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Petting ready to start a game - have questions

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:07 pm
by Tush Hog
I have a couple of Spell related questions.

First, on casting times. If it is a one round casting time, does that mean the wizard can do no other spells?

Haste has a 2 round casting time, but gets a bonus action when spell is completed. Does that occur in round 2?

Under Potions it says the GM rolls instead of player. I'm not following why that would be necessary when a potion is chosen from an eligible list based on the roll. What am I missing?


Re: Petting ready to start a game - have questions

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:21 pm
by Arijuna
Tush Hog wrote:I have a couple of Spell related questions.

First, on casting times. If it is a one round casting time, does that mean the wizard can do no other spells?

Haste has a 2 round casting time, but gets a bonus action when spell is completed. Does that occur in round 2?

Under Potions it says the GM rolls instead of player. I'm not following why that would be necessary when a potion is chosen from an eligible list based on the roll. What am I missing?

First one: It depends on how many action dice the character has. Lower level characters can generally make 1 action. Casting a spell is an action.

Second one: The spell would be initiated in the first round, and would be in effect in the second. Ie, yes. Another way to look at the bonus action dice is that the spell effect is delayed by one round.

Third one: Make rulings, not rules! If you'd rather let the player roll it, no problem!

Re: Petting ready to start a game - have questions

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:39 am
by Tush Hog

Re: Petting ready to start a game - have questions

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:16 am
by boneguard
Tush Hog wrote: Under Potions it says the GM rolls instead of player. I'm not following why that would be necessary when a potion is chosen from an eligible list based on the roll. What am I missing?
Until the player drinks the potion or have it identify, they have no clue what it is. So having the GM roll and note what it is makes perfect sense.

Re: Petting ready to start a game - have questions

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 2:32 pm
by Tush Hog
boneguard wrote:
Tush Hog wrote: Under Potions it says the GM rolls instead of player. I'm not following why that would be necessary when a potion is chosen from an eligible list based on the roll. What am I missing?
Until the player drinks the potion or have it identify, they have no clue what it is. So having the GM roll and note what it is makes perfect sense.
That doesn't seem like the intent of the write up. It seems a spellcheck is made and the PC chooses the potion from eligible ones. Then the PC must gather ingredients for that particular potion which takes at least a week.