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DieCon - Collinsville, IL - 19-21

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 11:23 am
by AnthonyRoberson
I know it's probably too late to make this an 'official' event but I plan on running several sessions of a 0-level funnel adventure at DieCon this year.

Re: DieCon - Collinsville, IL - 19-21

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 7:48 am
by AnthonyRoberson
Woo hoo! I got confirmation that I can run my DCC event at Die Con! I hope to run two sessions of Sailors on a Starless Sea. I will update when I know which slots I have been assigned. I am going to try and run by one of the local game stores on Saturday and hopefully pick up a shiny new DCC GM screen to use in my games if I can.

Re: DieCon - Collinsville, IL - 19-21

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:23 am
by AnthonyRoberson
I had a great time running DCC at DieCon. It was a last minute entry so I only had 2 players in the first session and 4 in the second, but they all seemed to have fun and several said they were interested in picking up the rulebook. I felt a great sense of satisfaction as the last surviving members of the party fell victim to the cultists on the peak of the ziggurat. TPK baby!