Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

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Fenris Ulfhamr
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Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

So I estimate a character level in DCC is equivalent to 2 in most D&D settings (stop me here if this presumption is flawed!), so I wonder if this extends to monster HD as well... this forces all saves, BAB, and other extrapolated values into question. I'm tempted to just throw the monsters from 2e AS IS at my would-be heroes and hope they know where an emergency exit is!

What kinds of considerations do you make for monster stats when attempting conversion?

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Here is a small post on the topic of conversions. This was expanded upon in DAMN #1. ... o-dcc.html

Here you can see some creatures I converted from Skull Mountain. The adventure is available from RPG Now to compare. I believe some of the statblocks are in the Labyrinth Lord rules, which can be obtained for free. ... ntain.html

Here's a link to a ton of monsters that have appeared on my blog, some of which are conversions. ... -blog.html

I can talk about specific monster conversions, if you like.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Fenris Ulfhamr
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Re: Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

Post by Fenris Ulfhamr »

I was hoping there might be some formulae to getting equivalent scores for attack bonuses, hit dice, etc., but if they're already in published material, it looks like I need that DAMN! magazine, lol :mrgreen:

LOVE the Harryhausen stuff, btw!

Black Kylessa (c) LV 2 Wizard (orphan)
Str7/8 (-1) Agi17(+2) Sta9(0) Per6(-1) Int15(+1) Luc15(+1) AC13 (padded armor, fumble d8) HP7 Sling+2 (1d4-1) or dagger+/-1 (1d4-1) Spd30 Init+2 R+3 F0 W0 Ragdoll (Mara), Pony, 48cp 602gp Common, Chaos, Halfling, Dwarven
Animal Summoning 64 Wealful/Woeful magic (erupts from the earth),Charm Person 83 Blue Star (black beam), Runic Alphabet, Mortal 43 no change, Spider Climb 53 no change (six extra eyes),Magic Missle 94 Fine Control (meteors),Chill Touch 50 no change (skeletal hands)
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Re: Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

Post by Raven_Crowking »

I don't use a formula per se.

AD&D 1e, 2e, and equivalent use an absolute scale for AC, so you need only flip the numbers. AC 0 is 20, AC 5 is 15, AC 7 is 13, etc. 20 subtract older AC gives you a good, workable number.

3e has ACs that continue to climb into the stratosphere, which will cause your DCC PCs some real headaches. AC 30 when you have a max of 1d20 plus a 1d6 Deed Die is a problem. You can use the lower-level creatures as-is, but as you get to higher CR creatures, you want to dial AC, saves, and attacks down a bit. As you get a feel for what numbers represent in DCC, that becomes easier.

Then all of those special abilities? Decide which ones actually add to the adventure/encounter you are building. Find ways to simplify them. You don't need a whole paragraph in the statblock for everything a monster might do.

In both cases, remember that you are playing DCC, and reskin creatures to make them mysterious. Add something new, or take away something old, to do so.

_The Vertical Halls_ is, btw, a great example of an adventure that converts 3e OGC critters into a cool DCC scenario.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Tips for converting 2e and 3.5 monsters to DCC, anyone?

Post by MadMoses »

You also might want to check out the DCC quick monster conversion sheet here:
http://peoplethemwithmonsters.blogspot. ... urces.html
(see the "DCC Monster Helper" link)
Dead Cyclops is my blog with DCC and old-school RPG stuff at
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