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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:19 am
by Jofre
Level: 1 Range: touch Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 round Salvation: None

General The magician throws some stones to the ground and makes them tremble, the stones clatter and they remain arranged forming signs that only a magician who knows the spell knows how to interpret. The stones reveal the geography of the ground, both surface and subsoil (villages, mountains, caves ...) and can reveal even the beings that are in contact with the ground (to detect the position of someone in particular for example)
Manifestation Roll 1d4: (1) Stones tremble, split and emit vapors that create images; (2) The stones begin to tremble and create sound cadences containing key messages; (3) The stones tremble, they move and are arranged forming symbols; (4) The stones and the earth tremble and begin to levitate forming reliefs of the surrounding landscape.
Corruption Roll 1d10: (1-3) From time to time the stones move alone around the mage being able to betray their presence; (4-5) The stones move when the magician steps on them. The magician suffers a permanent penalty of -2 to any TS for balance in the ground; (6-7) The wizard's skin becomes harder, gains CA +1; (8-9) The magician undergoes tremors every time he pulls a (roll1d20) in his action die. The magician must surpass a TS in order not to lose such action if necessary; (10) The magician sees symbols whenever he sees stones, these being real or fruit of his imagination and the magician can not find out until he investigates. So you can see threats where there are none or it may be information save the life to the group. The Paranoia is served.
Misfire Roll 1d6: (1) The stones are fired, each character 3 meters from the event rolls 1d6, if a 1 is hit by the projectile TS FOR (12), If you remove less loses life reason: (1-3) 4pv, (4-6) 3pv, (7-9) 2pv and (10-11) 1pv; (2) A small earthquake occurs. The group does TS REF (12) or fall to the ground and receive the same damage as the case (1); (3) The spell drew attention to some nearby creature; (4) The spell attracted the attention of a magical and malignant creature from the subsoil. (5) The group is teleported to a random location; (6) Each member of the group is teleported to a different location.
1 Lost, failure and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + misfire; (1) corruption; (2+) misfire.
2-11 Lost. Failure.

12-13 The stones show the geography to 12km to the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being (of which a sample is possessed: hair, excrement, limb ...) in that radius.
14-17 The stones show the geography to 24km to the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being (of which a sample is possessed: hair, excrement, limb ...) in that radius.
18-19 The stones show the geography to 48km to the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being (of which a sample is possessed: hair, excrement, limb ...) in that radius.
20-23 The stones show the geography to 96km in the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being on that radius just by visualizing it with the mind.
24-27 The stones show the geography at 196km round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being on that radius just by visualizing it with the mind.
28-29 The stones show the geography to 1096km to the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being on that radius just by visualizing it with the mind.
30-31 The stones show the geography to 10096km in the round; If asked, they can locate the position of any being in that radius even if it is a stranger.
32+ Stones show the world geography; If asked, they can locate the position of any being in that radius even if it is a stranger. And even if they are asked for the stones of the road they will move like a compass to indicate to the magician the way to its destination.