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Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:50 pm
by DCCfan
The board ate my post and I'm not typing it again. :x
Basically creating the characters was the most fun. The DM had pregens but I insisted on rolling up my own. Play ended up being too easy. We only lost 4 out of 16 PC's. I was expecting mass death.
After reading the free adventure I think the DM played it soft. I think the DM missed the mark on this one. I'm not sure he got the DCC RPG tone right. Still it was fun to try and I got the free adventure so all is good. Now I'll try to get a game of my own going.

Rereading this it sounds a bit harsh. Sorry for that. I was a little ticked that my write up was swallowed by the boards. I wasn't trying to take it out on the DM. Thanks again for coming out and running the game.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:10 pm
by Rick
I experienced the other end of the spectrum; I played in the game Joseph ran at Dicehead Comics & Games last night. There were 11 players at the table and we lost 20 of 33 Pcs (!).

Don't get me wrong, it was awesome. I felt like I'd achieved something by having one surviving character. One dude lost 5 characters alone (all three of his and two loaners).

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:41 pm
by kerrybrn
The group I was in had 4 players controlling a total of 18 pc's. We finished the game with 1 pc each. Everyone had a blast playing, and personally, I can't wait to try out a 1st level character.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:52 am
by finarvyn
DCCfan wrote:I think the DM played it soft. I think the DM missed the mark on this one. I'm not sure he got the DCC RPG tone right.
Keep in mind that there isn't just a learning curve for players, but also for DMs. I know that the first time I ran a playtest, my players were agonizng over losing each and every zero character and I started to take pity on them. When we had a snack break I asked them about losing so many and if I should allow for more healing or anything like that and they said "no, play it the way the rulebook says. Be tough."

They enjoyed a TPK shortly thereafter. :lol:

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:45 am
by DCCfan
I am thankful that the DM came out and had a game for me to play in. It's Florida and it was very hot.( 90+ degrees)
He had a tent to help with the sun and was really trying to generate some interest in the game. Most people hadn't heard of it and less were willing to try it. The event was at a place called The Comics Club Inc. in Brandon. A nice comic shop but a little small. The owner was very friendly and had his whole family on hand to help out. I thanked him for hosting the event and told him how none of my local game stores were participating. We both looked around at all the people in his store buying stuff and shook our heads. What a missed opportunity. No wonder so many stores are going out of business. Gaming was done outside on the sidewalk in the heat. Still they had free grab bags, door prizes, pizza, and the free RPG. The staff was helpful and everything was on sale at least 20%. They had a good selection of games and minis for such a small store. D&D 4E and Pathfinder were well represented but no Goodman Games. :( Most 3PP were on a single book shelf in the back with the spines facing out. Man my eyes are bad. I had to flip through them one by one to find what I wanted.
I had a good time though and plan to go back next year for sure.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:50 pm
by Lennon V. C.
Thanks for the feedback. It is rare to get some honest constructive criticism.

I admit; I was being heavy handed with my hints for the puzzles and handed out some skill check rolls that I probably shouldn't have. I also would have been a bit tougher judge if there weren't two players at the table who have never played an RPG before. Yet, I agree with you. I should have had the clay army do some more damage, and dropped less hints.

You mentioned the "Tone". I would really like to know how I could improve this. It is hard to take an inventory of yourself while you are performing. Let me know how I could do it better.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:03 pm
by finarvyn
Lennon V. C. wrote:You mentioned the "Tone". I would really like to know how I could improve this. It is hard to take an inventory of yourself while you are performing. Let me know how I could do it better.
Have you read much of the fiction from Appendix N? If not, you might read a few of the stories (I'd start with Leiber's Lankhmar and maybe add on Howard's Conan.)

This helps me "see" the tone I need to set. Kind of dark and gritty, but not really a horror setting. I like to throw in creepy shadowy things in the corners where players can't quite see what they are dealing with. And creatures with tentacles. Tentacles are creepy.

Robert E Howard likes to use pre-human pictish savages a lot. Mis-shapen skulls. Unnatural appearance. Things like this are kind of sinister without having to have lots of hit points.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:43 am
by DCCfan
Lennon V. C. wrote:Thanks for the feedback. It is rare to get some honest constructive criticism.

I admit; I was being heavy handed with my hints for the puzzles and handed out some skill check rolls that I probably shouldn't have. I also would have been a bit tougher judge if there weren't two players at the table who have never played an RPG before. Yet, I agree with you. I should have had the clay army do some more damage, and dropped less hints.

You mentioned the "Tone". I would really like to know how I could improve this. It is hard to take an inventory of yourself while you are performing. Let me know how I could do it better.
I admit having two newbies at the table makes you want to drop more hints and try to help. When I get these urges I try to explain a part of the game. For example you mentioned burning luck but an example might have given everyone a clear idea of how to use it. Maybe when a roll had been failed you could have stepped in and said this is how luck could have changed this around and saved farmer Joe from death. If you don't like to stop the action make a note and give a quick this is how things could have gone at the end. Then show everyone how to burn luck in an example.
When I mentioned tone I was talking about the lack of death. It seemed like we kinda breezed through with few losses. The pregens were done well but I think it took a big part of this game away from the players. I know on the one hand that it speeds things up but making the characters forces people to look at them closely. Then they will start to ask questions like what is the action die, why are my hit points so low, and were is my wisdom? This could give you a chance to teach some of the new things to players before the adventure starts and talk about the Appendix N flavor of this edition.
Anyway that's my two coppers of wisdom. I still had a good time raiding tombs with you. Maybe I'll see you next year and we can do it again.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:38 am
by Michael Pfaff
Had four players over last night for Free RPG Day (homebrewed) and I let them roll up 3 0-levels each (for a total of 12 PCs). I was pretty generous with clues for the most part.

