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Adventure Idea - The Fallen Leviathan

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:57 pm
by AnthonyRoberson
I had an idea for a DCC adventure and wanted some feedback to hear if anyone finds it interesting. Here is a synopsis:

The Fallen Leviathan

Years ago, a great magical warbeast fell in the dry, hot wasteland (think of a Mumak, but even larger). The adventure revolves around the characters exploring the fallen, mummified creature's remains, both outside - and inside. The creature's organs could make up some of the dungeon's rooms, while others could actually be carved out of it by other creatures that live in the corpse. There could also be a giant howdah on the leviathan's back.

So, does this sound interesting at all? Has it, God forbid, ever been done before?

Re: Adventure Idea - The Fallen Leviathan

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:47 pm
by Colin
AnthonyRoberson wrote:I had an idea for a DCC adventure and wanted some feedback to hear if anyone finds it interesting. Here is a synopsis:

The Fallen Leviathan

Years ago, a great magical warbeast fell in the dry, hot wasteland (think of a Mumak, but even larger). The adventure revolves around the characters exploring the fallen, mummified creature's remains, both outside - and inside. The creature's organs could make up some of the dungeon's rooms, while others could actually be carved out of it by other creatures that live in the corpse. There could also be a giant howdah on the leviathan's back.

So, does this sound interesting at all? Has it, God forbid, ever been done before?
It sounds interesting, but exploring inside the remains of giant beasties has definitely been done before several times. The most recent example I can think of is the giant purple worm-based map in this year's 1 Page Dungeon contest.


Re: Adventure Idea - The Fallen Leviathan

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:11 pm
by GnomeBoy
It sounds good.

I ran an adventure years ago that I adapted from a Dungeon Magazine adventure about getting pulled into a bag of devouring, going down it's extra-dimensional throat, fighting out from it's insides and getting tangled up with the creatures living on it's bloated back. Memorable.

Re: Adventure Idea - The Fallen Leviathan

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:39 pm
by Ravenheart87
Nice idea, one I always wanted to use. I also remember a DCC adventure, which takes place a giant space turtle.

Re: Adventure Idea - The Fallen Leviathan

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:07 pm
by DCCfan
DCC#23 The Sunken Ziggurat had the PC's going through Tiamat's dead body as well.