Creature Catalog

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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

Well... It's finished... sort of...:mrgreen:

I don't have any ads in the back cause I forgot to send out emails last week, but I have left room in the back for a limited amount if anyone is interested. It's free... Just send your ad to us at I've got one full page for the DCCRPG ad, then 1 or two pages that I can fill up with 1/4 page ad splash.

We decided to upload the files to and order the proof copies anyway. One for me, one for the artist, and one to send to Mr. Goodman and they should get here some time this week. I can drop in ads before going live.

Thanx to all for your patience.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Gameogre »

Great! Have some cash on standby just for this product!
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

Gameogre wrote:Great! Have some cash on standby just for this product!
Glad to hear it, and thanx for the support!

Things are moving right along, the proof copy revealed a couple of layout changes that needed fixing. I'm waiting for a second proof copy that should be here on Monday. If it looks right then it will go live soon after, because the CCD has passed final inspection with Mr. G. This next week, I'm getting all the URL's and stuff set up with the printer and the web host for the PDF.

In fact, Critters, Creatures, & Denizens is soooo almost finished that I'm 50 pages into my next project... :twisted:

I'll post more details by the end of next week. :mrgreen:
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Blood Axe »

Gameogre wrote:Great! Have some cash on standby just for this product!
+1. Id definitely want this!
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Zargon »

Beautiful, can't wait... :)
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Ravenheart87 »

Wow, new stuff to buy? Bring it on! :)
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »


“This is Phred Phreely with the Crystal View News Channel bringing you the news we think you need to know… eventually. We interrupt the semi-finals of the All Planes Wrestling League to bring you the latest on Critter-gate. We join our correspondent Frtiz Frelgerwunten in the field, live outside the author’s home with the latest news. Take it away Fritz!”

“Well Phred, I’m the first to arrive live on the scene with an exclusive report! Apparently the author has put up a notice on the inside of his office window. It’s written poorly in chartreuse crayon wax, but the cryptographers are telling me that it reads as follows:”

After much toil and enduring a Learning Curve that bore a surprising likeness to martial arts dojo I can announce that “Critters, Creatures, & Denizens” is now available for sale. Interested parties should go to the following link: ... eased.html .

This blog post has all the particulars for the book as well as the direct links to for the hard copy (14.99) + shipping + taxes where applicable and Shop for the PDF (9.99) + taxes where applicable.

There were a lot of things that I wanted to do, but the reality was quite different. For example, the ‘free e-publishing’ thing with Lulu turned out to be a mirage and in order to qualify for their worldwide distribution would have meant raising the cost of the hard copy prohibitively. Especially for the first born of an unknown author. I have a second printer lined up that will correct the distribution situation, but I need to re-format the CCD to a slightly smaller size. I hope to have this resolved within the next few weeks and I’ll post the details when I can.

I’ve tried to add a few new twists to keep players on their toes, and tried to offer some interesting new choices. I’ve tried to make sure that there are critters and options in the CCD that will appeal to everyone, from the Grognards to the Anime generation.

I hope you enjoy it.”

“When I knocked on the door and asked if he had any further comments a note was slipped under the door and the analysis reads:”
“I have a ream of fresh recycled paper, a tea kettle, a hot-plate, a fresh box of crayons, and enough water, Earl Grey, and twinkies to last for several months. I’ll be starting up a thread with the details on my next project as soon as possible.”
This was inscribed on the back of the note:

When pressed, a muffled voice through the door said, "All further inquiries from the CVN should be wrapped around a bottle of Bärenjäger and passed through the window by a blind monkey demon, but that everyone else should feel free to post any comments about the CCD on this thread. Let the Quest for the Snorvolumph begin!!”

"After that we backed off to a safe distance and are hoping to catch a quick interview when he eventually leaves to use the outhouse behind his studio. Until then this is Frtiz Frelgerwunten saying: back to you Phred.”

