Sentient swords handled by differently aligned characters?

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Sentient swords handled by differently aligned characters?

Post by kleefaj »

How do you handle sentient swords of one alignment being handled by characters of a different alignment?

In the D&D Expert Rulebook I see where PCs of different alignments who touch or handle the sword will suffer 1d6 to 2d6 depending on how many steps different they are.

Perhaps the special abilities of the sword (including any plusses) cannot be used by a wielder of a different alignment, and the wielder suffers a penalty to luck equivalent to the plus of the sword. I've also seen where a PC can suffer a negative level while wielding the sword, too.

I can probably use all of these, actually. Every weapon can work differently!

How do you do it?

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Re: Sentient swords handled by differently aligned character

Post by DavetheLost »

The sword will likely refuse to use its special powers or allow them to be used unless the wielder acts in accordance with the sword's wishes. The sword might also call out to those of like alignment requesting rescue and promising to serve te prospective new owner faithfully, note a Chaotic sword might well lie about its abilities in order to "trade up" owners.

Be sure to give the sword a personality, agenda and motives of its own. Stormbringer seemed to take an especial delight in killing those of whom Elric was fondest.

A Lawful sword might well call out a warning if a chaotic wielder was trying to set an ambush.
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Re: Sentient swords handled by differently aligned character

Post by Murlynd »

AD&D set an Ego score for swords of this type, which handled some of the issues mentioned. I wrote a conversion to Dungeon Crawl of the AD&D (1979) rule. The Ego scores from this method have a similar high end as the same sword would in AD&D, but allow a low end that AD&D did not, which works as a little fix to the AD&D rule too. I wanted to use a dice chain to represent the ego score determination, that is the initial reason for the discrepancy. The damage caused that the thread asks about is found using the ego die, which might seem like a lot, but it actually allows for lower damage than the AD&D 1 rule! Intelligent swords in AD&D were dangerous to characters and often difficult to DM too. Can't have a character talking to their sword all the time, for example.


A sword's ego is found by rolling the shown die, according to the sword created or found (DCC p. 366). The sword's ego can be used as a catch all for guidance that intelligence and its purpose don't resolve. The sword's ego modifier, as character ability scores, may also be used in checks that the judge may apply.

Sword Type / Ego Die
01-50 / d3
51-75 / d4
76-85 / d6
86-90 / d8
91-94 / d12
95-96 / d16
97-98 / d20
99-100 / d24

Characters of Opposite or Adjacent Alignment Use

If a character of an opposed alignment attempts to pick up or otherwise take possession of the sword, the character receives an injury equal to the rolled result of the swords ego die. Adjacent characters receive an injury one step down the dice chain, with d3 ego swords causing only one point of damage to adjacent characters. This damage is never applied when the sword is used against an opponent as normal, of course.

Personality Conflict

When a possessor acts outside of the alignment or avoids the primary goals of the sword, a personality conflict may occur between the sword and the possessor. This is handled in Dungeon Crawl as an opposed check with the sword's and the possessor's total modifier (personality strength) found as follows:

Sword Personality Strength = Intelligence and Ego
Possessor Personality Strength = Intelligence, Personality and Level

If a Personality Conflict occurs, one of the following can be selected by the judge or rolled randomly. A judge may select some other result other than these, of course.

1. Removal of associates distasteful to the sword, by any means appropriate to the sword.
2. Divestment of all other magic items.
3. Sword acts in a leadership roll for a period of time until a particular goal is accomplished.
4. The possessor must immediately seeking out creatures the swords hates.
5. Expensive upgrades to the sword, such as hilt gems, elaborate scabbard or belt, special storage container, etcetera.
6. Magic protections to protect the sword from theft or misuse by others
7. The character must pay the sword a salary, similar to a henchmen, for a set period of time.
8. From now on the character must always have the sword on at ALL times.
9. The character must seek out a new owner of the sword and relinquish the sword to that person.
10. Grudge, causing the domination of the possessor at some later date, forcing the following as the sword chooses:
1. Force the possessor into combat
2. Refusal to strike an opponent
3. Strike the possessor or the possessor's associates
4. Force the possessor to surrender to an opponent
5. Drop from the possessor's hand, most likely at a very inopportune moment
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Re: Sentient swords handled by differently aligned character

Post by kleefaj »

A lawful character ended up with the lawful blade however I'm roleplaying the heck out of the chaotic blade weilded by the neutral character, selling the natural truth of Chaos to serve the character's ambitions of which are being put into the character's/player's head by the sword/me. Yessssss.
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Re: Sentient swords handled by differently aligned character

Post by Murlynd »

Good times. You know, I always found that players that have never played these type of games always expect magic swords and other weapons to really be magic, as you are employing them in game, following the way they are described in Dungeon Crawl. Only after being giving weapons with lists of pluses and such did they move away from that outlook. Dungeon Crawl helps maintain that initial cool player outlook I think.
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Re: Sentient swords handled by differently aligned character

Post by Ducaster »

Just about to introduce a Sword like this in my game. The "Lucky" player that found it didn't know it was more than a well made broadsword until after the adventure when they examined it.

As its under a god Curse (for being a magic item as per the suggestions in the rules) I ruled its int was "sleeping" until it had been in the possession of a warrior (as opposed to mouldering in the treasure heap of a Giant Spider).

My ruling is that the longer the character (or a succession of characters) owns it the stronger the swords awakening will is going to be. Its the only reason that I'd give out a Magical weapon at 2nd level. For the time begin he'll only have to contend with a fraction of the swords INT & Will (also the "powers are reduced as well)

In this particular case I side stepped the Alignment and decided the sword didn't care who wielded it as long as they would fight Undead (its rolled purpose was slay Vampires) but as I say I'll ramp up to that slowly as its "Power" reawakens. For now all the owner is getting is strange dreams of him fighting (and slaying magnificently I might add) various Undead critters. If he chooses not to get with the program then we'll see how the blade reacts at whatever power it has reawakened to.

I figure to have its full potential not available until its in the hands of a 4th- 5th level owner. We shall see!
{Standard Disclaimer} If it was mentioned already and I missed it, please put this down to my advanced age and senility rather than discourtesy!
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