B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

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B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by lukash »


I'm finishing up an adaptation of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess for DCC. The green cover version of the module has a story that fits the DCC style. I'd like to have some folks look it over before I throw it at my players. I created it in google docs, so if you want to have a look, and promise to comment, send me PM with your email and I'll share it with you. I'll probably have the draft ready to go in the next few days.

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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by Arijuna »

Sounds great. :)

B3 Green, is the first module I had.
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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by arzoo »

I have no resources to suggest, but I find the turn of events in your game to be very amusing :)
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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by lukash »

Thanks to those who have contacted me. An update: I am going to run another 1st level module before throwing B3 at them. If some of them make it to level 2, I'll need to make some slight adjustments. Plus, I probably need some more GMing experience behind me to have a better sense of how to balance the encounters. Please bear with me a while longer.

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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by oncelor »

Cool. I ran PotSP a year or so ago, winging the conversion as I went, and it worked really well with DCC. Those characters are now going through "Castle Amber," one of my favorite old modules.
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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by lukash »

Do you have any notes to share? Which version of the module did you use, green or orange?
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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by oncelor »

Green version.

Early on the party had some success convincing a hobgoblin patrol that the party was supposed to be there, and the patrol ended up helping them explore a dozen rooms, but eventually a fight broke out with the patrol over who got to keep the treasure. That was sort of fun.

One of the zero level farmers who started with a sheep managed to save the party from having to fight a 4HD bear by throwing the sheep to the bear.

I had a lot of fun enforcing lighting rules since the party didn't think to bring much lighting with them. After a couple hours they ran out of oil and torches and started doing strange things like burning their rope and empty pages from their spellbooks. When they found the oil-pit trap and could then fill their lanterns as much as they pleased it made it seem like a major treasure haul.

Converting the monsters on-the-fly wasn't hard at all. Figuring out what to do with the treasure took a little more work. I think I ended up creating two magical swords (only one of which the party could keep) and one magical dagger (that was cursed with berserking).

The party was nearly third level by the time they had finished the module.
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Re: B3 Palace of the Silver Princess Adaptation

Post by lukash »

My campaign stopped, and so did production on my conversion/recreation. I lost the map I was working on, but I have the text. It needs editing for clarification and grammar, I'm sure. Feel free to run with it and let me know how it goes.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tDG ... sp=sharing
22 Start / 3 Dead / 6 Wounded / Portal Under the Stars
12 Start / 3 Dead / 0 Wounded / Sailors on the Starless Sea (not finished)
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