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Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:40 am
by Skyscraper
Thanks for the replies! I learn interesting info in here :)

For the axe: Good stuff, this is one thing I learned (and the half-sword combat).

On the arbalest being 0 DEF, my question was more: why does the flail provide a penalty (-1) to DEF, while the arbalest provides none? I can't see the flail as being more of a hindrance than the arbalest in defending against attacks. I would simply put the flail at 0 DEF. I.e. you don't use it, but it's not hindering you, is it? To balance it, I would look to reducing its damage die to d8 for example, making it a good weapon since not only does it reduce DR but also it's great vs a shield wielder.

By the way, I would certainly make the arbalest the only weapon with a 3 or even 4 DR reduction. As far as I understand, you can't do much against a loaded arbalest, even with heavy armor. Mechanics-wise, this would further balance it with regards to the bow that load more quickly.


On the matter of initiative and reach weapons:
One thing that the rules do not account for is that if I am closed in on you with a dagger and you have a polearm, you lose any advantage that weapon has. I do not really want to get crazy complicated with things like that, but adding in factors like reach might lead to questions like this. I am not sure how to implement this in a system without miniatures (and I don’t want to use miniatures)
You haven't addressed my suggested rule:

When it's the melee weapon combatants' turn, on the first round of combat only, the ones with reach weapons automatically go first. Then, the rest roll init and the round advances as normal. For rounds 2 and the following rounds, init is rolled as normal.

This has the advantage of recognizing reach, while still recognizing, as you mention, that once you close in with your daggers, that polearm may not be an advantage. Combat being dynamic, you simply roll initiative on rounds 2 and subsequently, which indicates whether the reach weapon weilder was able to move away a bit to take advnatage (reach weapon wielder won init) or whether the dagger wielder was able to remain in close combat (dagger wielder won init).

If this is the way you go, you can perhaps create weapon length categories.

Option A: 2 categories:
Long: polearms, long two-handed weapons (greatsword)
Short: longsword and shorter (including daggers, hand-to-hand)

Option B: 3 categories
Long: polearms, ...
medium: greatsword, longsword, flail, ...
short: hand-to-nand, dagger, hand axe (?), ...
(should the grearsword be long? Should the hand axe be medium?)

You could also have only 2 categories, but decide that hand-to-hand always goes last (or has a penalty to init). I see fighting hand-to-hand against an opponent with a weapon, as being quite a challenge, myself.

Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:40 am
by Gilbert de Chatillon ... sp=sharing

I have taken some of your ideas Skyscraper, and sort of mixed them with some inspiration from some other RPGs. See if this new version makes sense, the third page explains the rules. One way I could change it further is make reach effect the die instead of a modifier. Of course id have to scale it down a bit, a -5 die is a bit steep. I'm not sure which would be easier and make the game more streamline.

I fixed the flail a bit, I like its damage to be the same as a mace. The -1 defense was to make it more unwieldy but I changed it to 0 and instead increased the chance to roll a fumble.

Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:45 am
by Skyscraper
Gilbert de Chatillon wrote: ... sp=sharing

I have taken some of your ideas Skyscraper, and sort of mixed them with some inspiration from some other RPGs. See if this new version makes sense, the third page explains the rules. One way I could change it further is make reach effect the die instead of a modifier. Of course id have to scale it down a bit, a -5 die is a bit steep. I'm not sure which would be easier and make the game more streamline.

I fixed the flail a bit, I like its damage to be the same as a mace. The -1 defense was to make it more unwieldy but I changed it to 0 and instead increased the chance to roll a fumble.
Looks good to me.

I find the reach difference to be complex, it will add a lot of calculations at the table. But if you're happy with that, I think it would be an interesting addition.

I'm not sure about the tables being turned however, providing advantage to the shorter weapons. At any time, that reach could come into play, e.g. when moving back and forth, the dagger-wielder will need to again come into the greatsword's reach. Personally, I'd stick with the "longer reach" being an advantage for round 1 only; and after that, weapon reach balances out with manoeuvrability.

Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:14 pm
by Gilbert de Chatillon
Skyscraper wrote:I'm not sure about the tables being turned however, providing advantage to the shorter weapons. At any time, that reach could come into play, e.g. when moving back and forth, the dagger-wielder will need to again come into the greatsword's reach. Personally, I'd stick with the "longer reach" being an advantage for round 1 only; and after that, weapon reach balances out with manoeuvrability.
I fight with a shorter sword against people with longer rapiers in the SCA. At the start of the fight I am at a disadvantage: if we are both fully extended their blade would be through my skull and the tip of my blade would not be touching them. They have an easier time keeping me at bay, however once I gain control of their blade and get in close they are at a disadvantage as my blade is more maneuverable when fighting up close. Imagine you have a staff vs someone with a pocketknife, at first he has to avoid getting whacked, however after he is closes in any reach advantage you had is gone and the staff is not quick enough to defend against the quick jabs of the knife. Your only hope is to regain the distance advantage.
Skyscraper wrote:I find the reach difference to be complex, it will add a lot of calculations at the table. But if you're happy with that, I think it would be an interesting addition.
I agree it is complex, a little too complex for what I was going for. What if I take away the math portion of this with the modifiers? So instead of the modifiers: The person with the higher reach score gets a free attack before the attacker. Once the shorter weapon lands an attack he has closed the distance and the get a free attack on the person who has the longer weapon before he attacks.

Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:10 am
by Skyscraper
Gilbert de Chatillon wrote:
Skyscraper wrote:I'm not sure about the tables being turned however, providing advantage to the shorter weapons. At any time, that reach could come into play, e.g. when moving back and forth, the dagger-wielder will need to again come into the greatsword's reach. Personally, I'd stick with the "longer reach" being an advantage for round 1 only; and after that, weapon reach balances out with manoeuvrability.
I fight with a shorter sword against people with longer rapiers in the SCA. At the start of the fight I am at a disadvantage: if we are both fully extended their blade would be through my skull and the tip of my blade would not be touching them. They have an easier time keeping me at bay, however once I gain control of their blade and get in close they are at a disadvantage as my blade is more maneuverable when fighting up close. Imagine you have a staff vs someone with a pocketknife, at first he has to avoid getting whacked, however after he is closes in any reach advantage you had is gone and the staff is not quick enough to defend against the quick jabs of the knife. Your only hope is to regain the distance advantage.
Okay, you know more about this than I do.
Skyscraper wrote:I find the reach difference to be complex, it will add a lot of calculations at the table. But if you're happy with that, I think it would be an interesting addition.
I agree it is complex, a little too complex for what I was going for. What if I take away the math portion of this with the modifiers? So instead of the modifiers: The person with the higher reach score gets a free attack before the attacker. Once the shorter weapon lands an attack he has closed the distance and the get a free attack on the person who has the longer weapon before he attacks.[/quote]

A free attack is a lot. I would simply let them win initiative.

Re: New Unofficial Armor and Weapon Rules Beta

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:46 am
by Gilbert de Chatillon
I have just updated and added rule update # 4.