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Two Weapon Fighting and Deed Die

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:34 pm
by Sundweller
On page 95 in the combat section, under Two Weapon fighting it says:

Two-weapon attacks are less likely to hit, but the character
may make two attack rolls where he would normally make
one. Because a character’s off hand is usually not as strong
or coordinated as his primary hand, his secondary attack
rolls usually require a different deed die.
Critical hits are
determined as indicated on the table below.

So where does it state what the different deed die is for the secondary attack? Should I just follow the dice chain? And why does it say "usually", shouldn't it be all of the time?

Re: Two Weapon Fighting and Deed Die

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:36 pm
by dark cauliflower
you have to take ambidexterity into account. Some people are good with both hands, equally.

Re: Two Weapon Fighting and Deed Die

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:45 pm
by Sundweller
dark cauliflower wrote:you have to take ambidexterity into account. Some people are good with both hands, equally.

Well, I understand that, but that doesn't really answer my question :)

So are you saying as the Judge that it's pretty much up to me to decide then?

Re: Two Weapon Fighting and Deed Die

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:48 pm
by TheNobleDrake
I have begun to think that this particular bit of text says "deed die" but actually is meant to say "action die."

That small change makes the text perfectly clear, as the accompanying table shows the differences in action die - and it also prevents the text from disagreeing with the implication I have seen made where the Deed Die is rolled only once per round and added to the to-hit and damage of all attacks equally, but limiting a character to a single Deed each round rather than one for each weapon for each action.

Just my thoughts, I have no official capacity to declare this an error in any games but mine own.

Re: Two Weapon Fighting and Deed Die

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:10 pm
by Sundweller
TheNobleDrake wrote:I have begun to think that this particular bit of text says "deed die" but actually is meant to say "action die."

That small change makes the text perfectly clear, as the accompanying table shows the differences in action die - and it also prevents the text from disagreeing with the implication I have seen made where the Deed Die is rolled only once per round and added to the to-hit and damage of all attacks equally, but limiting a character to a single Deed each round rather than one for each weapon for each action.

Just my thoughts, I have no official capacity to declare this an error in any games but mine own.

I saw that in another thread, and I have to agree. That would make more sense...