?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XghBK_2K8Mg
Damn.. Ok, I guess you all get another luck check.

In order for the much anticipated, and well deserving post-apocalypse to occur; ushering forth mutated incectiods and hyper intelligent androids - the mixed, meddling ways of the invader force of void-men (re: origins boxed text) had come to a head in their terrestrial goals of Áereth, unable to control beasts of magic as well as men. Before departing, leaving their secrets in the minds of sages - they detonate the Zeilgever... to taint the land, and bring forth a future epoch to easier conquer when the budget looks better.

At the moment of those who survive the fight to prevent the scorched earth from occurring, the last remnants of the world that still is and will never be can be either escaped, or embraced… who knows what you will find at

Kalamazoo 2015 Free RPG Day
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3W8Tj ... NFSUU/view

FanFare Sports & Entertainment
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Along with the immortalized Doug Kovacs; Adam Muszkiewicz of Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad & Drink Spin Run - An RPG Talk Show Podcast we bring that special blend of original 1974 gaming to Kalamazoo... "Yes! There Really Is a Kalamazoo!" home of Marmalade Dog marmaladedog.org - Over 20 years of con gaming at Western Michigan University.
Judge Roy Snyder
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