songs of mighty deeds

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catseye yellow
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songs of mighty deeds

Post by catseye yellow »

folks, tell me of mighty deeds that your warriors (and dwarves) have done (or at least tried). i would love to hear how mighty deeds actually happen in your games. do you play by the book or are your players versatile and creative?
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by Rick »

Being versatile & creative is by the book:
There is no limit to the types of Deeds that a warrior can perform. Any situation-appropriate specialized attack should be encouraged. To help provide some general framework for understanding the concept behind Mighty Deeds of Arms, we have provided seven general categories below. These are merely suggestions to give a sense of possibility and scale. The guidelines that follow should help the judge decide which benefits to apply to a high deed die roll. Creative players will certainly come up with new Deeds. Encourage and allow this.
(Page 89) :wink:
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by catseye yellow »

you, rules lawyer you :P
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by JediOre »

My buddy, Nightwing on these boards, is slowly going through Malice of the Medusa which I'm converting from 3.5 to DCC-RPG on the fly.

When his group fought against the animal keeper (dune beasts perhaps?) he had his 3rd level warrior use a mighty deed of arms when the opponent wrapped his whip about the warrior PCs sword arm. He wanted to use his off-hand to grapple and yank the whip away from his opponent. He succeeded on his deed die and we then did a strength check which my friend succeeded in thus removing the whip from the animal keeper. While that was going on, the leader of his party, a 5th level lawful thief had positioned himself behind the enemy and ran him through with a back attack.

His same warrior, in the same module, used another mighty deed of arms to push back three opponents into a stationary gaseous cloud spell cast by his 1st level white wizard. He succeeded in his deed die and since the enemies were 0-level goons, and his 3rd level warrior is a brute (the name is Thunderlips, baby! :wink: ) I reasoned that he could push all three back into the narrow cave entrance and into their doom.

Nightwing loves the mighty deed of arms, when he remembers to use it. We game so infrequently these days the first several hours are a refresher course for him. :(
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by cjoepar »

Usually the deeds are spontaneous in our games, and have involved things like jumping down half a flight of stairs into an enemy, and trying to throw their sword at a goblin shaman who was casting spells from a rock ledge above the party. I did have one warrior who worked with me to develop his own signature deed:

Face Punch:

Deed Die                              Result

3                                 The opponent is unbalanced by the face strike and is -2 to hit for the next round

4                                 Opponent dazed.  -1 to AC and -1 on saves for 1 round.

5                                 Opponent is knocked back a few feet and dazed.  Move opponent back 5 feet, -1 to AC and -1 to saves for 1d4 rds.

6                                 Opponent is knocked prone and dazed.  -1 to AC and -1 on all saves for 1d8 rds. Must spend a move action to stand.

7+                               Opponent up to Ogre size is knocked prone and dazed.  -2 to AC and -2 on all saves for 1d8 rds.  Must spend a move action to stand.

The way it works is the warrior is managing to get a strike to the face with the pommel of his sword, the haft or butt of a spear, maybe a shield punch, or even his fist or elbow.  It is not enough to cause damage on it's own, but this is in addition to his normal weapon attack.  It can make it easier for everyone else in the party to hit the target and if the warrior knocks down something larger than man-sized with a punch, it would cause a moral check in any enemy that sees it.
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by oncelor »

We usually use ad-hoc MDoA's as well, but a budding archer in my campaign and I worked out this chart:

Rapid Shot
3 - Can split your missile damage between two targets provided your single attack roll hits them both.
4 - Can fire an extra shot with no MDoA bonus. All shots are made at -2 this round.
5 - Can fire an extra shot with no MDoA bonus.
6 - Can fire an extra shot -- MDoA roll applies only to hit/damage.
7 - Can fire two extra shots with no MDoA bonus. All shots are made at -2 this round.
8 - Can fire two extra shots with no MDoA bonus.
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by catseye yellow »

i love them. keep them coming.

at my table mighty deeds are less formalized and more dependant on the spur of the moment than on some careful premeditation.
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by DCCfan »

I wouldn't mind my players making up some formal tables for mighty deeds. To date we have just ruled them on the fly. The most popular deeds have been two for one attacks and crippling attacks to eyes or legs. Some of the more interesting deeds involved trying to take a hit for another player and going full defense to run out of a bad situation. I pictured these like the cop that takes a bullet for his partner and the hero that suddenly breaks free from a dog pile of mooks and starts kickin ass.
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by oncelor »

The warriors in our campaign are now eighth level, and I've ruled some pretty powerful effects on MDoA rolls of 10+. A couple weeks ago one of the warriors, Delwyn, had been rolling hot, and with a '10' or '11' I was letting him charge into a horde of grunts and knock down 10 or 20 at a time, and to get attacks on five or six at a time. He tried it again last week but with only comic effect -- I don't think he managed to roll higher than a '4' for his MDoAs all combat, but he kept trying it -- "I want to cut a swath through the ghouls."
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catseye yellow
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by catseye yellow »

oncelor wrote:The warriors in our campaign are now eighth level, and I've ruled some pretty powerful effects on MDoA rolls of 10+. A couple weeks ago one of the warriors, Delwyn, had been rolling hot, and with a '10' or '11' I was letting him charge into a horde of grunts and knock down 10 or 20 at a time, and to get attacks on five or six at a time. He tried it again last week but with only comic effect -- I don't think he managed to roll higher than a '4' for his MDoAs all combat, but he kept trying it -- "I want to cut a swath through the ghouls."
this is really evocative. like that old roy thomas conan situations where he takes on mookloaf of bad guys.
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Re: songs of mighty deeds

Post by Jobe Bittman »

I also released a Mighty Deeds record sheet way back in Episode 6 of Spellburn to help fighters and dwarfs track their own signature mighty deeds at the table. ... Record.pdf
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