The lone dwarf in the party died from the searing flames of the first door. The Astrologer of the group chipped out the crystals from the door, so I let him basically deactivate the trap on that one. Then, they kicked in the next door (to the spear throwing statues). It was basically one guy (Thomas the Mercenary), but as soon as the door went flying off its hinges, the statues activated, all four of them scoring mega-hits and dealing 21 damage to Thomas' 5 or so hit points. Massive death.

2 down. 10 left.

At this point, Harold the Astrologer takes his crystals and flees the dungeon. "Screw that!"

2 down. 1 fled. 9 left.

The giant fire throwing statue in the third room nearly wiped out the entire party. After the first two PCs died (Paladin the Ostler and Eva the Elven Huntress), I thought they had figured it out. But, nope. They got one PC into the corridor that led to the throne room with the Demon Snake, and the other into the burial chamber with the general's skulls, but then the rest tried to "make a run for it". The statue's attack was brutal (+6??? vs. average ACs of 10, maybe 11...). Their only saving grace was the statue running out of fuel. It killed 4 PCs. And, hurt one more (I rolled lousy - only 3 hp. Most of the fire attacks did 5+, especially with the ongoing damage afterward).

5 down. 1 fled. 6 left.

They rallied in the corridor leading to the Demon Snake, and hearing hissing sounds ventured further. The snake was tough, and upon seeing it slither forward they charged. It was a decent battle with one scoring a critical (woot! +1d4 damage with a spear 1d8... for a total of TWO hit points! Yay!). Conrad the Con Artist tried to get in close and slice with his dagger, but the snake ripped his throat out. Then, Teresa the Baker with her +5 attack/+5 damage (17 Strength +2 and 18 Luck with a luck bonus to attack and damage rolls...) sliced the snake in half, turning it to ash and collecting its demon horn.

6 down. 1 fled. 4 left - one for each player.

At this point, the entire group wanted to leave. :)

I encouraged one of them to get some balls and move on.

They entered the gazing pool room, but did not dare mess with the crystals. Micah the Wizard's Apprentice dragged his brother Nimrod the Hunter (death by fire statue) into the room and with the crystalline figures there, asked them if the water would return his brother to life. No response. Stomp your foot if you don't want me to put him in the water. No response. Ok, dragging Nimrod into the water. No effect. But, as James the Farmer enters the room with his torch, the figures are strangely drawn to him. It's unsettling, but he doesn't attack them.

The PCs are terrified to interact with the expensive looking crystals at the bottom of the pool. So, luring the crystal guys out of that room and into the statue fire throwing room, they then head down the stairs to the general's planning station. A fairly mundane room. They loot the silver figurines and move on. In the next room, nearly a hundred clay figures spring to life.


The PCs run their ass off. I let them roll an Agility check to see if they make it out. They all succeed. They finally make it out of the portal and it shimmers away as the clay soldiers are charging toward the portal.

Harold the Astrologer outside with the mule decides he's not sharing the crystals he took from the first door. So, Micah the Wizard's Apprentice uses his brother's (Nimrod) bow to shoot him in the belly. He hits. For max damage (6). Harold dies a slow, painful death.

7 down. 4 left - one for each player.

The remaining PCs split up the loot (4 silver figurines worth 20 gp each, and some crystals...) and head back down the hill to Mud Gulch, where they decide to never adventure again (especially with the crappy characters who actually survived - well, outside of Teresa the Baker who was lovingly called "Conan the Baker").

Wow. That was longer than I meant it to be.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:22 am
by mshensley
DCCfan wrote:I am thankful that the DM came out and had a game for me to play in. It's Florida and it was very hot.( 90+ degrees)
He had a tent to help with the sun and was really trying to generate some interest in the game. Most people hadn't heard of it and less were willing to try it. The event was at a place called The Comics Club Inc. in Brandon. A nice comic shop but a little small. The owner was very friendly and had his whole family on hand to help out. I thanked him for hosting the event and told him how none of my local game stores were participating. We both looked around at all the people in his store buying stuff and shook our heads. What a missed opportunity. No wonder so many stores are going out of business. Gaming was done outside on the sidewalk in the heat. Still they had free grab bags, door prizes, pizza, and the free RPG. The staff was helpful and everything was on sale at least 20%. They had a good selection of games and minis for such a small store. D&D 4E and Pathfinder were well represented but no Goodman Games. :( Most 3PP were on a single book shelf in the back with the spines facing out. Man my eyes are bad. I had to flip through them one by one to find what I wanted.
I had a good time though and plan to go back next year for sure.
Hey, I was at that store Saturday too! I was on vacation and decided to drop by there on my way to Bradenton. The owner is a great guy and really knows how to nurture a gaming community. I used to go to his store all the time years ago when it was on the other coast down in Tamarac. Heh, I remember when their now teenaged daughter was a baby they kept in a crib behind the counter.

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:32 pm
by DCCfan
mshensley did you happen to play in the DCC game? If yes with which group and what did you think?

Re: Free RPG day and my first DCC RPG adventure

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:22 am
by mshensley
DCCfan wrote:mshensley did you happen to play in the DCC game? If yes with which group and what did you think?
No, I couldn't stick around long as I had my family in tow. I just stopped in long enough to buy a kodt I was missing and snatch up a copy of the dcc adventure.