"That just about wraps things up here at the studio as well, but Krelvax the Weaver has won a first round victory over Mangor the Annihilator, so the CVN will be returning you to an encore performance of Goblin House after a quick weather advisory for those of you out on the Burning Planes: there is a greater than normal chance of Amethyst Clouds this evening so you may want to post a few extra guards who won’t fall asleep. As always this is Phred Phreely saying goodnight to all of you out there in adventure-land; and if you’re out there on the trails, remember… don’t stop to feed the trolls.”
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

OH yeah...

And for anyone in the PDX/Vancouver area who may be interested, we'll be at the Guardian Games booth at Game Storm this year. Not sure which day yet, more details to follow.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Gameogre »

Any chance on getting it from

I really want this book but I buy all my pdf's from them.

Regardless I will get this book it just might have to wait a bit till I have the money for a physical copy.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Raven_Crowking »

I just ordered this, in both pdf and print. My question is, is any of the material therein usable with other publications? For example, if I create an adventure, can I reference the book, or should I hide it away while I am working?


SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Ravenheart87 »

Gameogre wrote:Any chance on getting it from

I really want this book but I buy all my pdf's from them.

Regardless I will get this book it just might have to wait a bit till I have the money for a physical copy.
RPGNow POD and pdf bundle would be even better!
Vorpal Mace: a humble rpg blog with some DCC-related stuff.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

OK... first the easy stuff:

I wanted to set up a bundle deal, but after repeated attempts and failures in trying to figure out how to sign up for Lulu's 'PDF' service I gave up. I shopped around, and most folks weren't set up to do print on demand, which meant that if I wanted to use their services I'd have to deliver a bunch of books to them to sell bundled with the PDF. If I had to do this I'd never be able to afford the project, but I'll check out and see what they offer. Thank for the info.

One of the things on my to do list is to reformat the CCD to a slightly smaller page size so that it can be placed on the EBM network. All future projects will likely be with them rather than Lulu, mainly due to the fact that there are Espresso Book Machines at independent book sellers in countries all over the world; Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan... and many others. You just walk in (or order online in some cases) tell them which book you want and they print/bind it while you wait; many stores will also ship things to customers. This should make things faster and cheaper for hard copy delivery with the savings in shipping.

Wow, Thanx RC! I wish I could answer your question, but I'm not sure I understand it fully. I have a copyright notice like everybody else. If you are asking about how well/if the CCD plays in other non-DCC systems... I honestly don't know. I get this question a lot, and I think the mutations transfer out to many d20 based systems with the most ease. The rest would take some tinkering first, as I use Luck, corruptions, and other DCC goodness in the designs.


Are you referring to the fact that TSR, Wizard's, and Hasbro viciously and zealously restrict the use of certain critters? Like 'squid-heads', 'floating eyeballs', and 'kitties that are hard to spot'? There shouldn't be any trouble in that regard; all of my designs started with the SRD and/or publicly available sources, so there shouldn't be any issues. I've always thought that product identity and monsters are a bad combination. If I did my job well enough that some of the critters I've made become popular, it seems like shooting myself in the foot to then tell people: "you know those critters that you really like... you can't use them without permission unless you are huddled around your own gaming table."

To be fair there are places where the legal grey-area turns into a foggy menace... For example:
if you mutated a medium sized cat to have a couple of extra limbs (tentacles) and gave it the displacement mutation... well... have fun tap-dancing through the legal mine field. I'll be over there hiding behind a boulder. :P

I don't want to obligate myself to anything out of ignorance; but if you are using the mutations table to create something new for your story, or you really like some of the critters and want to use them in a module or something; assuming that's what you're asking about. Then all I ask is that you tell people that the CCD was used in its generation; I'd consider that a form of free advertising. (And hopefully I get a copy of the finished product :mrgreen: )
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Ravenheart87 »

I bought the pdf on d20pfsrd and checked it out quickly. While it isn't going to be the DCC's Fiend Folio or Tome of Horrors, it's a decent monster book. There are lots of tools to customize and create monsters. The only thing I didn't like so far are the big ass stat blocks. They are way too detailed for my taste, but even this serves the purpose of customization.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by ragboy »

Ravenheart87 wrote:I bought the pdf on d20pfsrd and checked it out quickly. While it isn't going to be the DCC's Fiend Folio or Tome of Horrors, it's a decent monster book. There are lots of tools to customize and create monsters. The only thing I didn't like so far are the big ass stat blocks. They are way too detailed for my taste, but even this serves the purpose of customization.

