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-1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:14 am
by Crimsontree
What effect does a -1 STR & -1 AGI have on melee & ranged combat? Does a -1 modifier affect both the to hit and damage rolls for melee & ranged combat?

Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:22 am
by Colin
-1 Str means you suffer a -1 penalty to hit and damage in melee. -1 Agi means you suffer a -1 to hit in ranged combat.
If you read the Ability descriptions, it notes that Str mods influence both attack and damage rolls in melee, but if you read the description of Agility it notes that it only impacts on ranged attack rolls and specifically does not mention damage.


Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:04 am
by Crimsontree
Cheers Colin for the quick and detailed response. One of the benefits of me being geographically close to the UK. :)

Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:34 am
by Colin
You're welcome. :)


Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:12 am
by Mintaro
It should be noted that strength does effect range damage. As noted in the weapon category strength effects some ranged attacks but only at "close range" meaning the first two range brackets. This makes sense since a stronger person will surely throw a hand axe deeper into the target than a weak person.

Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:24 am
by phg
Mintaro wrote:It should be noted that strength does effect range damage. As noted in the weapon category strength effects some ranged attacks but only at "close range" meaning the first two range brackets. This makes sense since a stronger person will surely throw a hand axe deeper into the target than a weak person.
Does this mean that a character with a Strength mod of -1 does less damage with this weapon? This is how I ruled it in a recent game. Additionally, I ruled that the -1 mod affected all ranges, not just close; it seemed strange that the weapon would do more damage at medium range (by not applying the -1 modifier).

Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:18 am
by TheNobleDrake
phg wrote:
Mintaro wrote:It should be noted that strength does effect range damage. As noted in the weapon category strength effects some ranged attacks but only at "close range" meaning the first two range brackets. This makes sense since a stronger person will surely throw a hand axe deeper into the target than a weak person.
Does this mean that a character with a Strength mod of -1 does less damage with this weapon? This is how I ruled it in a recent game. Additionally, I ruled that the -1 mod affected all ranges, not just close; it seemed strange that the weapon would do more damage at medium range (by not applying the -1 modifier).
I rule that Strength modifiers affect damage in the first range increment of thrown weapons whether positive or negative - but I leave other ranges alone.

Past the first range, I figure the weapon is being thrown indirectly (in an arc) and the force behind the impact is more about the weapon and gravity than the thrower's own might.

Re: -1 STR & -1 AGI effect on melee & ranged combat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:11 pm
by ThreeDieSix
phg wrote:Does this mean that a character with a Strength mod of -1 does less damage with this weapon? This is how I ruled it in a recent game. Additionally, I ruled that the -1 mod affected all ranges, not just close; it seemed strange that the weapon would do more damage at medium range (by not applying the -1 modifier).
I think this is also how I'm going to rule when I run the game. A strength penalty applies at all ranges, but a bonus only at close range.

I am also considering just applying the strength modifier to damage regardless of range since (1) this is how D&D did it, (2) it's more consistent, and (3) the reduced effectiveness of medium and long range attacks is already covered by a penalty to the attack roll.