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Re: Varying the types of treasures, beyond just gold

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:51 pm
by dark cauliflower
give em nothing. See what they do if they are not rewarded after all the hard work. Will they adventure again if the investment leads to a loss. Make the king hunt them down after they return. How could the go on an adventure and not get any gold... they need to pay their taxes. Put em in the stockade.

its only fair the the cruel godz would do such a thing.

Re: Varying the types of treasures, beyond just gold

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:31 pm
by imperialus
An interesting idea might be to combine Colin's chart with Dave Arneson's gold for XP rules. For those who don't know Arneson used to award XP for gold just like Gygax, but the difference was that any gold you wanted to get XP for had to be 'blown'.

I wonder if it might be a bit of an incentive to get players to roll on the chart if you offered them 1 xp +1xp for every 10 gold 'spent' on the table.