Nevermind... ... d-denizens
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by ragboy »

Cool. Got it! Reading it now.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Raven_Crowking »

My print copy just arrived.

I've been going over the pdf copy while waiting, and overall I impressed by the amount of work you've done. Not everything is to my taste (and I did not expect it to be), but the normal animal stats are definitely going to get use. There are too many PCs with ducks, cows, and dogs not to have these stats, and an elephant or a horse is always good to have info on.

The rules related to running and distance travelled were a trifle unclear IMHO, but I like the general idea of them.
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

Raven_Crowking wrote:My print copy just arrived.

I've been going over the pdf copy while waiting, and overall I impressed by the amount of work you've done. Not everything is to my taste (and I did not expect it to be), but the normal animal stats are definitely going to get use. There are too many PCs with ducks, cows, and dogs not to have these stats, and an elephant or a horse is always good to have info on.
Thanx. Glad there is something you can use. I recommend the following formula: normal critters + mutations = hours of terror filed surprises for players.
The rules related to running and distance travelled were a trifle unclear IMHO, but I like the general idea of them.
oh.............. Farglesnot... :(
I re-wrote that stuff 5 times trying to render it clearly, apparently a sixth was required. :|

I'd love to hear your questions and input on the subject.
Ravenheart87 wrote:I bought the pdf on d20pfsrd and checked it out quickly. While it isn't going to be the DCC's Fiend Folio or Tome of Horrors, it's a decent monster book. There are lots of tools to customize and create monsters. The only thing I didn't like so far are the big ass stat blocks. They are way too detailed for my taste, but even this serves the purpose of customization.
Thanx for the honest appraisal. You're correct, creating monsters and customization are core principles for the CCD. Now you can apply all of those customization material to all those critters in the ToH and FF... think of all the glorious terror in the eyes of your hardened long-term players when you bust out with a Red Slaad with a new luck drain mutation, or a bunch of grimloks with anti-magic auras. :)
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Raven_Crowking »

Tortog wrote:
Raven_Crowking wrote:My print copy just arrived.

I've been going over the pdf copy while waiting, and overall I impressed by the amount of work you've done. Not everything is to my taste (and I did not expect it to be), but the normal animal stats are definitely going to get use. There are too many PCs with ducks, cows, and dogs not to have these stats, and an elephant or a horse is always good to have info on.
Thanx. Glad there is something you can use. I recommend the following formula: normal critters + mutations = hours of terror filed surprises for players.

Don't worry; no buyer's remorse here. Like the selection in the back of the core rulebook, it is useful to have some handy stats when the PCs head off into the unprepared Blue! And, of course, the normal creatures are valuable for at least two reasons: (1) because PCs tend to own them, and sometimes you need to know whether or not the herder's dog will survive an attack, and (2) normal animals are useful to present as a backdrop against which the weirder stuff can actually seem weird.
The rules related to running and distance travelled were a trifle unclear IMHO, but I like the general idea of them.
oh.............. Farglesnot... :(
I re-wrote that stuff 5 times trying to render it clearly, apparently a sixth was required. :|

I'd love to hear your questions and input on the subject.
Let me read it through a few more times, and I'll get back to you.

I've done quite a bit of walking in my lifetime, and walking long distances day after day wears on you. I like the idea of variable travel times, and will probably use this material as soon as I am sure I understand it.

To clarify my earlier question about the OGL and content: I would never use someone else's work without giving them credit. I am actually working on several adventures right now, for various venues, and in the text of one I have already recommended using Critical Table F if the judge has access to your book. I have avoided using any stats at this point, though, because I am not sure what you would consider appropriate.

In general, what I would suggest is allowing names, standard format DCC stat blocks, and a brief description of appearance/behaviour/special abilities in other people's DCC products. A lot of the creatures one is going to encounter in DCC are going to be unique anyway; it is hard to imagine more than a scattering of such statblocks even in a large module. Natural animals like crows, cows, dogs, etc., though, would be useful to the writer.

For Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between, we used the following text:

Dragon's Hoard Publishing is proud to support the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game. To this purpose, the publisher and authors hereby grant permission to use the name of any patron or patron spell in this product by name, and to include the full write-up of up to two patrons, in any product published for the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game, either by Goodman Games or under the Goodman Games DCC RPG Third Party Publishing License Agreement. Prospective publishers must include the copy, "Additional patron material from Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between, published by Dragon's Hoard Publishing, Daniel J. Bishop and Paul Wolfe authors, copyright 2012" in a reasonably prominent location (such as the credits section of the book, or in the licensing section) to obtain this permission.

The idea was to increase the value of the book to prospective writers, and also to increase the value of the book to players, as its content is more relevant if it is used in many products rather than fewer.

Anyway, you did a good job on this book. Best of luck with sales, and with future projects!

SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

@RC> Thanks for the kind words and wishes and return to you wishes for good luck in your endeavors as well.

I'd also like to thank you for this:
Dragon's Hoard Publishing is proud to support the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game. To this purpose, the publisher and authors hereby grant permission to use the name of any patron or patron spell in this product by name, and to include the full write-up of up to two patrons, in any product published for the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game, either by Goodman Games or under the Goodman Games DCC RPG Third Party Publishing License Agreement. Prospective publishers must include the copy, "Additional patron material from Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between, published by Dragon's Hoard Publishing, Daniel J. Bishop and Paul Wolfe authors, copyright 2012" in a reasonably prominent location (such as the credits section of the book, or in the licensing section) to obtain this permission.

As advice goes... that truly is a rare gem. I'll be swiping that, thanx... :wink:

The idea was to increase the value of the book to prospective writers, and also to increase the value of the book to players, as its content is more relevant if it is used in many products rather than fewer.

I totally agree. Incidentally, Angels, Daemons, and Beings Between as well as In the Prison of the Squid Sorcerer are on my Must have list. :D

Thanx to everyone else as well, so far things are going much better than I'd thought they would and I hope you all have fun making new critters! :mrgreen:
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Raven_Crowking »

No worries. The DCC crowd seems to hearken back not only to old-style gaming, but also to old-style helping each other out/sharing inspiration. This is a great community to be involved with!
SoBH pbp:

Cathbad the Meek (herbalist Wizard 1): AC 9; 4 hp; S 7, A 7, St 10, P 17, I 13, L 8; Neutral; Club, herbs, 50' rope, 50 cp; -1 to melee attack rolls. Hideous scar.
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Gameogre »

It's now on rpgnow! That means I get to go buy it now! Woot
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

Gameogre wrote:It's now on rpgnow! That means I get to go buy it now! Woot
At the moment it's digital only, but I'm waiting for my proof copy from the printer that works with rpgnow... I was going to make an announcement after I got everything bundled properly. :wink: But the fact that it got noticed prior to my announcement is quite a positive sign I think. I hope you enjoy it. :mrgreen:
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

OK! First off, Thanx to everyone for their interest in the CCD! We finally managed to get things set up for a package combo at DriveThruRPG; sorry took longer than I thought it would to find a way to do this. :) Now you can get both the digital and hard copy combo pack for 19.99 +S/H and any taxes etc. at the following link: ... rs_id=5305
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by GnomeBoy »

I haven't been able to dive into this book the way I'd like to yet -- but I can see it's a handy resource, and I'm itching to explore the Mutation tables much more...! :twisted:
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Re: Creature Catalog

Post by Tortog »

Thanx GB! I think you'll really like it.

I was bouncing around the boards the other day and found this thread: ... 60&t=44370

And it reminded me that I forgot to mention one of the CCD's lesser, but still fantastic selling points! We all know what happens to soft-bound gaming books eventually... the bindings break. :cry:

Fear not!!! I have specifically set up the margins such that when this happens (because it's a question of when, not if) you can take your copy of the CCD (or any other of my books) down to your local fedx/kinkos, or pip printing, &c. and have them cut the binding off and coil bind it. :mrgreen:

It'll look like this: ... sp=sharing
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