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zombie variants

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:32 pm
by cinderblock
I was thinking of a couple ways to spice up zombie encounters with minor tweaks their abilities.

Hungry Dead- if a zombie succeeds at grabbing an opponent it may attempt to rend flesh from bone. Roll Hit die opposed by Strength or suffer an additional d3 damage. Or if an opponent is knocked down then 1d3 zombies pile on to eat the victim each gaining +2 to hit and +1 damage.

Angry Dead-these zombies truly hate the living. These zombies get +1 to hit and if they are hit in combat but not killed they step their damage up by one die type.

Re: zombie variants

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:44 pm
by finarvyn
Some neat ideas. Any time one can put a twist into a monster so that it isn't so generic, it's a good thing. Keeps players on their toes! :lol: